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  1. "Third Party Rights – Two Recent Cases" (1968) 3 Adel LR 260-5
  2. (with MC Harris), "The Powers and Authorities Vested in Him" (1969) 3 Adel LR 303-34.
  3. "Decisions of British Courts during 1974-1975 involving Questions of Public International Law" (l974-5) 47 British Ybk of Int Law 341-69
  4. "The Polish Question at Yalta and Potsdam" (1977) Studies for a New Central Europe, Ser 4 Nos 1-2, 89-l00
  5. "The International Legal Status of the Valleys of Andorra" (1977) 55 Revue de droit international, de sciences diplomatiques et politiques 259-73
  6. "Intercountry Adoption - the Legal Aspects" in GP Mullins (ed), Intercountry Adoption (University of Adelaide, Department of Adult Education, Publication No 58, 1977) 52-62
  7. "The Criteria for Statehood in International Law" (l976-7) 48 British Ybk of Int Law 93-182
  8. "Decisions of British Courts during 1976-1977 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1976-7) 48 British Ybk of Int Law  333-62
  9. "The New Structure of Australian Courts" (1978) 6 Adel LR 204-33
  10. The Creation of States in International Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979) i-xxviii, 1-498
  11. "Decisions of British Courts during 1977-1978 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1978) 49 British Ybk of Int Law 259-86
  12. "The International Law Standard in the Statutes of Australia and the United Kingdom" (1979) 73 American Journal of Int Law 628-46
  13. "The Legal Effect of Automatic Reservations to the Jurisdiction of the International Court" (1979) 50 British Ybk of Int Law 63-86
  14. "Senate Casual Vacancies: Interpreting the 1977 Amendment" (1979) 7 Adel LR 224-52
  15. "Decisions of British Courts during 1979 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1979) 50 British Ybk of Int Law 217-41
  16. "The Contribution of Professor D.P. O'Connell to the Discipline of International Law" (1980) 51 British Ybk of Int Law 1-86; partly reprinted as "State Succession: The Continuity Thesis and its Rivals" in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 243-299
  17. "Decisions of British Courts during 1980 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1980) 51 British Ybk of Int Law 303-28
  18. "Execution of Judgments and Foreign Sovereign Immunity" (1981) 75 American Jnl of Int Law 820-69
  19. Australian Courts of Law (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1982) i-xv, 1-297 (reprinted with addenda, 1984)
  20. "The Human Rights Commission Bill, 1979 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" in G Nettheim (ed) Legislating for Human Rights (University of NSW, Faculty of Law, Seminar Papers, 1982) 90-127
  21. "Decisions of British Courts during 198l involving Questions of Public International Law" (198l) 52 British Ybk of Int Law 301-19
  22. "A Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act for Australia?" (1983) 8 Australian Ybk of Int Law 71-107
  23. "Decisions of British Courts during 1982 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1982) 53 British Ybk of Int Law 253-94
  24. "Admiralty Jurisdiction in Australia: The Australian Law Reform Commission's Reference" (1983) 1 MLAANZ Newsletter 4-14
  25. "General International Law and the Common Law", (1982) 76 Proceedings of the American Society of Int Law 232-44
  26. "International Law and Foreign Sovereigns: Distinguishing Immune Transactions" (1983) 54 British Ybk of Int Law 75-118
  27. "The Evolution of Australia's International Personality" (a revision of lst edn chapter prepared by DP O'Connell) in KW Ryan (ed), International Law in Australia (2nd edn, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1984) 1-34
  28. (with WR Edeson) "International Law and Australian Law" in KW Ryan (ed), International Law in Australia (2nd edn, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1984) 71-135
  29. "Decisions of British Courts during 1983 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1983) 54 British Ybk of Int Law 271-97
  30. "The Australian Law Reform Commission's Reference on the Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Law" (1984) 17 Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee 133-76
  31. "Scrutiny: A Comment on the Implementation of the Laws of War" (1984) 9 Australian Ybk of Int Law 359-63
  32. "Australia", in Teaching and Research in International Law in Asia and the Pacific (Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 1985) 35-78; reprinted in revised form as "Teaching and Research in International Law in Australia" (1985) 10 Australian Ybk of Int Law 176-201; reprinted in (1984) 29 Korean Journal of Int Law 93-120
  33. "Foreign State Immunity: Problems and Proposals" in Attorney-General's Department, Eleventh International Trade Law Seminar (Canberra, 1985) 539-97
  34. "Decisions of British Courts during 1984 involving Questions of Public International Law" (1984) 55 British Ybk of Int Law 331-45
  35. "Constitutional Issues relating to Environmental Management" in JR Hails (ed), Industry and Environmental Law Workshop - 1984 Proceedings (AMIC, Canberra, 1985) 20-47
  36. "Opinion on the Proposed Family Law Powers" in Australian Constitutional Convention, Judicature Sub-Committee, Second Report to Standing Committee (May 1985) 15-28; reprinted in Proceedings of the Australian Constitutional Convention Brisbane 29 July-1 August 1985 (Queensland Government Printer, Brisbane, 1985) vol II
  37. "Territorial Change and the Status of Inhabitants" in ICSK Forum Series No 7, Korean Residents in Japan and Korea-Japan Relations (International Cultural Society of Korea, Seoul, 1985) 53-84; also published in (1986) 27 Seoul Law Journal 34-62
  38. (with S Graebner) "The Role of Parliament in Law-making: The Legal View" (1986) 1 (2) Legislative Studies 24-31
  39. "Decisions of British Courts during 1985 involving Questions of Public International Law" (l985) 56 British Yearbook of International Law 311-333
  40. (with P Hennessy & M Fisher) "Aboriginal Customary Laws: Proposals for Reform" in KM Hazlehurst, Ivory Scales: Black Australians and the Law (Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, 1986) 215-49; (reissued under the same title by University of New South Wales Press, Kensington, 1987, 190-226)
  41. "The Legislative Power of the Commonwealth" in G Craven (ed), Commentaries on the Convention Debates (Legal Books, Sydney, 1986) 113-125
  42. "Decisions of British Courts during 1986 involving Questions of Public International Law" (l986) 57 British Yearbook of International Law 405-428
  43. "La Nouvelle Legislation Australienne sur l’Immunité des Etats Etrangers" (1987) 76 Revue Critique de Droit International Privé 456-465; revised and translated as "Australian Legislation on Foreign State Immunity" in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 453-466
  44. "The Aborigine in Comparative Law" (1987) 2 Law and Anthropology 5-27
  45. "International Law and the Recognition of Aboriginal Law" in B Hocking (ed), International Law and Aboriginal Human Rights (Law Book Co, Sydney, 1988) 43-67
  46. Australian Courts of Law (2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1988) i-xvii, 1-286
  47. "Self-Determination outside the Colonial Context" in WJA Macartney (ed) Self-Determination in the Commonwealth (Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1988) 1-22
  48. (with K Mason) "The Cross-Vesting Scheme" (1988) 62 Australian Law Journal 328-348
  49. (with P Hennessy & M Fisher) "Aboriginal Customary Laws: Proposals for Recognition" in G Woodman & B Morse (eds) Indigenous Law and the State (Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1988) 27-64
  50. The Rights of Peoples (editor) (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988; paperback, 1992) i-x, 1-236
  51. "The Rights of Peoples: 'Peoples' or 'Governments'?" in J Crawford (ed) The Rights of Peoples (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988) 55-68, reprinted in P Hayden (ed), The Philosophy of Human Rights (Paragon House, St Paul, 2001) 427-444; and in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 159-174
  52. "The Rights of Peoples: Some Conclusions" in J Crawford (ed) The Rights of Peoples (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988) 159-177
  53. "Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada" (A Research Report for the Canadian Bar Association, Committee on Native Justice, January 1988) 1-79
  54. "Australian Law after Two Centuries" in K Hancock (ed), Australian Society (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989) 192-207; reprinted in an extended version under the same title in (1988) 11 Sydney Law Review 444-467
  55. (with D StL Kelly) "Choice of Law under the Cross-vesting Legislation" (1988) 62 Australian Law Journal) 589-603
  56. "The Aboriginal Legal Heritage: Aboriginal Public Law and the Treaty Proposal" (1989) 63 Australian Law Journal 392-403
  57. "Opinion on Australia's Obligations under the Berne Convention to Introduce Moral Rights" (1989) 7(1) Copyright Reporter 8-15
  58. "The Appropriation of Terra Nullius. A Review Symposium" (1989) 59 Oceania 226-229
  59. "Islands as Sovereign States" (1989) 38 International and Comparative Law Journal 277-298
  60. (with P Hyndman) "Three Heresies in the Application of the Refugee Convention" (1989) 1(2) International Journal of Refugee Law 155-179
  61. (with F Brennan) "Aboriginality, Recognition and Australian Law: Where to from Here?" (1990) 1 Public Law Review 53-79; published in revised form as "Aboriginality, Recognition and Australian Law: The Need for a Bipartisan Approach" (1990) 62 Australian Quarterly 145-169
  62. "The High Court and the Corporations Power: Incorporation 'Reserved' to the States" (1990) 1 Australian Corporation Law Bulletin 32-35
  63. "The Australian Law Reform Commission's Reference on the Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws" (1990) 51 Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History 275-305; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 539-574
  64. "The Creation of the State of Palestine: Too Much Too Soon?" (1990) 1 European Journal of International Law 307-313
  65. "Australian Immigration Law and Refugees: The 1989 Amendments" (1990) 2 International Journal of Refugee Law 626-635
  66. "The Constitution and the Environment" (1991) 13 Sydney Law Review 11-30; also in J Behrens & BM Tsamenyi (eds), Our Common Future. Environmental Law and Policy Workshop. Papers and Proceedings (Hobart, University of Tasmania Press, 1991) 8-24
  67. "Realism, Scepticism and the Future World Order.  Some Thoughts on Julius Stone's Contribution to International Law" in C Phegan & P Loughlan (eds), Sydney Law School Centenary Essays 247-163; also in (1991) 13 Sydney Law Review 475-491
  68. "The Future of the Public Law Schools" (1991) 9 Journal of Professional Legal Education 1-10
  69. "The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Law: An Overview" in C Cunneen (ed), Aboriginal Perspectives on Criminal Justice (Institute of Criminology, Sydney, 1992) 53-75
  70. "Amendment of the Constitution" in G Craven (ed), Australian Federation. Towards the Second Century (Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1992) 177-192
  71. "The Constitution" in T Bonyhady (ed), Environmental Protection and Legal Change (Federation Press, Sydney, 1992) 1-23
  72. "The Role of Transnational Environmental Law in Protecting the Environment of Asia and the Pacific" (1992) 1 Asia Pacific Law Review 32-50
  73. "State Succession and Relations with Federal States: Remarks" (1992) 86 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 15-18
  74. (with DR Rothwell) "Legal Issues Confronting Australia's Antarctica" (1993) 13 Australian Yearbook of International Law 53-88
  75. "Who is the Government? The Executive and the Courts" (1993) 52 Cambridge Law Journal 4-6
  76. Australian Courts of Law (3rd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1993) xvi + 335
  77. "Democracy in International Law" (Inaugural lecture, 5 March 1993, published in pamphlet form by CUP, pp 1-43; published in revised form in (1993) 64 British Yearbook of International Law 113-133; reprinted in GH Fox & BR Roth (eds), Democratic Governance and International Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) 91-113, and in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 39-68
  78. "The ILC's Draft Statute for an International Criminal Tribunal" (1994) 88 American Journal of International Law 140-152
  79. "Counter-measures as Interim Measures" (1994) 5 European Journal of International Law 65-76; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 361-374
  80. "Legal Pluralism and the Indigenous Peoples of Australia" in O Mendelsohn & U Baxi, The Rights of Subordinated Peoples (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1994) 178-220
  81. "Admiralty" in JA Riordan (ed), The Laws of Australia, vol 84, Transport (Law Book Co, Melbourne, 1994) title 34.4, 1-87 (revised, September 1994)
  82. (with T Viles) "International Law on a Given Day" in K Ginther & ors, Völkerrecht zwischen normativen Anspruch und politischer Realität. Festschrift für Karl Zemanek zum 65. Geburtstag (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1994) 45-68; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 69-94
  83. The Law of the Sea in the Asia Pacific Region (editor, with DR Rothwell) (Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1995) ix + 282
  84. "The ILC Adopts a Statute for an International Criminal Court" (1995) 89 American Journal of International Law 404-422; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 495-514
  85. "Negotiating Global Security Threats in a World of Nation States: Issues and Problems of Sovereignty" (1995) 38 American Behavioural Scientist 867-888; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 95-122
  86. "Prospects for an International Criminal Court" (1995) 48 Current Legal Problems 303-326
  87. "The Internationalization of Criminal Law. Remarks", (1995) 89 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 301-304
  88. (with DW Bowett, I Sinclair, AD Watts), "The International Court of Justice. Efficiency of Procedures and Working Methods" (1996) 45 (1) International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Supplement, S1-S35; reprinted with corrections and addenda in DE Bowett & ors, The International Court of Justice: Process, Practice and Procedure (British Institute for International and Comparative Law, London, 1997) 27-84
  89. "The General Assembly, the International Court and Self-determination" in AV Lowe & M Fitzmaurice (eds), Essays in honour of RY Jennings (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996) 585-605; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 175-198
  90. The Australian Admiralty Act: Project and Practice (Ebsworth & Ebsworth Maritime Law Lecture, Sydney, 6 August 1996: ISBN 0 646 28481 9) 1-22; republished in [1997] Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly 519-540; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 467-494
  91. "Foreword" to TLH McCormack & GJ Simpson (eds), The Law of War Crimes. National and International Approaches (Kluwer, The Hague, 1997) xiii-xv
  92. "The International Law Association from 1873 to the Present" [1997/1] Uniform Law Review 69
  93. "Universalism and Regionalism from the Perspective of the International Law Commission" in A Pellet (ed), International Law on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century.  Views from the International Law Commission (United Nations, New York, 1997) 99-121; and in Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 575-596
  94. "The International Court, Judicial Administration and the Rule of Law", in DE Bowett & ors, The International Court of Justice: Process, Practice and Procedure (British Institute for International and Comparative Law, London, 1997) 112-123
  95. "International Law and Australian Federalism: Past, Present and Future" in B Opeskin & D Rothwell (eds), International Law and Australian Federalism (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1997) 324-341
  96. (with Philippe Sands), Article 11 Agreements under the Basel Convention (International Council for Metals and the Environment, Ottawa, 1997) 46pp
  97. "Problems in the Presentation of a Case: Commentary" in C Peck & R Lee (eds), Increasing the Effectiveness of the International Court of Justice (Nijhoff, The Hague, 1997) 148-155
  98. "The Charter of the United Nations as a Constitution" in H Fox (ed), The Changing Constitution of the United Nations (British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 1997) 3-18; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 123-136
  99. "Military Activities against Nicaragua Case" in R Bernhardt (ed), Encylopedia of Public International Law (Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co) vol 3, pp. 271-278
  100. "On Re-reading the Draft Articles on State Responsibility", (1998) 92 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 295-299
  101. (with P Sands), "Legal Aspects of a Nuclear Weapons Convention", in Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Background Papers (Canberra, AGPS, 1996) 275-302, in revised form (1998) 6 African Ybk of Int Law 153-180
  102. "State Practice and International Law in relation to Secession" (1998) 69 British Yearbook of International Law 85-117; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 199-242
  103. (with Susan Marks), "The Global Democracy Deficit: An Essay in International Law and its Limits" in D Archibugi, D Held, M Köhler (eds), Re-Imagining Political Community.  Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy (Cambridge, Polity Press, 1998) 72-90; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 137-156
  104. "International Law and International Crimes: Comments on a Developing Relationship" in Società Italiana di Diritto Internzionale, Cooperazione fra Stati e Giustizia Penale Internazionale.  III Convegno, Siena, 12-13 giugno 1998 (Editoriale Scientifica, Roma, 1999) 147-158; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 387-398
  105. "Prospects for the Codification and Progressive Development of International law by the United Nations", (1998) 9 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 9-15
  106. "Revising the Draft Articles on State Responsibility", (1999) 10 European Journal of International Law 435-460; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 303-316
  107. "Israel (1948-49) and Palestine (1998-99): Two Studies In The Creation Of States" in G Goodwin-Gill & S Talmon (eds), The Reality of International Law.  Essays in Honour of Ian Brownlie (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1999) 95-124
  108. (coedited with Philip Alston) The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) i-xxx, 1-530
  109. "The UN human rights treaty system: A system in crisis?" in Philip Alston & J Crawford (eds), The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) 1-12
  110. "Democracy in International Law – A Reprise" in GH Fox & BR Roth (eds), Democratic Governance and International Law (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) 114-120
  111. (with P. Bodeau), "Second Reading of the ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility: Further Progress", (2000) 2 International Law Forum 45-54
  112. "The Standing of States: A Critique of Article 40 of the ILC’s Draft Articles on State Responsibility", in M. Andenas (ed.), Judicial Review in International Perspective. Liber Amicorum for Gordon Slynn (Kluwer, The Hague, 2000) 25-44; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 317-340
  113. "The ILC’s Draft Articles on State Responsibility: Towards Completion of a Second Reading" (with P. Bodeau & J. Peel), (2000) 94 American Journal of International Law 660-676
  114. "La seconde lecture du projet d’articles sur la responsabilité des états de la Commission du Droit International.  Evolutions ou bouleversement?" (avec P. Bodeau & J. Peel), Revue Générale de Droit International Public, vol. 104 (2000), 911-938
  115. "The Relationship between Sanctions and Countermeasures", in V Gowlland-Debbas (ed.), United Nations Sanctions and International Law (Kluwer, The Hague, 2001) 57-68; J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 375-386
  116. "Responsibility to the International Community as a Whole", Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, vol. 8 (2001) 303-322; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 341-360
  117. "The Right to Self-Determination in International Law: Its Development and Future", in P. Alston (ed.), People’s Rights (Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law) (Oxford, OUP, 2001), 7-67
  118. The ILC’s Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002) xxviii + 384pp.; also published in French as Les articles de la C.D.I. sur la responsabilité de l’État. Introduction, texte et commentaires (Pedone, Paris, 2003), xvi & 461 and in Spanish as Spanish as Los artículos de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional sobre la Responsibilidad Internacional des Estado. Introducción, texto y commentarios (Dykinson, Madrid, 2004), 461
  119. "The ILC’s Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts: Completion of the Second Reading" (with J Peel & S Olleson), European Journal of International Law, vol. 12 (2001) 963-991; reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 399-431
  120. "The Exception of Non-performance: Links between the Law of Treaties and the Law of State Responsibility" (with S Olleson), Australian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 21 pp. 55-74 (2001)
  121. "The UNIDROIT Principles and their Application to State Contracts" (with A Sinclair), ICC Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Special Supplement (Paris, 2002), pp. 57-75
  122. "The Work of the International Law Commission", in A Cassese & P Gaeta (eds), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2002) pp. 23-34
  123. International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 1-607
  124. "International Law as an Open System", in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 17-38
  125. "The Drafting of the Rome Statute", in P Sands (ed), From Nuremberg to The Hague.  The Future of International Criminal Justice (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003) 109-165, reprinted in J Crawford, International Law as an Open System.  Selected Essays (Cameron & May, London, 2002) pp. 515-538
  126. "The ILC’s Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts: A Retrospect", (2002) 96 AJIL pp. 874-890
  127. "Les collectivités territoriales non-étatiques et le droit international de la responsabilité" (with M Mauguin), in Société français de droit international, Les collectivités territoriales non-étatiques dans le système juridique international (Pedone, Paris, 2002) 157-165
  128. (with Simon Olleson) "The Nature and Forms of International Responsibility" in M Evans (ed), International Law (OUP, Oxford, 2003) 445-472; (2nd edn, 2006), 451-478; (3rd edn, 2010), 441-471; (4th edn, 2014), 443-476
  129. "Advocacy before the International Court of Justice and other International Tribunals in State-to-State Cases", in R Doak Bishop, The Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration (Juris Publishing, Huntingdon, 2004) 11-38; 2nd edn, 2009, 303-330
  130. (with Brian Opeskin) Australian Courts of Law (4th, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2004) xii, 1-308
  131. "Marbury v. Madison at the International Level" (2004) 36 George Washington International Law Review505-514
  132. "International Law and the Rule of Law" (the First James Crawford Biennial Lecture on International Law), (2004) 24 Adelaide Law Review 3-12
  133. "Public International Law in Twentieth-century England", in J Beatson & R Zimmermann (eds), Jurists Uprooted. German-speaking Emigré Lawyers in Twentieth Century Britain (Oxford, OUP, 2004) 681-707
  134. "The Problems of Legitimacy-Speak", (2004) 98 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 271-273
  135. "State Responsibility" in S Blay, R Piotrowicz & M Tsamenyi (eds), Public International Law. An Australian Perspective  (OUP, Melbourne, 2nd edn, 2005) 204-222
  136. "Ivan Shearer: International Lawyer and Teacher", (2003) 24 Australian Yearbook of International Law 1-12
  137. Foreign Investment Disputes. Cases, Materials and Commentary (with R Doak Bishop and W Michael Reisman) (Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2005) lv + 1653
  138. Rights in One Country: Hong Kong and China (Hochelaga Lectures 2004, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 2005) (1-xviii, 1-42)
  139. (with Simon Olleson), "The Continuing Debate on a UN Convention on State Responsibility" (2005) 54 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 959-971
  140. "Responsibility of States and Non-State Actors" (2005) 104 Kokusaiho Gaiko Zassi (Journal of International Law and Diplomacy 42-64
  141. The Creation of States in International Law (2nd edn, Oxford University Press, 2006) i-lxii, 1-870
  142. "The ILC Articles on Diplomatic Protection", (2006) 31 South African Yearbook of International Law 1-37
  143. "Multilateral Rights and Obligations in International Law", (2006) 319 Receuil des cours 325-482
  144. (with Thomas Grant), "The International Court of Justice" in TG Weiss & S Daws (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the United Nations (OUP, Oxford, 2007) 193-213
  145. (with TD Grant) "Responsibility of States for Injuries to Foreigners", in JP Grant & JC Barker (eds), The Harvard Research in International Law: Contemporary Analysis and Appraisal (WS Hein, Buffalo, 2007) 77-126
  146. "Similarity of Issues arising under the same or similarly drafted Investment Treaties", in Y Banifatemi (ed), Precedent in International Arbitration (Juris Publishing, Huntingdon, 2008)  97-103
  147. "Treaty and Contract in Investment Arbitration", (2008) 24 Arbitration International 351-374
  148. (with TD Grant) "Local Remedies, Exhaustion of", in MPIL Encyclopaedia (3rd edn, OUP, 2008)
  149. "Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua Case (Nicaragua v United States of America", in MPIL Encyclopaedia (3rd edn, OUP, 2008)
  150. "International law in the House of Lords and the High Court of Australia 1996-2008: A Comparison" (The First Michael Kirby Lecture in International Law, Canberra, 27 June 2008) (2008) 28 Australian Yearbook of International Law 1-26
  151. "Responsibility, state", "Treaties", in P Cane & J Conaghan, The New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP, 2008), 1016-17, 1191-2
  152. (with N Schrijver), "The Institution of Permanent Adjudicatory Bodies and Recourse to ad hoc Tribunals", in The Second Hague Peace Conference 2007: Centenary Essays (Brill, The Hague, 2008) 153-175
  153. (with A Pellet), "Anglo-Saxon and Continental Approaches to Pleading before the ICJ", in J Crawford & ors, Festschrift for Gerhard Hafner (Nijhoff, The Hague, 2009) 831-867
  154. "Continuity and Discontinuity in International Dispute Settlement", in C Binder, U Kriebaum, A Reinisch & S Wittich (eds), International Investment Law for the 21st Century. Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer (OUP, Oxford, 2009) 801-817; also published as "Continuity and Discontinuity in International Dispute Settlement: An Inaugural Lecture", (2009) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 1-22
  155. "The Antarctic Treaty after 50 Years", in D French, M Saul & ND White (eds), International Law and Dispute Settlement.  New Problems and Techniques (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010) 271-296
  156. "State" in MPIL Encyclopaedia (3rd edn, OUP, 2011)
  157. (with T Grant & F Messineo), "Towards an International Law of Responsibility: Early Doctrine" in L Boisson de Chazournes & M Kohen (eds), International Law and the Quest for its Implementation Brill, Leiden, 2010) 377-402
  158. (with J Watkins), "International Responsibility", in S Besson & J Tasioulas (eds), Philosophy of International Law (OUP, 2010) 283-298
  159. "Ten Investment Arbitration Awards that Shook the World: Introduction and Overview"(2010) 4 Dispute Resolution International 71-93
  160. The Law of International Responsibility (edited with A Pellet & S Olleson) (Oxford, OUP, 2010) i-lxv, 1-1296: Author of: Chapter 2. The System of International Responsibility. pp 27-36 / Chapter 29. International Crimes of States. pp. 405-414 / Chapter 61. Overview of Part Three of the Articles on State Responsibility. pp. 931-940.)
  161. "Developments in International Commercial Arbitration: The Regulatory Framework" in L Nottage & R Garnett (ed), International Arbitration in Australia (Federation Press, 2010) 253-278
  162. "DW Bowett", (2009) 80 British Yearbook of International Law 1-8
  163. "Investment Arbitration and the ILC Articles on State Responsibility" (2010) 25 ICSID Reports-FILJ 127-197
  164. (with J McIntyre), "The Independence and Impartiality of the 'International Judiciary" in S Shetreet & C Forsyth, eds), The Culture of Judicial Independence (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2012), 189-214
  165. "Responsibility for breaches of communitarian norms: An appraisal of Article 48 of the ILC Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts", in U Fastenrath & ors (eds), From Bilateralism to Community Interest.  Essays in Honour of Judge Bruno Simma (OUP, Oxford, 2011) 224-240
  166. International Law 1989-2010: A Performance Appraisal (Proceedings of the 4th ESIL Conference, Cambridge, September 2010) (edited with Sarah Nouwen) (Hart, Oxford, 2012) i-xiv, 1-405
  167. "Keynote Address" in R Hofmann & CJ Tams (eds), International Investment Law and General International Law: From Clinical isolation to Systemic Integration (Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2011) 17-28
  168. "In dubio pro natura: The dissent of Judge Herczegh" in P Kovács (ed), International Law – A Quiet Strength (Miscellanea in memoriam Géza Herczegh) (Pázmány Press, Budapest, 2011) 251-265
  169. The Cambridge Companion to International Law (edited with Martti Koskenniemi) (Cambridge, CUP, 2012) i-xii, 1-478: Author of: Chapter 1.  Introduction (with M Koskenniemi) (pp 25-46) / Chapter 5. Sovereignty (pp 117-133)
  170. (with P Nevill), "Relations between international courts and tribunals: the ‘regime problem’" in M Young (ed), Regime Interaction in International Law (Cambridge, CUP, 2012) 235-260
  171. "The Nicaragua Case 25 Years Later: Jurisdiction and Applicable Law", (2012) 25 Leiden JIL 471-479
  172. "International Law as Disciple and Profession" (2012 Manley O Hudson Medal Lecture), (2012) 106 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 471-486
  173. Brownlie’s Principles of International Law (8th edn, Oxford University Press, 2012) lxxx+ 803
  174. "Ian Brownlie 1932-2010" in (2012) 11 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of The British Academy 55-77
  175. "The term of office of the United Nations Secretary-General" in Hague Academy of International Law, The 90th Birthday of Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2012) 59-84
  176. "Recognition in International Law: An Introduction to the Paperback Edition 2013", in H Lauterpacht, Recognition in International Law (reprinted, Cambridge, CUP, 2013) xxi-lix
  177. "Jurisdiction of International Tribunals: Some Ramifications of the Chorzów Factory Principle" in B Krzan (ed), Jurisdictional Competition of International Courts and Tribunals (Wrocław, 2012) 11-43
  178. "A Consensualist Interpretation of Article 31(3) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties" in G Nolte (ed), Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford University Press, 2013) 29-33
  179. State Responsibility: The General Part (Cambridge University Press, July 2013) lxxvi + 803
  180. "The International Court of Justice and the Law of State Responsibility" in C Tams & A Tzanakopoulos (eds), The Development of International Law by the International Court of Justice (Oxford, OUP, 2013) 71-86
  181. Chance, Order, Change: The Course of International Law, Receuil des cours, vol 365, 2013, 9-381; published as AIL-Pocketbook, 2014, 1-516; also published in French as Hasard, ordre et changement: le cours du droit international (Martinus Nijhoff, Paris, 2015), 439
  182. (with A Pellet & C Redgwell), "Anglo-American and Continental Traditions in Advocacy before International Courts and Tribunals" (2013) 2 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 1-23
  183. "The Regulatory Framework of International Commercial Arbitration: The Amended UNCITRAL Rules", in S Bhuiyan, P Sands & N Schrijver (eds), International Law and Developing Countries. Essays in Honour of Kamal Hossain (Brill, Leiden, 2014) 153-173
  184. "‘Dreamers of the Day’: Australia and the International Court of Justice" (2013) 14 Melbourne Journal of International Law 520-549
  185. Foreign Investment Disputes. Cases, Materials and Commentary (with R Doak Bishop and W Michael Reisman) (Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2nd edn, 2014) lvii + 1290
  186. "The Progressive Development of International Law: History, Theory and Practice" in D Alland, V Chetail, O de Frouville & JE Viñuales (eds), Unité et diversité du droit international/Unity and Diversity of International Law.  Essays in honour of Pierre-Marie Dupuy (Brill, 2014) 1-22
  187. (with R Nicholson), "The Continued Relevance of Established Rules and Institutions relating to the Use of Force", in M Weller (ed), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (OUP, Oxford, 2015) 96-113
  188. (with S Olleson), "The Application of the Rules of State Responsibility" in M Bungenberg, J Griebel, S Hobe & A Reinisch (eds), International Investment Law (Beck, Munich, 2015) 411-441
  189. "Judge Skubiszewski in the East Timor case" in R Stemplowski (ed), Professor, Minister, Judge – Krysztof Skubiszewski 1926-2010 (Scholar Publishing House, Warsaw, 2015) 50-62
  190. "Kosovo and the Criteria for Statehood in International Law" in M Milanović & M Wood (eds), The Law and Politics of the Kosovo Advisory Opinion (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015) 280-290
  191. "Challenges to Arbitrators in ICSID Arbitration" in D Caron, S Schill, A Smutny & E Triantafilou (eds), Practising Virtue. Inside International Arbitration (Oxford University Press, 2015) 596-606
  192. "Responsibility, Sustainability and Fraternity in International Law", [2015] Canadian Yearbook of International Law 1-34
  193. "The Unfolding of International Law since 1914: International Judgments and Domestic Courts with Special Reference to Germany" in A von Arnauld, N Matz-Lück & K Odendahl (eds), 100 Years of Peace through Law: Past and Future (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2015) 31-44
  194. (with Douglas Pivnichny), "Regarding ‘Droit de Coexistence et Droit de Coopération—Quelques Observations sur la Structure Changeante du Droit International’ by Wolfgang Friedmann (1970—I" (2015) Revue belge de droit international 117-124
  195. (with Paul Mertenskötter), "The Use of the ILC’s Attribution Rules in Investment Arbitration" in M Kinnear et al, Building International Investment Law. The First 50 Years of ICSID (Wolters Kluwer, 2016) 27-42
  196. "Flexibility in the Award of Reparation: The Role of the Parties and the Tribunal" in R Wolfrum, M Sersić & T Šošić (eds), Contemporary Developments in International Law.  Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas (Brill, Leiden, 2016) 690-708
  197. "Deference or Difference?  The Relationship between English and International Courts and Tribunals" in S Moriarty, The Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR) 1989-2014 (Hart, Oxford, 2016) 82-97
  198. "The International Law Commission’s Work on Aggression" in C Kress (ed), The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary (CUP, Cambridge, 2016) 233-243
  199. "The International Law Bar. Essence before Existence" in J D’Aspremont, T Gazzini, A Nollkaemper & Wouter Werner (eds), International Law as a Profession (CUP, Cambridge, 2017) 338-354
  200. "Responsabilité internationale: ni civile, ni pénale, internationale" in H D’Ascencio, P Bodeau-Livinec, M Forteau, F Latty, J-M Sorel, M Ubéda-Saillard (eds), Dictionnaire des idées reçues en droit international (Pedone, Paris, 2017) 501-504
  201. "The Ideal Arbitrator: Does one size fit all?" (2017) 22 American ULR 1003-1022
  202. "The Place of the International Court in International Dispute Settlement" in J Crawford, A Koroma, S Mahmoudi & A Pellet (eds), The International Legal Order: Current Needs and Possible Responses. Essays in Honour of Djamchid Momtaz (Brill, Leiden, 2017) 95-116
  203. (with Cameron Miles), "Four Ways of Thinking about the History of International Law" in Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo & ors (eds), Liber Amicorum In honour of a Modern Renaissance Man. HE Gudmundur Eiriksson (Lexis-Nexis, Haryana, 2017) 265-289
  204. (with Paul Mertenskötter), "The South West Africa Cases 1949-1971" in E Bjorge & C Miles (eds), Landmark Cases in Public International Law (Hart, Oxford, 2017) 263-282
  205. "The Current Political Discourse concerning International Law" (2018) 81 Modern LR 1