Evidence of Bad Character (Hart Publishing 2016) 3rd Edition.
Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine (with G.R. Sullivan, A.P. Simester, F Stark and G.J. Virgo) (Hart Publishing, 2010) 4th Edition; 2013 5th Edition; 2016 6th Edition; 2019 7th Edition.
Evidence of Bad Character (Hart Publishing, 2014) 2nd Edition; 2016 3rd Edition.
Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (Hart Publishing, 2014) 2nd Edition.
Children and Cross-Examination (with Michael E Lamb) (eds) (Hart Publishing 2012).
"Opting Out of EU Criminal Law: What is Actually Involved?" CELS Working Paper, New Series, No.1 (September 2012, with Alicia Hinarejos and S Peers).
Freedom and Responsibility in Reproductive Choice (with Antje du Bois-Pedain) (eds) Hart Publishing, 2006.
European Criminal Procedures (An English version of (ed. Delmas-Marty) Procédures pénales d’Europe (1995) (with Mireille Delmas-Marty) (eds), (Cambridge University Press, 2002).
La procédure pénale anglaise (Que sais-je? series) (Presses universitaires de France 1998).
The Evidence of Children - the Law and the Psychology (with Rhona Flin), (Blackstone Press, 1993) 2nd Edition.
Children's Evidence in Legal Proceedings - an International Perspective (Collected papers from an international conference on children's evidence; published and distributed by the Law Faculty, 1990) (with Bull, Flin and Nicholson, eds).
Jacksons Machinery of Justice in England (Cambridge University Press, 1989) 8th Edition.
Selected Articles
Sex by deception” (2013) 9 Archbold Review 6-8.
"Compesation for wrongful imprisonment" Crim. L.R. 2010, 11, 803-822.
"Children’s evidence: the Barker case, and the case for Pigot" (2010) 3 Archbold News 5-8.
"Criminal liability for negligence – a lesson from across the Channel?" (2010) 59 ICLQ 1-12.
"Squaring up to Strasbourg: Horncastle in the Supreme Court" (2010) 1 Archbold News, 6-9.
"People-trafficking: some reflections on the EU legislation, and its implementation in the UK" (2009) 11 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, ch.7, pp.189-210.
"Implementing the European Arrest Warrant: a tale of how not to do it" (2009) 30(3) Statute Law Review, 184-202.
"The drafting of criminal justice legislation – need it be so impenetrable?" (2008) Cambridge Law Journal 585-605.
"Quashing convictions for procedural irregularities" Criminal Law Review, (2007)835-848.
"The problem of trans-border evidence, and European initiatives to resolve them" (2007) 9 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 465-480.
"L’intégration des droits européens en droit britannique" (2006) Revue des sciences criminelles 537-550.
"Does our present criminal appeal system make sense?" (2006) Criminal Law Review 677-694.
"An academic critique of the EU acquis in relation to trans-border evidence-gathering" ERA Forum, Special Issue, (2005) 28-40.
"The Sexual Offences Act 2003: child and family offences" (2004) Criminal Law Review, 328-360.
"Liability for reckless infection" (2004) 154 New Law Journal 384-385, 448, 471.
"The European Arrest Warrant" (2003-4) 7 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 201-217.
"The case for a Code of Criminal Procedure" (2000) Criminal Law Review 519-531.
"The Corpus Juris project - has it a future?" (1999) Volume 2 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 355.
"The Corpus Juris project and the fight against budgetary Fraud" (1991) volume 1
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 77-105.
"Experts: can England Learn a Lesson from France?" (1992) vol. 45 Current Legal Problems 213-236.
"Public Nuisance: a Critical Examination" (1989) Cambridge Law Journal 55-84.
"Motor-cars and the Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher: a Chapter of Accidents in the History of Law and Motoring" (1983) Cambridge Law Journal 65-84.
"Criminal Law and Criminal Appeals - the Tail that Wags the Dog" (1982) Criminal Law Review 260-282.
"The Mishandling of Handling" (1981) Criminal Law Review 682-687.
"The Metamorphosis of s.6 of the Theft Act" (1977) Criminal Law Review 653-660.
"Signature, Consent and the Rule in L' Estrange v. Graucob" (1973) Cambridge Law Journal 104-122.
Selected Book Chapters
"Chapter on bad character evidence" (in Archbold), Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice. Annual editions, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
"EU criminal law" (in C. Barnard and S. Peers, eds), European Union Law (OUP, 2020, 3rd ed) pp. 793-825, (with Andras Csuri). (1st ed 2014, 2nd ed 2017).
"The victim and the public prosecutor (Chapter 6)" (in Bottoms and Roberts, eds), Hearing the Victim, Adversarial Justice, Crime Victims and the State (Willan Publishing 2010) pp. 141-162.
"The Criminal Law (Chapter 32)" (in Blom-Cooper, Dickson and Drewry, eds), The Judicial House of Lords 1876-2009 (OUP 2009) pp. 594-612.
"Chapter on the United Kingdom" (in Vernimmen-van Tiggelen, Surano and Weyembergh, eds), The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union (IEE 2009) pp. 523-548.
"Chapter on the law of the UK in relation to people-trafficking" (in Weyembergh and Santamaria, eds), The Evolution of European Criminal Law (IEE 2009) pp. 342-377.
"Intentional killings in French law" (in Horder, ed), Homicide Law in Comparative Perspective, (Hart Publishing 2007) pp. 39-53.
"English law" (in Giudicelli-Delage, ed), Le droit pénal des affaires (PUF 2006) pp. 62-116.
"La réception du mandat d’arrêt européen au Royaume Uni" (in Marie-Elisabeth Cartier, ed), Le mandat d’arrêt européen , (Bruylant 2005) pp. 186-199.
"Approaches to strict and constructive liability in continental criminal law" (with Antje Pedain) (in Simester, ed) Appraising Strict Liability (OUP 2005) pp. 237-283.
"Trying to Help Another Person Commit a Crime" (in Peter Smith, ed), Essays in Honour of J.C. Smith (Butterworths 1987) pp. 148-169.
"The press and the reform of criminal libel" (in Glazebrook, ed), Reshaping the Criminal Law: essays in honour of Glanville Williams (Stevens 1978) pp. 266 - 286.