Consolidated Treaty Series 1648 - 1920, (1969-1986) [F.c.28.H.16]
Edited by Clive Parry and published in 23 volumes, this covers the period from the date of the deposition of Charles I and the establishment of the modern state to the beginning of the League of Nations Treaty Series. It attempts to reprint the original text and official translations of all treaties published during that period. The multi-volume Index-Guide has a chronological list of treaties and country/party index. There are no subject indexes. Although an unofficial publication, this is the most complete historical collection of world treaties.
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, 1840 - 1924 [ F.c.28/J]
League of Nations Treaty Series, 1920 -1946 [F.c.28/H.18]
This covers the period from the formation of the League of Nations to the establishment of the United Nations. It has Subject and Chronological Index volumes.
United Nations Treaty Series, 1946 - present [F.c.28/H.18]
This began publication with the formation of the United Nations. The UN Charter requires that all treaties entered into by member states be registered with the Secretariat, and the Series publishes the full texts of these. They are published in order of registration, rather than date of conclusion, at a rate of about 40 per year. The Squire Library also subscribes to the electronic United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC, which has the useful Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary General).
United Kingdom Treaty Series, 1892 - present [F.c.28/J.16]
Treaties are published in this series after ratification. Prior to that date they appear as Command Papers, to which the Treaty Series is a sub-series. Thus each treaty has a Command Paper number and a Treaty Series number. The Indexes to Treaty Series consist of the General Index to Treaty Series, Annual Index to Treaty Series and Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals.
United Kingdom Command Papers on International Law and Relations, 1898 - present [F.c.26.H/10/4]
British and Foreign State Papers, 1906 - 1977 [F.c.28/J.9]
This covers the period 1812 - 1968. It contains the texts of important treaties and conventions between Great Britain and other countries, and some treaties between other countries. The cumulative Indexes are the best ways of finding treaties in this series.
European Treaty Series, 1949 - present [F.c.28.H/35]
Council of Europe treaties are published in the European Treaty Series (ETS).
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, 1950 - 1984 [ F.c.28/20]
Published by the Department of State, this provides authoritative citations for U.S. treaties.
Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States, 1946 - present [F.c.28.S/10]
Traité de La France, 1713 - 1802 [F.c.28.TM]
Canada Treaty Series, 1928 - 1996 [F.c.28/1]
International Legal Materials, 1962 - present [F.c.7/I/32] [2 sets]
Although not comprehensive, new treaties are often published here. The November issue contains the index.
European Yearbook, 1955 - present [F.sq.7/E.1]
This publishes important European treaties in force.
Treaty Indexes
Multilateral Treaties: Index and Current Status>
First published in 1984, edited by Bowman and Harris, this indexes major multilateral treaties, providing dates of conclusion, signing and entry into force, parties, reservations and notes on the scope and amending force of the treaties. Provides references to UNTS as well as other series. Contains subject and word indexes. As the name suggests, it is limited to multilateral agreements. It ceased publication after the 11th cumulative supplement in 1995.
Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary General
Part I covers U.N. multilateral treaties and is arranged by subject. Part II covers League of Nations multilateral treaties in chronological order. Multilateral Treaties is also available electronically from the United Nations Treaty Collection. See Databases below
Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders, 1947 - present [F.c.55/A]
Decisions from the International Court of Justice issued in both French and English. Each volume has a subject index. Westlaw has uploads of full text ICJ judgments, opinions and orders in English from 1947 onwards. Lexis uploads judgments which appear in International Legal Materials
Pleadings Oral Arguments and Documents, 1949 - present [F.c.55/B]
These are the documents filed in each case heard by the International Court of Justice. Oral arguments are verbatim.
Permanent Court of International Justice [F.c.54]
This was set up by the League of Nations and existed between 1922 and 1940. It was superceded by the International Court of Justice. Its publications consists of two series: A: Judgments [F.c.54/A] and B: Advisory Opinions [F.c.54/B]. In 1931 these were amalgamated into series A/B [F.c.54/AB] which contained the two documents. Series C [F.c.54/C] contained the pleadings. PCA Arbitration cases are also published in the International Law Reports [F.c.5/6,9,11] [3 sets]
International Law Reports [F.c.5/6,9,11] [3 sets]
Originally published as the Annual Digest of Public International Law, it changed its title to International Law Reports in 1950. The reports cover several countries. Decisions are from international tribunals as well as international courts. Cases are published in full with summaries. It is not available electronically.
Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and Court of First Instance [TE.c.5/7]
Part I of the reports contains ECJ cases and Part II contains CFI cases. Cases can also be found in commercial publications such as Common Market Law Reports [TE.c.5/10 ] and through commercial databases such as Lexis, Westlaw and Justis Context.
European Court of Human Rights Judgments and Decisions [F.nh.56/1]
The judgments of the European Human Rights Court are published by the Court's registry. Decisions of the former Commission were reported in a series titled Decisions and Reports of the European Commission on Human Rights, 1975 - 1998 [F.nh.56.8]. Judgments of the Court may also be found in the European Human Rights Reports [F.nh.5/1/].
World Court Digest, 1986 - 2000 [F.c.5/23]
Produced by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. It is also available on the Max Planck website, ( ). It continues the previous series Digest of the Decisions of the International Court of Justice.
International Legal Materials, 1962 - present [F.c.7/I/32]
This is published by the American Society of International Law. It contains inter alia reports from the International Court of Justice, European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, WTO and ICSID.
British Yearbook of International Law, 1920 - present [F.c.7/B,4,8,12]
This journal publishes "Decisions of British Courts" involving questions of Public or Private International Law.
Hague Yearbook of International Law, 1947 - present [ F.c.7/Y.5]
This journal covers publications of the International Court of Justice and has a chronological list of official citations to opinions and pleadings.
Yearbook of the International Court of Justice, 1950 - present [ F.c.55/C]
This is published by the ICJ and contains information on cases heard by the Court during the year under review.
British International Law Cases, 1964 - 1973 [F.c.57.J/4]
Coverage is of cases from 1607 - 1970. The series complements the International Law Reports.
American International Law Cases, 1783 - 1993 [F.c.57/S.1]
This contains full reprints of federal and state cases on international law.
Reports of International Arbitral Awards, 1948 - 1997 [F.c.5/14]
This was published by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.
Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, 1983 - present [F.c.56/6]
ICSID Reports, 1993 - present []
ICSID Awards are also published in International Legal Materials [F.c.7/I/32], International Law Reports [F.c.5/6,9,11] [3 sets] and Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration []
WTO Dispute Settlement Reports, 1998 - present [F.rjp.5/5] Users of the Squire Law Library have access to materials in the main University Library (200 yds north across West Rd - click map) in its role as a deposit library for the World Trade Organisation. The Official Publications department contains all official publications and documents of the WTO.
International Trade Law Reports, 1998 - present [F.rjp.5/1]
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, 1976 - present []
United Nations
Users of the Squire Law Library have access to materials in the main University Library (200 yds north across West Rd - click map)) in its role as a deposit library for the United Nations. The Official Publications department contains all official publications and documents of the United Nations.
United Nations General Assembly: Key Resolutions, 1997 - present [F.c.36/E]
United Nations General Assembly: Official Records, Annexes, Plenary Meetings, 1946 - present [F.c.36/A]
United Nations International Law Commission Yearbook, 1950 - present [F.c.36/A/CN.4]
United Nations Security Council Meetings, Supplements, Resolutions, Decisions, 1946 - 1979 [F.c.36/S-INF]
United Nations Economic and Social Council: Official Records, Supplements, 1946 - present[F.c.36/E]
United Nations Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1949 - present [F.c.36/A.CN.4]
United Nations Monthly Chronicle [Continuation of United Nations Review], 1964 - present [F.c.36/3]