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Engaged as Counsel in the following cases before the International Court of Justice

As Challis Professor (1986-92) (4 cases)

1989-1992 Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v.Australia) I.C.J. Reports 1992, p. 240 (Counsel for Nauru) (settled in August 1993).
1989-1996 Aerial Incident of 3 July 1988 (Islamic Republic of Iran v.United States of America), (Counsel for Iran) (withdrawn pending settlement negotiations; settled 1996: see I.C.J. Reports 1996 , p. 9).
1990-1994 Territorial Dispute (Libya v.Chad) I.C.J. Reports 1994, p. 6 (Counsel for Libya).
1991-1995 East Timor Dispute (Portugal v. Australia) I.C.J. Reports 1995, p. 90 (Counsel for Australia).

As Whewell Professor (1992-2015) (26 cases)

1995-1995 Request for an Investigation of the Situation (New Zealand v. France) I.C.J. Reports 1995, p. 288 (Counsel for Pacific Island States seeking to intervene: Samoa, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands).
1993-1996 Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Advisory Opinion), I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 66 (Counsel for Solomon Islands).
1995-1996 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion), I.C.J. Reports 1996 , p. 226 (Counsel for Solomon Islands).
1996 Land and Maritime Dispute (Cameroon v. Nigeria) I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 13 (Interim Measures); I.C.J. Reports 1998, p. 275; I.C.J. Reports 2002, p. 303 (Counsel for Nigeria).
1996 Case concerning the Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v.United States of America) (Senior Counsel for Iran) I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 803.
1997 Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Barrage System (Hungary v.Slovakia) I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7 (Senior Counsel for Hungary).
1998-2002 Case concerning Sipidan and Ligitan (Malaysia v.Indonesia) I.C.J. Reports 2002 , p. 625 (Senior Counsel for Malaysia).
2001-2003 Case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia) (Senior Counsel for Croatia).
2004 Advisory Opinion on Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 136 (Counsel for Palestine).
2001-2006 Case concerning Certain Property (Liechtenstein v. Germany) I.C.J. Reports 2006, p. 6 (Senior Counsel for Liechtenstein).
2003-2008 Case concerning Pulau Batu Puteh (Malaysia v. Singapore), Judgment of 23 May 2008 (Senior Counsel for Malaysia).
2004-2009 Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine), I.C.J. Reports 2009, Judgment of 3 February 2009 (Senior Counsel for Romania).
2005-2009 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment of 13 July 2009 (Senior Counsel for Costa Rica).
2001-2012Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia) (Merits) (Senior Counsel for Colombia).
2008-2013 Aerial Herbicide Spraying (Ecuador v. Colombia) (Senior Counsel for Colombia).
2003-2011 Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia v. Russian Federation) (Senior Counsel for Georgia).
2008-2014 Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile) (Senior Counsel for Chile).
2008-2010 Kosovo Advisory Opinion (Senior Counsel for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
2010 Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo. Advisory Opinion of 22 July: "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 July 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-23.
2008-2011 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece (Senior Counsel for Greece).
2010-2014 Case concerning Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan; New Zealand intervening) (Counsel for Australia). Case concerning Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) (Senior Counsel for Costa Rica).
2011-2013 Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand) (Co-Counsel for Thailand).
2011-2015 Construction of a Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan River (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) (Senior Counsel for Costa Rica).
2013-2015 Questions relating to the Seizure and Detention of Certain Documents and Data (Timor-Leste v.Australia) (Counsel for Australia).
Maritime Delimitation in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) (Senior Counsel for Costa Rica)

Engaged as Counsel before other international tribunals including

1996 Tradex Hellas SA v. Albania (1996, 1999) 5 ICSID Reports 43 (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Tribunal) (Senior Counsel for Albania).
1997 Prosecutor v. Blaškic (Objection to the Issue of Subpoenae duces tecum) (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Trial Chamber II) (1997) 110 ILR 606, on appeal, ibid.668) (Counsel for the Prosecutor).
1998 Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America, Cases Nos. A15(IV) and A24 (Award No. 590-A15(IV)/A24-FT, 28 December 1998) 34
Iran-US CTR 105 (Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Full Tribunal) (Counsel for the Islamic Republic of Iran).
1999 Case concerning Southern Bluefin Tuna (Australia and New Zealand v. Japan) , Order for interim measures of protection, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 26 August 1999 38 ILM 1624 (1999), 117 ILR 148; Annex VII arbitration, Washington, May 2000, 119 ILR 508 (Senior Counsel for Australia).
Islamic Republic of Iran v.United States of America , Case No. A30 (Iran - United States Claims Tribunal, Full Tribunal, pending) (Counsel for the Islamic Republic of Iran).
Eritrea/Ethiopia Boundary Commission (Boundary Commission under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration) 41 ILM 1057 (Counsel for Eritrea).
Eritrea/Ethiopia Compensation Commission (Commission under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration) 42 ILM 1027, 1056, 45 ILM 621 (Counsel for Eritrea).
The Volga (Russia v. Australia) (Prompt Release) (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea), 42 ILM 159.
2003 Case concerning Land Reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor (Request for Provisional Measures) 126 ILR 487 (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 2003) (Senior Counsel for Malaysia).
2006 Barbados v. Trinidad and Tobago (Ann. VII Tribunal under the 1982 Convention) (2006) 45 ILM 798 (Senior Counsel for Trinidad and Tobago).
Baglihar Dam Dispute (Pakistan v. India) (proceedings before a Neutral Expert under the Indus Waters Agreement) (Senior Counsel for Pakistan).
Abyei Dispute (Government of Sudan/Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, Permanent Court of Arbitration) (Senior Counsel for the Republic of the Sudan).
2012 Bangladesh v. Myanmar, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Judgment of 14 March 2012 (Senior Counsel for Bangladesh).
Bangladesh v. India, Ann. VII Tribunal (Senior Counsel for Bangladesh).
Kishenganga Dam Dispute (Pakistan v. India) (proceedings before a Court of Arbitration under the Indus Waters Agreement) (Senior Counsel for Pakistan).
2011 United States — Definitive Anti - Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (AB-2010 - 3/DS 379/AB - R, 11 March 2011) (Counsel for China).
Malaysia/Singapore (Transfer of Certain Railway Lands) (Senior Counsel for Malaysia).
Mauritius v. United Kingdom (Case concerning a Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Archipelago (Counsel for Mauritius).
Croatia/Slovenia (Land and Maritime Boundary) (Senior Counsel for Croatia).
Timor -Leste v. Australia (Senior Counsel for Australia).
Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands) v. European Union (Senior Counsel for the Faroe Islands).

Counsel for applicant or respondent in approximately 40 arbitrations (ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, NAFTA, etc.)

Experience as Judge or arbitrator in the following proceedings

Judge, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Administrative Tribunal (since 1993) (26 cases)

Dabhol Power Company v. State of Maharashtra (ad hoc arbitration under UNCITRAL Rules, 1995) (interim award on jurisdiction and arbitrability, 7 February 1996; subsequently settled by consent order) (President of the Tribunal).
Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom (presiding arbitrator; ad hoc arbitration under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, award terminating arbitration, February 2001), 119 ILR 566.
Newfoundland/Nova Scotia, Maritime Boundary Arbitration (member of the Tribunal, appointed by the Government of Canada) first phase, Fredericton, Award of 17 May 2 001, 128 ILR 453; second phase, Award of 26 March 2002, 128 ILR 504.
Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/97/3), Decision of 3 July 2002, 41 ILM 1037, 125 ILR 43, 6 ICSID Reports 330 , 3 40 (member of the ad hoc Committee).
Mondev International Ltd. v. United States of America (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/99/2), Award of 11 October 2002, 42 ILM 85; 125 ILR 98, 6 ICSID Reports 192 (member of the Tribunal).
Waste Management, Inc. v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/00/3) (President), Decision on Preliminary Objection, 24 July 2002; 41 ILM 1315, 6 ICSID Reports 549 Award of 30 April 2004, 11 ICSID Reports 361 (President of the Tribunal).
Yaung Chi Oo Trading Pte Ltd. v .Government of Myanmar (ASEAN Case No. ARB 01/1, member of the Tribunal), Final Award, 31 March 2003, 42 ILM 540 (member of the Tribunal).
Case concerning the MOX Plant, Republic of Ireland v. United Kingdom (Arbitration under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Ann. VII) 42 ILM 1118, 126 ILR 310 (party - appointed arbitrator for the Republic of Ireland).
SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA v. Republic of the Philippines (ICSID Case No. ARB/02/6) decision on jurisdiction and admissibility, 29 January 2004, 8 ICSID Reports 515; 129 ILR 444 (member of the Tribunal).
Jacobs Gibb Limited v. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (ICSID Case No. ARB/02/12) (party - appointed arbitrator, settled).
EnCana Corporation v. Government of the Republic of Ecuador (2006) 12 ICSID Reports 400 (President of the Tribunal).
ZG Specialty Insurance Co. v. Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd (AAA Arbitration) (member of the Tribunal, settled).
Republic of Armenia v. Helennic Telecommunications Organization SA (ICC Arbitration 10905/ACS/FM) (member of the Tribunal, settled).
Channel Tunnel Group Ltd & Another v. Secretary of State for Transport & Another (President of the Tribunal), partial award of 30 January 2007, 132 ILR 1.
Tembec Inc. v. United States of America (NAFTA Chap. 11 Arbitration) (member of the Tribunal, consolidated).
MTD Equity Sdn Bhd v. Republic of Chile (ICSID Case No. ARB/01/07) (member of the Annulment Committee) (decision of 21 March 2007).
CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/01/08) (member of the Annulment Committee) (decision of 25 September 2007).
Asian Village Antigua Limited v. Government of Antigua and Barbuda (UNCITRAL arbitration under the auspices of the London Court of International Arbitration) (sole arbitrator), Award of 28 September 2007.
Chemtura Corporation v. Government of Canada (NAFTA Chap. 11 Arbitration, member of the Tribunal, Award of 2 August 2010).
Trans-Global Petroleum Inc v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (ICSID Arbitration, member of the Tribunal, settled).
Liman Caspian Oil BV and NCL Dutch Investment BV v. Republic of Kazakhstan (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/14, member of the Tribunal, Award of 23 June 2010).
Railroad Development Corporation v. Republic of Guatemala (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/23, member of Tribunal, Award of May 2012).
FTR Holding S.A., Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental
Republic of Uruguay (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/07, member of the Tribunal, pending).
U.S. Steel Global Holdings BV v.Republic of Slovakia (UNCITRAL arbitration, member of the Tribunal, pending)
Blusun AS & ors v. Italian Republic (ICSID Case No. Arb 14/3, president of Tribunal, pending).

Expert witness and published opinions (12 cases)

1988 Trade Practices Commission v. Australia Meat Holdings Pty Ltd (1988) 83, Australian Law Reports 299 (Federal Court of Australia, Wilcox J.).
1988 Schenider v. McDermott International Inc.(DC, La (WD), 1988, Civil Action No. 81-2358) (evidence on oath for plaintiff).
1989 Simoneau v. McDermott International Inc. (SC, La, 1989) (evidence on deposition for plaintiff).
Propend Pty Ltd v. Singh & Commissioner for the Australian Federal Police (United Kingdom High Court, Laws J, 1996, CA, 1997, leave to appeal to the House of Lords refused) (evidence on oath for defendant, evidence upheld on appeal), 111 ILR 611.
Adviser to and expert witness on behalf of the Department of Justice, Government of Canada, Reference re Secession of Quebec (Canada, Supreme Court), 115 ILR 536.
Citoma Trading Ltd v. Federative Republic of Brazil, Court of Appeal, 1999, on appeal from
J. H. Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd & others v. Cafenorte SA Importadora & others [1999] 1 All ER (Comm) 120.
Expert witness on behalf of the Department of Justice, Government of Canada, Democracy Watch and another v. Attorney General of Canada (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Court File No. 01-CV-211576).
Expert witness on behalf of the Department of Justice, Government of Canada,
Council of Canadians and another v. Attorney General of Canada (Ontario Superior Court of Justice , Court File No. 01-CV-208141), reprinted in (2005) 2 (5) Transnational Dispute Management
Expert witness on behalf of Talisman Energy, Inc., Presbyterian Church of Sudan & others v. Talisman Energy, Inc. & Republic of Sudan , 244 F Supp 289 (DNY, 19 March 2003), 582 F 3d 244 (2nd Ct, 2 October 2009) and on certiorari to the Supreme Court (June 2010).
Expert opinion (with Professor Alan Boyle), in Scotland analysis: Devolution and the implications of Scottish independence (Cm 8554, February 2013), pp. 63-108.

In addition, expert reports on international law in numerous arbitrations

Counsel before national courts (3 cases)

R v. Lyons and others, [2002] 4 All ER 1028 (HL) (Junior Counsel for the Appellants).
R (Al Jeddah) v. Secretary of State for Defence, [2007] UKHL 58 (Senior Counsel for the interveners, Liberty & Justice).
The Republic of Croatia v. The Republic of Serbia , [2009] EWHC 1559 (Ch) (Senior Counsel for Croatia).


Legal Adviser to the Crown Prince of Jordan, Israel Jordan Treaty of Peace, Araba Crossing Point, 26 October 1994 (1995) 34 ILM 43.
Retained by Shipping Conference Services to advise foreign shipping companies on application of Australian legislation to conference trades (1988-1993, 1996, 2000, 2004).

International arbitrator, particularly in investor state disputes run by the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes ('ICSID'), and the law of the sea, especially maritime boundary delimitation

2001 Larsen v Hawaiian Kingdom, 119 ILR 566
2001 Newfoundland/Nova Scotia Maritime Boundary Arbitration, 128 ILR 453; (2002) 128 ILR 504
2002 Vivendi Universal v Argentina, 125 ILR 43; 6 ICSID Reports 330
2002 Mondev International v United States of America, 125 ILR 98; 6 ICSID Reports 192
2004 Yaung Chi Oo v Myanmar, 42 ILM 540
2004 SGS v Philippines, 129 ILR 444; 8 ICSID Reports 515
2003 MOX Plant arbitration 126 ILR 310.