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Citations to the Eminent Scholars Archive

Journal Articles

  • Campbell B. and Ierino S. “James Crawford and the Australian Government” (2022) Aust YBIL 196 at footnote 3, 197 at footnote 5 (PDF)
  • Amy Kellam, "In Memory of James Crawford: Judge, JurIst and scholar (1948-2021)" Amicus Curiae, Vol 4, No 1, 270-276 (2022)
  • Bently, L. "The past, present and future of the Cambridge Law Journal" (2021) C.L.J. 80 Supp s8 - 32 at footnotes 56 and 132
  • Soares Pereira, L. L. and Ridi N. "Mapping the "invisible college of international lawyers" through obituaries" (2021) 34 L.J.I.L. 67-91 at footnote 108
  • Ranganathan, S. "The "English school" of international law: soundings via the 1972 Jubilee essays" (2021) CLJ 80-Supp, s126 - s 153 s145
  • Marissal, Amelie "The Judges of the International Court of Justice as a Case Study" (2020) Droit et Societe p 355 at footnote 28
  • Yuliya Chernykh, "The Gust of Wind: The Unknown Role of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht in the Drafting of the Abs-Shawcross Draft Convention" in Schill Scoville R. and Berlin M. "Who studies international law? Explaining cross-national variation in compulsory international legal education" EJIL (2019) 481-508 at footnote 96
  • Gallanis Thomas P. "Commercial Trusts in U.S. Legal Thought: Historical Puzzles and Future Directions" U. Cincinnati L. Rev (2019) p. 843 at footnote 2
  • Stewart, M and Liberman D. "Oral History Research: Illuminating the Past: an Introduction" (2019) LIM 191
  • Himeno, Gakuro "Right to Cure unde the Unidroit Principles Article 7.1.4: A Historical Analysis" Jus Gentium: Journal of Internaitonal Legal Hisotry (2016) p. 430
  • Crawford, J "The Sir Elihu Lauterpacht International Law Lecture 2017. International Law and the Public Service" Australian Yearbook of International Law (2017) p. 23 at footnote 26
  • Sugarman, D "Alternative Visions of Legal Biography: an Abstract" (2014) LIM 16 - 17 at footnote 7
  • "Legal Biography at the British Library: a Particular Perspective on Resources" (2014) LIM 38 - 45 at footnote 38
  • Hector L. Macqueen "A Friendship in the Law: David Daube and T.B. Smith" (2013) Tulane Law Review p. 821 at footnote 43
  • Andrews, N. "Tribute to John Anthony Jolowicz 1926 - 2012" (2012) European Business Law Reviews 445 - 460 at p. 456
  • Andrews, N. "John Anthony Jolowicz (1926 - 2012) In Memoriam (2012) International J of Procedural Law 422 - 424
  • "A Conversation with Judge Stephen M. Schwebel" entire interview published in TDM 1 (2010) ISSN 1875-4120
  • Bosselmann, K. Book Review of The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance, Ashgate (2008) in (2010) Helsinki Law Review at p 121 footnote 12
  • Berman F. Book Review of Beatson, J. and Zimmerman, R. Jurists Uprooted: German-Speaking Émigré Lawyers in twentieth-century Britian. OUP 2004 in (2007) Am.J. Legal Hist 503 at footnote 1
  • Curran, V.G. Book Review of Beatson, J. and Zimmerman, R. Jurists Uprooted: German-Speaking Émigré Lawyers in twentieth-century Britian. OUP 2004 in (2007) in U. Pitt.L.Rev. 435 at footnote 42

Book Chapters

  • Venzke, I. and Heller, K.J. Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories 2021 OUP footnote 20 (citing to Schill)
  • Iain Scobbie "A view of Delft: some thoughts about thinking about International Law" in Evans (ed), International Law 5th Ed (OUP 2018) p 57 footnote 6
  • Yuliya Chernykh "The gust of wind: The unknown role of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht in the drafting of the Abs-Shawcross Draft Convention" in Schill, Tams and Hofmann (eds) International Investment Law and History (Elgar 2018) p. 258 at footnote 56, p. 259 at footnotes 60 61 63, p. 264 at footnote 76, p. 266 at footnote 82 , p. 271 at footnote 91, p. 280 at footnote 118

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

  • Bowet, Sir Derek William by James Crawford (2 citations)
  • Hepple, Sir Bob Alexander by Mark Curthoys (3 citations)
  • Lauterpacht, Sir Elihu, by Iain Scobbie (3 citations)
  • Lipstein, Kurt by W.R. Cornish (one citation)
  • Milsom, Stroud, Francis Charles by J.H. Baker (2 citations)
  • Stein, Peter Gonville by David Ibbetson (4 citations)

Memoirs of the British Academy


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