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  • 1958. Fault in the formation of contract in Roman law and Scots Law. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
  • 1963. Editor, W. W. Buckland, Text Book of Roman Law, 3rd. edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1966. Regulae iuris: from juristic rules to legal maxims. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • 1974. & J. Shand. Legal values in Western Society. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • 1978. & R. Meek & D. D. Raphael (eds.) Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • 1980. Legal Evolution: the story of an idea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1981. & J. Shand. I Valori Giuridici della Civilta Occidentali (translation of Legal Values (1974)). Milano: Giuffre.
  • 1983. & A. D. E. Lewis (eds.). Studies in Justinian's Institutes in memory of J. A. C. Thomas. London: Sweet & Maxwell.
  • 1987. Legal Institutions: the development of dispute settlement. London: Butterworths.
  • 1984. I fondamenti del diritto europeo (Italian translation of Legal Institutions (1984)). Milano: Giuffre.
  • 1990. The Character and Influence of the Roman Civil Law: historical essays. London: Hambledon Press.
  • 1990. & the late F. de Zulueta. The Teaching of Roman Law in England around 1200. London: Selden Society Supplementary Series VIII.
  • 1972 & C.W.Brooks and R.H. Helmholz. Notaries Public in England since the Reformation. Norwich: Erskine Press for the Society of Public Notaries of London.
  • 1996. Romisches Recht und Europa: Die Geschichte einer Rechtskultur (translation of Roman Law in European History (1999), Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag
  • 1999. Roman Law in European History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


  • 1952. The College of Judges of Pavia, Juridical Review, 204-213.
  • 1955. The moral element in legal cruelty, Scots Law Times, 117-123.
  • 1955. The actio de effusis vel deiectis and the concept of quasi-delict in Scots law. International and Comparative Law-Quarterly, 356-375.
  • 1955. False measures in the Roman law of sale, Cambridge Law Journal, 226-232.
  • 1955. Osservazioni intorno al Adamo Smith, filosofo del diritto, Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 97-100.
  • 1956. Julian and liability for loss suffered in the execution of a contract in Roman law, South African Law Review, 64-69-
  • 1957. Legal Thought in eighteenth century Scotland, Juridical Review, 1-20.
  • 1958. The nature of quasi-delictal obligations in Roman Law, Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquite, 3 Ser. 5, 563-570.
  • 1958. La natura delle obbligazioni quasi ex delicto JUS. N.S.9, 367-378.
  • 1959. Medieval discussions of the buyer's actions for physical defects, Studies in the Roman law of Sale (in memory of F. De. Zulueta), Oxford, 102-111.
  • 1959. The mutual agency of partners in the civil law, Tulane Law Review, 33,595-606.
  • 1960. Pauli libri tres manualium, Revue internationale des droits de l' antiquite. 3 Ser. 7, 479-488.
  • 1961. Elegance in Law, Law Quarterly Review, 77, 242-256.
  • 1962. Generations, Life-spans and Usufructs, Revue internationale des droits de l' antiquite, 3 Ser. 9, 335-355.
  • 1962. The Digest Title, De diversis regulis iuris antiqui and the general principles of law. Essays in Jurisprudence in Honor of Roscoe Pound, 1-20.
  • 1963. The Formation of the Gloss "De regulis iuris" and the Glossators' Concept of "regula", Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Accursiani, 697-722.
  • 1963. The general Notions of Contract and Property in 18th Century Scottish Thought, Juridical Review, 1-13.
  • 1964. “Gratia" in the Digest, Synteleia Arangio-Ruiz, 1, 250-252.
  • 1965. Some Reflections on "jus sepulchri", Studi in onore di Biondo, 111-122.
  • 1965. Sources of Roman Law, Bibliographical Introduction to Legal History and Ethnology, ed. J. Gilissen, Bruxelles, A/9,1-48.
  • 1966. Roman Law, History of: The eclipse in the West, The New Catholic Encyclopedia.
  • 1966. The Attraction of the Civil Law in Post-Revolutionary America, Virginia Law Review, 52, 403-434.
  • 1967. Justice Cardoza, Marcus Terentius Varro and the Roman Juristic Process, Irish Jurist, 367-374.
  • 1968. Roman Law in Scotland, ius romanum medii aevi XXXX, 5, 13b, 1-51.
  • 1968. Lo svolgimento storico della nozione di "regula iuris" in Diritto romano, Antologia giuridi caromanistica et antiquarian, Giuffre, Milan, 95-108.
  • 1969. Roman Law and English Jurisprudence yesterday and today: Inaugural lecture, Cambridge.
  • 1969. The Source of the Romano-Canonical Part f Regiam Maies ta tern, Scottish Historical Review, 48, 107-123.
  • 1970. Il sorgere del movimenbo analitico positivistico in Inghilterra, i Studi Senesi, 319-339.
  • 1971. The Meaning of "lex publica", Studi in or.ore di Edcardo Volterra, 2, 313-319.
  • 1971. The Relations between Grammar and Law in the early Principate: the Beginnings of Analogy, La critica del testo, Atti del II congresso internazionale della Societa italiana di storia del diritto, 2, 757-769.
  • 1972. The two Schools of Jurists in .the Early Roman Principate, Cambridge Law Journal, (Jubilee Issue), 8-31.
  • 1973. Common Law, Dictionary of the History of Ideas, New York, 2.691-696.
  • 1973. Equitable principles in Roman Law, Equity in the World's legal systems, ed. R. A. Newman, 1973, 75-92.
  • 1974. The Development of the Notion of "naturalis ratio", Daube noster, ed. A. Watson, 306-316.
  • 1974. Germanic Law, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.
  • 1974. Civil Law Maxims in Moral Philosophy, Tulane Law Review 48, 1075-1085.
  • 1974. Labeo's Reasoning on Arbitration, South African Law Journal, 89, 135-140.
  • 1976. Legal Science during the last Century: England, Inchieste di diritto comparato - 6,ed. M. Rotondi, 21-41.
  • 1976. Vacarius and the Civil Law, Church and Government in the Middle Ages, ed. C. N. L. Brooke, Cambridge, 119-137.
  • 1977. Continental Influences on English legal Thought, 1600-1900, La formazione storica del diritto moderno in Europa, Atti del congresso internazionale della societa italiana di storia del diritto, 3. 1105-1125.
  • 1977. Sabino contro Labeone: due tipi di pensiero giuridico romano, Bulletino dell' Istituto di diritto romano, 80, 55-67.
  • 1978. The Place of Servius Sulpicius Rufus in the Development of Roman Legal Science, FestchriftfurFranz Wieacker zum 70. Geburtstag, 175-184.
  • 1978. Sir Thomas Smith: Renaissance Civilian, Acta Juridica (in honour of Ben Beinart), 79-89.
  • 1978. The Sources of Law in Cicero, Atti del III Coloquium Tullianum, Roma 1976, 19-31.
  • 1978. Adam Smith's Theory of Law and Society, Classical Influences on Western Legal Thought, A.D.1650-1870, ed. R. Bolgar, 263-273.
  • 1979. Legal Theory and the Reform of Legal Education in mid-nineteenth Century England, L'Educazione giuridica. ed. A. Giuliani and N. Picarda, Perugia, 185-206.
  • 1979. Adam Smith's Jurisprudence - between morality and economics, Cornell Law Review, 64, 621-638.
  • 1979. Logic and Experience in Roman Law and Common Law, Boston University Law Review, 59, 433-451.
  • 1980. Bartolus, the Conflict of Laws and The Roman Law, Festschrift fur Kurt Lipstein, 251-258.
  • 1981. Stair's general concepts, Stair Tercentenary Studies, Stair Society, 33, 181-187.
  • 1981. Die Idee der Evolution im Recht, Nachrichten der Akademie detr Wissenschaften in Gottingen,phil-hist. Kl., 121-132.
  • 1982. Fundamental Legal Institutions, Legal Studies, 1982, 1-13.
  • 1982. From Pufendorf to Adam Smith: the natural law tradition in Scotland, Festschrift fur Helmut Coing, 1667-679.
  • 1982. Safety in Numbers: Sharing of responsibility for judicial decision in early modern Europe, Attidel IV congresso internazionale della societa italiana di storia del diritto (Napoli, 1980), 271-283.
  • 1982. School attitudes in the law of delicts, Studi in onore di Arnaldo Biscardi, Milano, 11, 281-293.
  • 1982. The procedural models of the 16th century, Juridical Review, 1982, 186-197.
  • 1982. The Legal Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment, Rechts-philosophie der Aufklarung,(Symposium Wolfenbuttel 1981), ed. R. Brandt, 1982, 61-78.
  • 1982. I precedenti nella "Common law", Legge Giudici Giuristi, Atti del convegno tenuto a Cagliari (Maggio 1981), 53-65.
  • 1983. Nineteenth century English Company Law and theories of legal personality, Quaderni Fiorentiniper la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 12, 503-519.
  • 1983. The Development of the Institutional System, Studies in Justinian's Institutes in memory of J. A. C. Thomas, (ed. P.G. Stein and A.D.E. Lewis), 151-163.
  • 1984. The Fate of the Institutional System, Huldigingsbundel Paul van Warmelo, Pretoria (Unisa), 218-227.
  • 1984. Lex Atinia, Athenaeum (Pavia), NS 62, 596-600.
  • 1985. Civil Law Reports and the case of San Marino. Römisches Recht in der europäischen Tradition (Festschrift für Franz Wieaker Zum 75 Geburtstag, 323-338. eds. O. Behrends, M., Diesselhorst, W. E. Voss, Ebelsbach 1985, 323-338.
  • 1985. Lex Cincia, Athenaeum (Pavia), NS 63, 145-153.
  • 1985. Thomas Legge: a sixteenth century English civilian and his books, Satura Roberto Feenstra Oblata, edd. J. A. Ankum, J. E. Spruit and F. B. J. Wubbe, Fribourg Suisse, 545-556.
  • 1986. Judge and Jurist in the Civil Law: a historical interpretation, Louisiana Law Review 46, 241-257.
  • 1986. Comments on Calvin Woodard's paper and on David Summers'paper, New Literary Review, 17, 259-264 and 345-350.
  • 1986. Legal Humanism and Legal Science, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 54, 297-306.
  • 1986. The tasks of historical jurisprudence, The Legal Mind: essays for Tony Honore, edd. N. MacCormick and P. Birks, Oxford, 293-305.
  • 1987. Lex Falcidia, Athenaeum (Pavia), NS 65, 454-457.
  • 1987. Lex Iunia Vellaea, Athenaeum (Pavia), NS 65, 459-464.
  • 1987. (with J. A. Crook and D. E .L. Johnston), Intertium jagd and the lex Irnitana: a Colloquium, Zeitschrift fur Papyrologieund Epigraphik, ed. W. Eck et al.,70, 173-184.
  • 1988. Judgments in the European Legal Tradition, La Sentenza in Europa: metodo, tecnica e stile, (Attidel Convegno di Ferrara), Padova, 27-41.
  • 1989. "Equitable" Remedies for the Protection of Property, New Perspectives in the Roman Law of Property: essays for Barry Nicholas, ed. P. Birks, Oxford, 185-194.
  • 1990. Law after 1992, Symposium on Thinking European, Cambridge Review, 111, 101-104.
  • 1992. Principi generali nel pensiero dei glossatori e commentatori medievali, I principi generalidel diritto, Atti dei convegni Lincei, 96, Roma, 127-134.
  • 1992. I rapporti interni fra il diritto romano classico ed il common law inglese, Incontro con Giovanni Pugliese, Milano 1992, 59-65.
  • 1992. The Vacarian School, Journal of Legal History, 13, 23-31.
  • 1992. Roman Law, Common Law and Civil law, Tulane Law Review, 66, 1591-1603 .
  • 1992. I sistemi di civil law nella prospettiva del giurista di common law, Rassegna di diritto civile, 4, 821-833.
  • 1993. The Crime of fraud in the uncodified Civil Law, Current Legal Problems, 46, 135-147.
  • 1993. The origins of stellionatus, IURA 41 (1990), 79-89.
  • 1993. Donellus and the origins of the modern civil law, Melanges Felix Wubbe, eds. J. A. Ankum, C. A. Cannata, R. Feenstra, Y. Le Roy, J. E. Spruit and P. Weimar, Fribourg Suisse, 439-452.
  • 1993. Justinian's Compilation: classical legacy and legal source, Tulane European and Civil Law Forum 8, 1-15.
  • 1993. Concluding Remarks to Oxford Symposium in honour of David Daube, Essays in Law and Religion, ed. C M. Carmichael, Berkeley, California, 83-86.
  • 1994. Donellus and Procedure, L'Educazione Giuridica VI, Modellistorici della proceduracontinentale, eds. A. Giuliani and N-Picardi, Perugia, 75-80.
  • 1994. Legal history: the British Perspective, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 62, 71-79.
  • 1994. The civil law doctrine of Custom and the growth of Case Law, Studi in memoria di Gino Gorla, I (Milano), 371-381.
  • 1994. The Tradition of Roman Law in Europe, European Review, 2, 289-294.
  • 1994. The future of Roman Law in a Britain that is part of Europe, Revue Internationale des droits de I'Antiquite, 3rd.ser. 41, supplement 173-180.
  • 1994. In Memoriam Patrick William Duff, IURA, 42 (1991), 229-231.
  • 1995. Custom in Roman and medieval civil law, Continuity and Change, 10,337-344.
  • 1995. Interpretation and Legal reasoning in Roman Law, Chicago-Kent Law Review, 70, 1539-1556.
  • 1995. II diritto romano come teoria generale del diritto, Index (Napoli), 23, 45-54.
  • 1995. Roman Arbitration: an English perpective, Israel Law Review, 29, 215-227.
  • 1995. Ulpian and the distinction between ius publicum and ius privatum, Collatio iuris romani, études dediées á Hans Ankum, eds. R. Feenstra, A. S. Hartkamp, J. E.S pruit, P. J. Sijpestein and L. C. Winkel, Amsterdam, II. 499-504.
  • 1996. The quest for a systematic civil law (Maccabaean Lecture in Jurisprudence), Proceedings of the British Academy, 90 (1995), 147-164.
  • 1997. The Medieval Rediscovery of the Roman Civil Law, The Civilian Tradition and Scots Law: Aberdeen Quincentenary Essays, eds. D. L. Carey Miller and R. Zimmermann, Berlin,75-86.
  • 1997. Common Law and Civil Law in historical perspective (Cape Town Symposium on the Teaching of Legal History, 1996) Zeitschrift für Europaisches Privatrecht 2 (1997), 385-392.
  • 1998. Systematisation of private law in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Entwicklung der Metodenlehre und Philosophie vom 16 bis zum 18 Jahrhundert, ed. Jan Schroder, Stuttgart, 117-126.
  • 1999. Procedure giudiziali e politica nel Primo Impero, Gli ordinamenti giudiziari di Roma imperiale, ed. F.Milazzo, Napoli, 21-35.
  • 1999. An alternative basis of contractual obligation, Melanges en l'honneur de Carlo Augusto Cannata, ed. R. Ruedin, Bâle, Genève, Munich, 347-351.
  • 2000. Legal education in mid-nineteenth century Germany through English eyes, Quaestiones iuris, Festschrift fur J. G. Wolf, eds. U. Manthe and C. Krampe, Berlin, 233-237.