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The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII)

Cambridge Journals

Cambridge University Press

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations



Lexis Library


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Hogan Lovells LLP


Westlaw UK

Westlaw UK


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Full A-Z list

Below is an alphabetical list of the online legal resources available to researchers at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law.

Use of the online resources is authenticated via one of three routes:

University Account Authentication (formerly called Raven)

This allows single sign-on to numerous services, either with university restricted access and/or secure off-campus access. More information about obtaining a University account password (formerly called Raven password) can be found on the UIS website.

access via Raven

IP address

To access the databases using this method, your computer must be connected to the CUDN (Cambridge University Network). Please note that some services work via a more restrictive list of IPs - for example only computers on the Law Faculty network.  Users who are not connected to the CUDN can use the University Information Services (UIS) VPN service to access IP-restricted services.

access via IP

Database specific passwords [DSP]

These are available only to Cambridge Faculty Members and students. If you require access to these resources, you can download the password list, which is available from the 'Useful links' section on any Moodle course page.

access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

BAILIIBAILII: British and Irish Legal Information Institute

British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.

Free access


Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch [BGB] plus several journals including Neue Juristische Wochenschrift and Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht.

access via IP

BloomsburyBloomsbury Professional Online

Includes access to practitioner ebooks on family law, banking and finance law, charities, criminal negligence, company and commercial law, employment law, environmental law, insolvency law, local government law, maritime law, mediation, partnerships, pensions, professional negligence property and land law, sports law and UK law.

access via Raven  access via IP

Blue BookThe Bluebook

Guide for legal citation.

access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

Business SourceBusiness Source Ultimate

Peer reviewed business journals.

access via Raven access via IP

CUPCambridge Law Reports

International Law Reports

International Law Reports 1919- present. Via CUP. Covers all significant cases of public international law from 1919- present..

access via IP access via IP

ICSID Reports

ICSID Reports Vol 1- present. Via CUP. Reports of cases decided under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States 1965, and related decisions on international protection of investments. (Incorporated in the Cambridge Law Reports.)

access via IP access via IP

Cardiff Index to Legal AbbreviationsCardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

Search for the meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States.

Free access

Commentaries on World Trade Law OnlineCommentaries on World Trade Law Online

Comprehensive, standard reference on WTO Law. The Commentaries explain provisions of WTO Agreements article by article.

access via Raven access via IP

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British SourcesDictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources" is a British Academy research project at the University of Oxford. Based entirely on original research, the DMLBS is the most comprehensive dictionary of Medieval Latin to have been produced and the first ever to focus on British Medieval Latin. Completed in print in 2013, the DMLBS is a definitive survey of the vocabulary of one of the most important languages in British and European history.

access via Raven access via IP

ProQuest DissertationsDissertations & Theses Abstracting & Indexing Service (Proquest)

Dissertations and theses from around the world spanning 1743 to present day. Access to abstracts only. Full text may either be purchased online via ProQuest directly, or by contacting the Inter-Library Loans Department by email:

access via Raven access via IP


Le Doctrinal Indexing service provides access to a wide range of primary and secondary materials, mainly in the French language, with the help files solely in French.

access via Raven access via IP

Dow Jones FactivaFactiva

Includes business and general news. News pages include the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and The Economist.

access via Raven access via IP

Foreign Law Guide

Foreign Law Guide

Current sources of Codes and legislation of about 160 jurisdictions. Good guide to official sources.

access via Raven access via IP


access via Raven access via IP

English Reports

Coverage from 1220-1865. Reprint in which the original footnotes are given. The reprint contains over 100,000 cases, representative of 265 separate series of reports, arranged by courts.

access via Raven access via IP

Foreign and International Law Resources Database

Includes Yearbooks, Serials, Digests and International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions.

access via Raven access via IP

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals published worldwide.

access via Raven access via IP

Law Journal Library

Image based collection of legal periodicals. Coverage is from the journals' inception and continues to the most current volume.

access via Raven access via IP

Legal Classics Library

Includes early British & Commonwealth titles as well as titles listed in the Bibliography of Early American Law.

access via Raven access via IP

Philip C Jessup Library

Jessup Compendium, including the winning memorials from the Dillard and Baxter awards as well as bench memoranda.

access via Raven access via IP

Treaties & Agreements Library

Full text of several important treaty series.

access via Raven access via IP

US Statutes at Large

Full text access from 1789-2007.

access via Raven access via IP

World Constitutions Illustrated

This collection contains the current constitution of every country in the world in its original language.

access via Raven access via IP

IBFDIBFD Tax Research Platform

A portal for cross-border tax expertise, including Corporate Investment Income, Value Added Taxation and EU Law.

access via Raven access via IP

ICC Digital Library Dispute ResolutionICC Digital Library Dispute Resolution

Access to the ICC Bulletin, ICC Arbitral Awards, and other ICC publications.

access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

iLawi-Law (for Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly)

NB: This service requires users to register using their @cam email address as their username.

access via IP

HeinOnlineIndex to Foreign Legal Periodicals

A source available from HeinOnline.

access via Raven access via IP

Index to Legal PeriodicalsIndex to Legal Periodicals and Books

Abstracts, citations and in some cases, full text of over 1025 legal journals. Coverage from 1908.

access via Raven access via IP

IEEInternational Encyclopaedia of Ethics

Comprehensive reference work incorporating metaethics, practical ethics and normative ethics

access via Raven access via IP

International Maritime BoundariesInternational Maritime Boundaries

Provides up-to-date, regionally organised content with hyperlinked maps and keyword search functionality.

access via Raven access via IP

IA ReporterInvestment Arbitration Reporter

Electronic news service tracking cross-border arbitrations between foreign investors and their host goverments.

access via IP access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

Investor State Law GuideInvestor-State LawGuide

International Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration. Includes all publicly available decisions and awards where the subject of the claim is an investment treaty.

access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

Kluwer ArbitrationKluwer Arbitration

Major service for international arbitration research. Contains inter alia BITs, Conventions and Decision Summaries. Also included is commentary through books and journals.

access via Raven access via IP

Kluwer Law InternationalKluwer Law Online

Full text of 18 journals covering European, European Union and International Law. Includes titles such as Common Market Law Review and Journal of World Trade.

access via Raven access via IP

SSRNLegal Scholarship Network (SSRN)

Access to new scholarship including inter alia law and economics.  Teaching staff may subscribe to electronic journal distributions.  For further information contact Kate Faulkner, Legal Research Librarian (

The official government site for UK legislation, revised and as enacted 1267-present. Managed by The National Archives.

Free access

Lexis+ (now including PSL)

Hogan Lovells International LLP Lexis +ICLR, All England Law Reports, Halsbury's Laws of England, Legislation Service, Newspapers. (Plus also PSL resources: Practical guidance for lawyers; practice notes, checklists, forms, precedents, cases, Acts, calculators and links to Butterworths sources.) Supported by Hogan Lovells International LLP.

Lexis+ access via Raven Lexis+ access via IP

Making of Modern LawThe Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926

GALE Cengage Learning: provides scholars and students with a digital collection covering the watershed period of legal development during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

access via Raven access via IP

ManupatraManupatra (Indian Legislation and Court Reports)

Indian Legislation and Court Reports. 

access via DSP

Max PlanckMax Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law

Maps and analyzes the systems and processes through which international law is made and adjudicated in practice.

access via Raven access via IP

Max PlanckMax Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

Major reference work containing 1,700+ peer- reviewed articles on substance of international law.

access via Raven access via IP

NI A Divided CommunityNorthern Ireland: A Divided Community, 1921-1972: Cabinet Papers of the Stormont Administration

Presents a full record of every cabinet meeting for the duration of the Stormont administration, the devolved government of Northern Ireland, 1921-72. Separate files exist for each Cabinet meeting and include minutes and memoranda.

access via Raven access via IP

Oxford Bibliographies: International Law

Authoritative research guides across international law. Combines the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.

access via Raven 

Oxford Bibliographies: International Relations

Authoritative research guides across international relations. Combines the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.

access via Raven 

OXIOOxford International Organizations (OXIO)

Annotated documents on the law of international organizations. Includes material on acts and practices about international law, including international institutional law.

access via Raven access via IP

Oxford Law Trove

A collection of approximately 200 law textbooks

access via Raven 

ORILOxford Reports on International Law (ORIL)

International Law in Domestic Courts. A regularly updated repository of cases in international law from over 70 jurisdictions.

access via Raven access via IP

OSAILOxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL)

This service provides full text access to reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Titles include Oppenheim’s International Law as well as many of the Oxford Handbooks (e.g. The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication, The Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law).

access via Raven access via IP

OSOOxford Scholarship Online (OSO)

Full text of OUP published books. Also includes books published by Stanford and Chicago University Presses.

access via Raven access via IP

Parliamentary PapersParliamentary Papers (UK)

Includes House of Commons papers 1715-2004, House of Lords Papers 1714-1805, Command Papers 1833-2004 and various forms of parliamentary proceedings between 1660-2005. Fully searchable and indexed and includes many PDFs of the original texts.

access via Raven access via IP

PLCPractical Law Company (PLC) Thomson Reuters

Practical Law Company is the leading provider of know-how for lawyers.  (Corporate law sources only).

PLC is now integrated into Westlaw UK. To access from Westlaw UK, use the menu in the upper left-hand corner to select 'Practical Law'.

access via Raven

Public Information Online logoPublic Information Online

Public Information Online is a complete collection of parliamentary papers from Westminster, Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly, Welsh Parliament (Senedd) and the Scottish Government.

access via Raven access via IP

Brill: Recueil des Courts en ligneRecueil des Cours en ligne

The Hague Academy of International Law Collected Courses Online in private international law and public international law since 1923. Published in the book series "The Hague Academy Collected Courses", now comprising  422 volumes.

access via DSP access via IP

Tax Notes

Daily news, analysis and commentary

access via IP

Times Digital ArchiveTimes Digital Archive

Complete digital edition of The Times newspaper (London) with full facsimile images from 1785-2012.

access via Raven access via IP


TradeLawGuide provides nine research tools for comprehensive and granular research of WTO law. Its document collection contains WTO legal agreements and instruments, negotiating history, precursor agreements, all related WTO and pre-WTO case law, dispute documents and other related content. Individual registration is required for long-term offsite access (current University members only). Please contact Sarah Hammond ( to enquire.

access via IP

TDMTransnational Dispute Management

Peer-reviewed journal publishing on aspects on international arbitration with special focus on investment arbitration.

access via IP access via Database Specific Password (DSP)

UNUN Online Disc System

Freely available since 1 January 2005. Comprises the full text of all United Nations parliamentary documents, including resolutions and decisions.


UNUnited Nations Treaty Database

Freely available since 18 April 2008. Includes text of bilateral & multilateral treaties published in UN Treaty Series.



Cases and legislation from the UK and commonwealth, including the Singapore, Bermuda and Cayman Island Law Reports.

access via Raven access via IP

Westlaw AustraliaWestlaw Australia

Authorised reports including the Commonwealth Law Reports and the Federal Law Reports. Journal content includes the Australian Law Journal and the Property Law Review.

NB: This service requires users to register for individual access via Raven. Please contact the Squire Law Library team. 

access via Raven

Westlaw InternationalWestlaw International

Direct link for US and International Law (including the Legal Journals Index). 

access via Raven

Westlaw UKWestlaw UK

UK caselaw, statutes (including annotations), journals and books.

access via Raven

Who's WhoWho's Who and Who Was Who

Published every year since 1849, Who's Who is the leading source of up-to-date information about over 33,000 influential people in British public life today. Who Was Who is an invaluable historical archive which collects together the entries of nearly 90,000 people, now deceased, which were included in previous editions of Who's Who.

access via Raven access via IP

Searchable full texts of the WTO and NAFTA agreements, GATT Panel Reports, WTO Panel and  Appellate Reports and Arbitration Decisions and NAFTA Chapter 20 Panel Reports. Also contains excellent dispute settlement commentaries of the WTO Panel and Appellate Body Reports. 

access via IP