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  • International Investment Arbitration: Substantive Principles (with L Shore & M Weiniger) (Oxford UP 2007; 2nd ed., March 2017, paper ed. September 2017) lxvii + 630
  • Foreign Relations Law (Cambridge UP 2014, paper ed. 2016) lxxv + 587
  • Lis Pendens in International Litigation (Nijhoff 2009) also published in (2008) 336 Recueil des Cours 199 – 553
  • Dicey, Morris and Collins on the Conflict of Laws (specialist editor), Lord Collins (general editor) 14th ed. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2006; 15th ed. 2012 (with annual supplements to 2020); (Lord Collins & Jonathan Harris, general editors) 16th ed. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2022 (with special responsibility for Ch 10 'Protective measures and international judicial cooperation', Ch 12 'Forum non conveniens and lis alibi pendens', Ch 16 'Arbitration and foreign awards' and Ch 37 'Foreign currency obligations')
  • The Institute of International Law's Resolution on the Equality of Parties before International Investment Tribunals: Introduction, Text and Commentaries (Cambridge UP, 2021) xx + 125
  • Essays in International Litigation for Lord Collins (ed with Jonathan Harris) (Oxford UP, 2022) xxxvi + 409
  • Special Issue on the 20th Anniversary of ARSIWA (ed) (2022) 37 ICSID Rev–FILJ Nos 1 & 2, 618pp
  • The Intersection of Investment Arbitration and Public International Law (ed. with L Boisson de Chazournes (2016) No 2 ICSID Review–FILJ (Special Anniversary Issue)
  • The Dynamic Evolution of International Law (ed) Symposium Issue (2018) 49 No 4 VUWLR
  • International Law and Democratic Theory (ed) Symposium Issue (2007) 38 No 2 VUWLR
  • Transnational Tort Litigation: Jurisdictional Principles (ed with P Nygh) (Oxford UP 1996)

Articles & Book Chapters

  • 'Foreign affairs, Parliament, and the Judiciary' in Essays in International Litigation for Lord Collins (ed with Jonathan Harris) (Oxford UP, 2022), 127
  • (with Jonathan Harris) 'Introductory Essay' in Essays in International Litigation for Lord Collins (ed with Jonathan Harris) (Oxford UP, 2022), 1
  • 'James Crawford AC SC FBA (1948–2021): The general law of state responsibility and the specific case of investment claims' (2022) 37 ICSID Rev–FILJ 1
  • 'The present salience of foreign relations law' in H Aust & T Kleinlein, Encounters between Foreign Relations Law and International Law: Bridges and Boundaries (Cambridge UP, 2021) Ch 17
  • 'The double-facing foreign relations function of the executive' in J Bomhoff, D Dyzenhaus, & T Poole, The Double-Facing Constitution: Legal Externalities and the Reshaping of the Constitutional Order (Cambridge UP, 2020)
  • 'Equality of parties before international investment tribunals: the Institute of International Law's resolution 2019' (2020) 35 ICSID Rev–FILJ 419
  • 'Populism, the pandemic and prospects for international law' (KFG Working Paper No 45, Berlin, 2020)
  • 'The assault on international adjudication and the limits of withdrawal' (2019) 68 No 3 ICLQ 499
  • 'Scope for enlarged participation in international arbitration' in J Kalicki & A Raouf, Evolution and Adaptation: The Future of International Arbitration (ICCA Congress Series No 20, Kluwer, The Hague, 2019) 1061
  • 'Five conceptions of the function of foreign relations law' in C Bradley (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law (Oxford UP, 2019) Ch 2
  • 'Entre le conflit de lois, le droit international public et l'application international du droit public: le droit des relations externes des Etats' [2018] Rev. crit. DIP 191-209
  • 'The foreign relations power in the Supreme Court' (2018) 134 LQR 380
  • 'Are national courts and international arbitral tribunals in two worlds or one?' (2016) 7 JIDS 577
  • 'Is there an evolving customary international law on investment?' (2016) 31 ICSID Rev–FILJ 257
  • 'Remarks by Campbell McLachlan' (2015) 109 Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 216
  • 'The evolution of treaty obligations in international law' in G Nolte (ed) Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford UP 2013) 69-81
  • 'The allocative function of foreign relations law' (2012) 83 BYIL 1
  • 'Investment treaties and general international law' (2008) 57 ICLQ 361
  • 'From Savigny to cyberspace: does the internet sound the death-knell for the conflict of laws?' (2006) 11 Media & Arts L Rev 418
  • 'The principle of systemic integration and article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention' (2005) 54 ICLQ 279
  • 'International litigation and the reworking of the conflict of laws' (2004) 120 LQR 580
  • (with P Sands and C Romano) 'Introduction: Papers presented at the Villa La Pietra Symposium on the independent and accountability of the international judge' (2003) 2 LPICT 3
  • 'After Baghdad: conflict or coherence in international law?' (2003) 1 NZJPIL 25
  • 'Pinochet revisited' (2002) 51 ICLQ 959
  • 'Commentary: the broader context' (2002) 18 Arb Int 339
  • 'The jurisdictional limits of disclosure orders in transnational fraud litigation' (1998) 47 ICLQ 3
  • 'Provisional measures in aid of foreign proceedings: has the English response been adequate?' in J Goldsmith (ed), International Dispute Resolution: the Regulation of Forum Selection (Transnational Publishers, 1997)
  • 'Extraterritorial orders affecting bank deposits' in K Meessen (ed) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice (Kluwer 1996) 39
  • 'Transnational interlocutory measures for the preservation of assets' in Lye Lin Heng (ed) Current Legal Issues in the Internationalization of Business Enterprises (Butterworths, Singapore, 1996)
  • 'The influence of international law on civil jurisdiction' (1993) 6 Hague Ybk IL 125
  • (with L Collins) 'Export control: United Kingdom report' in K Meessen (ed), The International Law of Export Control (Nijhoff, 1992) 147
  • 'Splitting the proper law in private international law' (1990) 61 BYIL 311
  • 'Transnational Applications of Mareva Injunctions and Anton Piller Orders' (1987) 36 ICLQ 669
  • 'Remedies affecting bank deposits' in R Cranston (ed), Legal Issues of Cross-border Banking (1989) 23
  • 'The recognition of Aboriginal customary law: pluralism beyond the colonial paradigm' (1988) 37 ICLQ 368
  • 'The Fiji Constitutional crisis of May 1987: a legal assessment' [1987] NZLJ 175
  • 'The New Hague Sales Convention and the limits of the choice of law process' (1986) 102 LQR 59
  • 'Matrimonial property and the conflict of laws' (1986) 12 NZULR 66
  • 'ANZUS: the treaty reappraised' [1985] NZLJ 271
  • 'Reforming New Zealand's conflicts process: the case for internationalisation' (1984) 14 VUWLR 443


International Law Commission Study Group on Fragmentation of International Law

  • 'The Interpretation of Treaties in the light of any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties' (with W Mansfield) (2004) UN Doc. ILC(LVI)/SG/FIL/CRD.3/Rev.1

International Law Association Committee on International Civil and Commercial Litigation

  • 'Jurisdiction in transnational torts' (1994) 66 ILA Conf. Rep 600–617
  • 'Provisional and protective measures in international litigation' (1996) 67 ILA Conf. Rep 185–204
  • 'Declining and referring jurisdiction in international litigation' (2000) 69 ILA Conf. Rep 137–166

International Law Association, Study Group on the Practice & Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals

  • 'The Burgh House Principles on the Independence of the International Judiciary' (2005) 4 LPICT 247–260
  • 'The Hague Principles on Ethical Standards for Counsel appearing before International Courts and Tribunals' (2011) 10 LPICT 6

International Council for Commercial Arbitration

  • 'Investment treaty arbitration: the legal framework' (General Report for Dublin Congress 2008) in van den Berg (ed.) (2008) ICCA Congress Series No 13

Institut de Droit International, Eighteenth Commission

  • 'Equality of Parties before International Investment Tribunals' Institute of International Law, Session of The Hague, Yearbook of the Institute of International Law, Preparatory Works (2018), vol. 79 (Pedone, 2019)

Commonwealth Secretariat

  • 'Admission of Commonwealth Lawyers: a Technical Survey for Commonwealth Law Ministers and the Commonwealth Lawyers' Association' (1985)
  • (with D McClean) 'The Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad: Explanatory Documentation prepared for Commonwealth Jurisdictions' (1985)
  • 'Transnational Litigation for Commonwealth Governments' (Memorandum for Commonwealth Law Ministers, 1990)