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Published works: Professor John Rason Spencer


  • Evidence of Bad Character (Hart Publishing 2016) 3rd Edition.
  • Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine (with G.R. Sullivan, A.P. Simester, F Stark and G.J. Virgo) (Hart Publishing, 2010) 4th Edition; 2013 5th Edition;  2016 6th Edition;  2019 7th Edition.
  • Evidence of Bad Character (Hart Publishing, 2014) 2nd Edition; 2016 3rd Edition.
  • Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (Hart Publishing, 2014) 2nd Edition.
  • Children and Cross-Examination (with Michael E Lamb) (eds) (Hart Publishing 2012).
  • "Opting Out of EU Criminal Law: What is Actually Involved?" CELS Working Paper, New Series, No.1 (September 2012, with Alicia Hinarejos and S Peers).
  • Freedom and Responsibility in Reproductive Choice (with Antje du Bois-Pedain) (eds) Hart Publishing, 2006.
  • European Criminal Procedures (An English version of (ed. Delmas-Marty) Procédures pénales d’Europe (1995) (with Mireille Delmas-Marty) (eds), (Cambridge University Press, 2002).
  • La procédure pénale anglaise (Que sais-je? series) (Presses universitaires de France 1998).
  • The Evidence of Children - the Law and the Psychology (with Rhona Flin), (Blackstone Press, 1993) 2nd Edition.
  • Children's Evidence in Legal Proceedings - an International Perspective (Collected papers from an international conference on children's evidence; published and distributed by the Law Faculty, 1990) (with Bull, Flin and Nicholson, eds).
  • Jacksons Machinery of Justice in England (Cambridge University Press, 1989) 8th Edition.

Selected Articles

  • Sex by deception” (2013) 9 Archbold Review 6-8.
  • "Compesation for wrongful imprisonment" Crim. L.R. 2010, 11, 803-822.
  • "Children’s evidence: the Barker case, and the case for Pigot" (2010) 3 Archbold News 5-8.
  • "Criminal liability for negligence – a lesson from across the Channel?" (2010) 59 ICLQ 1-12.
  • "Squaring up to Strasbourg: Horncastle in the Supreme Court" (2010) 1 Archbold News, 6-9.
  • "People-trafficking: some reflections on the EU legislation, and its implementation in the UK" (2009) 11 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, ch.7, pp.189-210.
  • "Implementing the European Arrest Warrant: a tale of how not to do it" (2009) 30(3) Statute Law Review, 184-202.
  • "The drafting of criminal justice legislation – need it be so impenetrable?" (2008) Cambridge Law Journal 585-605.
  • "Quashing convictions for procedural irregularities" Criminal Law Review, (2007)835-848.
  • "The problem of trans-border evidence, and European initiatives to resolve them" (2007) 9 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 465-480.
  • "L’intégration des droits européens en droit britannique" (2006) Revue des sciences criminelles 537-550.
  • "Does our present criminal appeal system make sense?" (2006) Criminal Law Review 677-694.
  • "An academic critique of the EU acquis in relation to trans-border evidence-gathering" ERA Forum, Special Issue, (2005) 28-40.
  • "The Sexual Offences Act 2003: child and family offences" (2004) Criminal Law Review, 328-360.
  • "Liability for reckless infection" (2004) 154 New Law Journal 384-385, 448, 471.
  • "The European Arrest Warrant" (2003-4) 7 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 201-217.
  • "The case for a Code of Criminal Procedure" (2000) Criminal Law Review 519-531.
  • "The Corpus Juris project - has it a future?"  (1999) Volume 2 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 355.
  • "The Corpus Juris project and the fight against budgetary Fraud" (1991) volume 1
  • Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 77-105.
  • "Experts: can England Learn a Lesson from France?"  (1992) vol. 45 Current Legal Problems 213-236.
  • "Public Nuisance: a Critical Examination" (1989) Cambridge Law Journal 55-84.
  • "Motor-cars and the Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher: a Chapter of Accidents in the History of Law and Motoring" (1983) Cambridge Law Journal 65-84.
  • "Criminal Law and Criminal Appeals - the Tail that Wags the Dog" (1982) Criminal Law Review 260-282.
  • "The Mishandling of Handling" (1981) Criminal Law Review 682-687.
  • "The Metamorphosis of s.6 of the Theft Act"  (1977) Criminal Law Review 653-660.
  • "Signature, Consent and the Rule in L' Estrange v. Graucob" (1973) Cambridge Law Journal 104-122.

Selected Book Chapters

  • "Chapter on bad character evidence" (in Archbold), Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice. Annual editions, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
  • "EU criminal law" (in C. Barnard and S. Peers, eds), European Union Law (OUP, 2020, 3rd ed) pp. 793-825, (with Andras Csuri). (1st ed 2014, 2nd ed 2017).
  • "The victim and the public prosecutor (Chapter 6)" (in Bottoms and Roberts, eds), Hearing the Victim, Adversarial Justice, Crime Victims and the State (Willan Publishing 2010) pp. 141-162.
  • "The Criminal Law (Chapter 32)" (in Blom-Cooper, Dickson and Drewry, eds), The Judicial House of Lords 1876-2009 (OUP 2009) pp. 594-612.
  • "Chapter on the United Kingdom" (in Vernimmen-van Tiggelen, Surano and Weyembergh, eds), The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union (IEE 2009) pp. 523-548.
  • "Chapter on the law of the UK in relation to people-trafficking" (in Weyembergh and Santamaria, eds), The Evolution of European Criminal Law (IEE 2009) pp. 342-377.
  • "Intentional killings in French law" (in Horder, ed), Homicide Law in Comparative Perspective, (Hart Publishing 2007) pp. 39-53.
  • "English law" (in Giudicelli-Delage, ed), Le droit pénal des affaires (PUF 2006) pp. 62-116.
  • "La réception du mandat d’arrêt européen au Royaume Uni" (in Marie-Elisabeth Cartier, ed), Le mandat d’arrêt européen , (Bruylant 2005) pp. 186-199.
  • "Approaches to strict and constructive liability in continental criminal law" (with Antje Pedain) (in Simester, ed) Appraising Strict Liability (OUP 2005) pp. 237-283.
  • "Trying to Help Another Person Commit a Crime" (in Peter Smith, ed), Essays in Honour of J.C. Smith (Butterworths 1987) pp. 148-169.
  • "The press and the reform of criminal libel" (in Glazebrook, ed), Reshaping the Criminal Law: essays in honour of Glanville Williams (Stevens 1978) pp. 266 - 286.