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  • Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain (Allen Lane The Penguin Press, London ,1968). Second edition (Harmondsworth, Penguin Law and Society Series, 1970) 342 pp.
  • Individual Employment Law (with P O’Higgins) (Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1971). Second edition, sub. nom. Employment Law (1975). Third edition (1979) (sole author). Fourth edition (1981) (sole author) 430 pp.
  • Public Employee Trade Unionism in the United Kingdom: The Legal Framework (with P O’Higgins) (Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations The University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, 1971) (sole author of Part II, chaps. 1-111, pp. 39-93, chap. V, pp. 105-157, Part III, pp. 163-210).
  • Laws Against Strikes (with O Kahn-Freund) (Fabian Society, London, 1972) (sole author chaps. 4 to 8, pp. 18-52).
  • A Bibliography of the Literature on British and Irish Labour Law (with P O’Higgins and J M Neeson) (Mansell, London, 1975) 331 pp.
  • Labour Law in Great Britain and Ireland. A Companion Volume to the Bibliography of the Literature on British and Irish Labour Law to 1978. (with J Hepple, P O’Higgins, P Stirling) (Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1981) 131 pp.
  • Equal Pay and Industrial Tribunals (with digest of cases by Sonia MacKay and Gillian S.Morris) (Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1984) 66 pp.
  • The Making of Labour Law in Europe: a comparative study of Nine Countries up to 1945 (Mansell, London, 1986) 412 pp. (editor, and author of "Introduction" pp.1-30, Chapter 3 "Welfare Legislation and Wage Labour", pp. 114-153, and Appendices pp.301-359).
  • Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Great Britain (with S Fredman) (Kluwer, Deventer, 1977). A revised version of the monograph on "Great Britain" in International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations (ed. R Blanpain) (Kluwer, Deventer, 1977); revised edition (1980); revised edition (with S Fredman) (1986) 295 pp.; revised edition (with S Fredman) (1992) .; revised edition (with S Fredman and G Truter) (2002) 313 pp.
  • Tort: Cases and Materials (with M H Matthews) (Butterworths, London, 1974). Second edition (1980); Third edition (1985); Fourth edition (1991) 956 pp., Fifth edition (with D Howarth and J A O’Sullivan)( 2001) 1151 pp.
  • Foundations of the Law of Tort (with G Williams) (Butterworths, London, 1976); Second edition (1984) 230 pp. Japanese and Italian translations have been published.
  • Working Time: a New Legal Framework? (London, Institute for Public Policy Research, Employment Paper No. 3, 1991) 32 pp.
  • Discrimination: the Limits of Law (editor with E Szyszczak and contributor) (Mansell, London, 1992) 481 pp.
  • European Social Dialogue - Alibi or Opportunity? (Institute of Employment Rights, London, 1993) 54 pp.
  • Human Rights and Labour Law: Essays for Paul O’Higgins (Editor with K D Ewing and C A Gearty and contributor) (Mansell, London,1994) 367 pp.
  • Fundamental Social Rights: Proposals for the European Union (with R Blanpain, S Sciarra, M Weiss) (Peeters, Leuven, 1996) 22 pp. German translation (KritV 78, Heft4/1995).
  • Equality: a New Framework: Report of the Independent Review of the Enforcement of UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation, xiv + 147 pp. (with M Coussey and T Choudhury) (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000).
  • Tackling religious discrimination: practical implications for policy-makers and legislators (with T Choudhury) (Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, London, 2001), 74 pp.
  • Labour Law, Inequality and Global Trade (Hugo Sinzheimer Institute, Amsterdam,2002) 35 pp.
  • Rights at Work ( Discussion Paper DP/147/2003, International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva, 2003) 28pp.
  • Tackling Religious Discrimination: Practical Implications for Policy-Makers and Legislators [with T.C.Choudhury], 74 pp., Home Office, 2001, ISBN 1 84082 613 4
  • Social and Labour Rights in a Global Context: International and Comparative Perspectives (ed.), 273 pp., Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0 521 81881 8..
  • Labour Laws and Global Trade, 302 pp., Hart Publishing, 2005, ISBN 1-84113-160-1 (hardback) ISBN 1-84113-187-3 (paperback).
  • Rights at Work: Global, European and British Perspectives, The Hamlyn Lectures 56th Series, 67 pp., Sweet & Maxwell, 2005, ISBN 0421 907509 (hardback) ISBN 907703 (paperback).
  • The Transformation of Labour Law in Europe: a comparative study of 15 countries 1945 - 2004 (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2009) co-editor with Bruno Veneziani and contributor with Bruno Venesiani 'Introduction' pp 1-29; with Niklas Bruun, 'Economic Policy and Labour Law', pp 31 - 57; sole author 'Equality at Work' pp 129 - 163. xvii and 393 pp ISBN 78-1-74113-870-1.
  • Equality: the New Legal Framework. (Hart Publishing Oxford, 2011). xxxviii & 209 pp. ISBN 978-184946-107-8.
  • Alex Hepple: South African Socialist. A Memoir. (SA History Online, Cape Town, 2011). 104 pp. ISBN 978-0-620-50965-7.
  • Young Man with a Red Tie: A Memoir of Mandela and the Failed Revolution 1960 - 1963. (Jacana, Johannesburg, 2013). 199 pp. ISBN 978-1-4314-0784-2.

Contributions to Edited Books

  • "Economic and Racial Legislation" in H R Hahlo and E Kahn (eds.), The British Commonwealth: The Development of its Law and Constituions. Volume 5. The Union of South Africa (Stevens, London, 1960) pp. 760-813.
  • "Employment" (chapter 6) in S Abbott (ed.), Prevention of Racial Discrimination in Britain (Oxford University Press, London, 1971) pp. 155-174.
  • "Liability and Protection" (section 5) in the title "Administrative Law" in Halsbury’s Laws of England, 4th ed., vol.1 ( Butterworths,London, 1973) paras. 188-300.
  • Chapter 3 on Great Britain in J J Loewenberg (ed.), Compulsory Arbitration: An International Comparison (D C Heath and Company,Lexington, Mass., 1976) pp. 83-115.
  • Comparative report on "The Temporary Worker" in W Albeda, R Blanpain, G M J Veldkamp (eds.), Temporary Work in Modern Society: a Comparative Study {Kluwer, Netherlands,1978) pp. 493-511.
  • Great Britain (with B W Napier) in W Albeda, R Blanpain, G M J Veldkamp (eds.), Temporary Work in Modern Society: a Comparative Study (Kluwer, Netherlands,1978) pp. 186-226.
  • "Conflict of Laws on Employment Relations within the EEC", in K Lipstein (ed.), Harmonisation of Private International Law by the EEC (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 1978) pp. 39-49.
  • "Work Discipline and the Law" in Dysciplina Pracy ( University of Wroclaw,Wroclaw, 1978) pp. 85-100.
  • "The Freedom of the Worker to organise in the UK" in The Freedom of the Worker to Organise ( Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, 1980) pp. 1001-1056.
  • "Trade, Labour and Employment" (with J W Cronin) in Lord Evershed (ed.), Atkin’s Encyclopaedia of Court Forms in Civil Proceedings, vol.38, 2nd ed. Vol.38) (Butterworths, London, 1979), pp. 245-436. 3rd ed. (with John Bowers) (1986), pp. 109-340.
  • "A Functional Approach to Dismissal Laws" in F Gamillscheg, B A Hepple, J de Givy, J M Verdier (eds.), In Memoriam Sir Otto Kahn-Freund, (C H Beck, Munich, 1980) pp.477-491.
  • "Individual Labour Law" in G S Bain (ed.), Industrial Relations in Britain (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983) pp. 393-417.
  • "Security of Employment" in R Blanpain (ed.), Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Kluwer, Deventer, 1982); second edition (1985); third edition (1987); sub.nom. "Flexibility and Security of Employment"; fourth edition (1990), pp. 167-195, fifth edition (ed. R.Blanpain and C.Engels) (1993) pp. 255-280, sixth edition (1998) pp.277-303.
  • "European Labour Law: the European Communities" in R Blanpain (ed.), Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations .Fourth edition (Kluwer, Deventer, 1990) pp. 293-316; Fifth edition (ed. R Blanpain and C Engels) (1993) pp.143-166.
  • "Labour Law and Public Employees in Britain" in Lord Wedderburn and W T Murphy (eds.), Labour Law and the Community: Perspectives for the 1980s (Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London, 1983), pp.67-83.
  • "Harmonisation of Labour Law in the European Communities" in J Adams (ed.) Essays for Clive Schmitthoff (Professional Books, Abingdon, 1983) pp.14-28.
  • "Unfair Dismissals Legislation in Great Britain" in J Stieber and J Blackburn (eds.), Protecting Unorganised Employees Against Unjust Discharge (Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1983) pp. 135-146.
  • "Tort" in Jane Allen (ed.), All England Law Reports Annual Review (Butterworths, London, 1983-1990). 1982, pp. 297-312; 1983, pp. 327-342; 1984, pp. 288-296; 1985, pp. 294-311; 1986, pp. 309-320; 1987, pp.284-301; 1988, pp. 321-335; 1989, pp. 329-341.
  • "Dictionary of Labour Relations Law" in B A Hepple and P O’Higgins (eds.), Encyclopedia of Labour Relations Law, ( Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1985) vol. I, pp. 1001-1148.
  • "Practice and procedure" in Sex Discrimination and Equal Pay (College of Law, London, 1984) pp. 29-43.
  • "The Scope and Function of the English Law of Tort" in W E Butler and V N Kudriatsev (eds.), Comparative Law and the Legal System: Historical and Socio-Legal Perspectives (Oceana Publications, New York, 1985) ( Russian translation, Moscow 1985).
  • "Lord Donovan" in Lord Blake (ed.), Dictionary of National Biography Supplement 1971-80 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986); revised in New Dictionary of National Biography (forthcoming).
  • "The Monitoring of Labour Legislation" (with W Brown), foreword to P Fosh and C R Littler (eds.), Industrial Relations and the Law in the 1980s (Gower, Aldershot, 1986) pp. ix-xv
  • "Some Problems of Comparing Socialist and Capitalist Systems of Labour Law" in W E Butler, B A Hepple, A C Neal (eds.), Comparative Labour Law: Anglo-Soviet Perspectives, (Gower, Aldershot, 1987) pp.22-28. (Russian translation, Moscow, 1987).
  • "Great Britain" in M G Rood (ed.), Fifty Years of Labour Law and Social Security (Kluwer, Deventer, 1986) pp. 101-120.
  • "The Judicial Process in Claims for Equal Pay and Equal Treatment in the UK" in C McCrudden (ed.), Women, Employment and European Equality Law (Eclipse, London, 1988) pp.143-160.
  • "Deregulation and the Rule of Law: An English View" in M A P Bovens, W Derksen, W J Witteveen (eds.), Rechtstaat en Sturing (W E J Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle, 1987), pp. 161-170.
  • "United Kingdom" (chapter 11) in R. Blanpain and E Kohler (eds.), Legal and Contractual Limitations to Working Time in the European Community Member States (Kluwer, Deventer, 1988) pp. 419-444. Second edition (with C Hakim) (eds. J Rojot, R Blanpain and E Kohler) (Kluwer, Deventer, 1996) pp. 659-693.
  • "The Role of Trade Unions in Hiring and Dismissal" in W E Butler, B A Hepple, R W Rideout (eds.), The Right to Work under English and Soviet Law (International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Leicester, 1988) pp. 209-212.
  • "Some Problems of Comparison of Socialist and Capitalist Systems of Labour Law" in H Lewandowski (ed.), Studia Z Prawa Pracy [ dedicated to Professor Waclaw Szubert] (Panstowe Wysawnictwo Naukowe,Warsaw-Lodz, 1988) pp. 79-85.
  • "Part 1A: Sources and Institutions" (Chaps. 1-7) and "Part 1B: Restatement" (Divisions A- E.) in B.A. Hepple and P O’Higgins (eds.), Encyclopedia of Labour Relations Law (Sweet and Maxwell, London, Releases 98 of 11.x.1988 to 104 of 13.iv.1990) 120 pp, 248 pp and 20 pp respectively. [Note: as General Editor responsible for the design of the whole Restatement and Commentary, but author only of those sections indicated here. Some of the sections by other contributors are based on the earlier Individual Employment Law above.]
  • "Labour Law and the New Work Force" in A Gladstone et al. (eds.), Labour Relations in a Changing Environment (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1991) pp. 287-296.
  • "The Fall and Rise of Unfair Dismissal" in Lord McCarthy (ed.), Legal Intervention in Industrial Relations (Blackwell, Oxford, 1992) pp. 79-102.
  • "Have 25 Years of the Race Relations Acts been a Failure?" in B A Hepple and E Szyszczak (eds.), Discrimination: the Limits of Law (London, 1992) pp. 19-34.
  • "The Integration of Contract and Tort" in Peter Birks (ed.), Examining the Law Syllabus: the Core (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992) pp. 54-57.
  • "United Kingdom" in R Blanpain (ed.), Temporary Work and Labour Law of the European Community and Member States (Kluwer, Deventer,1993) pp.227-246.
  • "Trade Unions and Democracy in Transitional Societies: Reflections on Russia and South Africa" in K D Ewing, C Gearty and B A Hepple (eds.), Human Rights and Labour Law: Essays for Paul O’Higgins ( Mansell, London,1994) pp. 56-75
  • "Equality:a Global Labour Standard" in W Sengenberger and D Campbell (eds.), International Labour Standards and Economic Interdependence (International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva,1994) pp. 123-32
  • "The ILO: Reinventing Tripartism and Universal Labour Standards" in ILO (ed.), Visions for the Future of Social Justice: Essays on the occasion of the ILOs 75th Anniversary (ILO, Geneva, 1994) pp. 133-36.
  • "Tort Law in the Contract State in P Birks (ed.), The Frontiers of Liability (vol. 2) (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994) pp. 71-82.
  • "Some Concluding Reflections" in P Birks (ed.), Reviewing Legal Education (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994) pp. 109-112
  • "Great Britain" in R Blanpain and T Hanami (eds.), Employment Security: Law and Practice (Peeters. Leuven,1994) pp159-69 .
  • "Freedom to form and join or not join trade unions" in Council of Europe (ed.), Freedom of Association (Nijhoff, London, 1994) pp. 161-74
  • "The Development of Fundamental Social Rights in European Labour Law" in A C Neal and S Foyn (eds.), Developing the Social Dimension of the Enlarged European Union (Scandanvian University Press, Oslo, 1995) pp. 23-34
  • "Equality and Discrimination" in P L Davies, A Lyon-Caen, S Sciarra, S Simitis (eds.), European Community Labour Law: Principles and Perspectives (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996) pp. 237-259
  • "Economic Efficiency and Social Rights in R Blanpain (ed.), Law in Motion (Kluwer Law International, Deventer 1996) pp. 868-879
  • "The Principle of Equal Treatment in Article 119 and the possibilities for reform" in A Dashwood and S O’Leary (eds.), The Principle of Equal Treatment in EC Law (Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1997) pp. 137-152
  • "The Protection of Acquired Rights" in Ongelijkheidscompensatie als roode draad in het recht: Liber Amicorum voor Prof. M G Rood (University of Leiden, Leiden,1997) pp. 311-320
  • "Negligence: the search for coherence" in M D A Freeman (ed.), Law and Opinion in the Twentieth-Century: Current Legal Problems ,vol.50 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997) pp. 69-94
  • "The Impact on Labour Law" in B S Markesinis (ed.), The Impact of the Human Rights Bill on English Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press,1998) pp. 53-84
  • "Towards a European Social Constitution" in C Engels and M Weiss (eds.), Labour Law and Industrial Relations at the Turn of the Century , Liber Amicorum for Professor Roger Blanpain (Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 1998) pp. 291-304
  • "United Kingdom" in European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, The Regulation of Working Conditions in the Member States of the European Union (volume 2) (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1998) pp. 235-246
  • "Labour Regulation in Internationalised Markets" in S Picciotto and R Mayne(eds.), Regulating International Business (Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, 1999) pp. 183-202
  • "The Historical Development of Collective Labour Law: Comparative Reflections" in M van der Linden and R Price (eds.), The Rise and Development of Collective Labour Law (Peter Lang, Bern, 2000) pp. 415-436
  • "Freedom of Expression and the Problem of Harassment" in J Beatson and Y Cripps (eds.), Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000) pp. 177-196
  • "The Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality in Community Social and Employment Law" in D O’Keefe (ed.), Judicial Review in European Union Law: Liber Amicorum for Lord Slynn of Hadley, volume 1 (Kluwer Law International, London, 2000) pp. 639-650
  • "Supporting collective bargaining: some comparative reflections" in B Towers and W Brown (eds.), Employment Relations in Britain: 25 years of the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service, (Blackwell, Oxford, 2000) pp. 153-161
  • "Workplace Regulation and Benefits" in American Bar Association and West Group, Common Law, Common Values, Common Rights (American Bar Association, San Francisco, 2000) pp. 231-238
  • "Mapping International Labor Disputes: an Overview" in the International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Labor Law Beyond Borders: ADR and the Internationalization of Labor Dispute Settlement (Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2003) pp.35-49.
  • "Age Discrimination in Employment: Implementing the Framework Directive 2000/78/EC in S.Fredman and S.Spencer, Age as an Equality Issue: Legal and Policy Perspectives (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2003) pp.71-96.
  • 'Introduction', pp.1-16, and 'Enforcement: the Law and Politics of Co-operation and Compliance', pp.238-57, in Social and Labour Rights in a Global Context: International and Comparative Perspectives , ed.B.Hepple, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0 521 81881 8..
  • 'Age Discrimination in Employment: Implementing the Framework Directive 2000/78/EC', pp.71-96, in, Age as an Equality Issue: Legal and Policy Perspectives, S.Fredman and S.Spencer (eds.), Hart Publishing, 2003, ISBN 1-841113-405-8.
  • 'Adoption of U.S.Style Employment Law and Remedies in the European Community', pp. 471-503, in Cross-Border Human Resources,Labor and Employment Issues, A.P.Morriss and S.Estreicher (eds.), Kluwer Law International, 2005, ISBN 90-411-2106-4.
  • 'Rights at Work', pp.33-75, in Decent Work: Objectives and Strategies, D.Ghai (ed.), International Institute for Labour Studies Geneva, 2005, ISBN 92-9014-787-7 ( print) ISBN 92-9014-786-5 (web pdf).
  • 'The Equality Commissions and the Future Commission for Equality and Human Rights', pp.101-114, in The Changing Institutional Face of British Employment Relations, L.Dickens and A.C.Neal (eds.), Kluwer Law International, 2006, ISBN 90 411 2541 8.
  • 'Comparing Employee Involvement: Divergence, Convergence and Legal Stimulants', pp. xx-xx , in Employee Involvement in a Globalising World. Liber Amicorum Manfred Weiss, A.Höland (eds.), Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2005, ISBN xxx
  • ' Does Law Matter? The Future of Binding Norms', pp.221-235, in Protecting Labour Rights as Human Rights,, G.Politakis (ed.), International Institute for Labour Studies Geneva, 2007, ISBN 978-92-2-019944-2 (print) ISBN 97-892-2-019945-9 (web pdf).
  • 'The Aims and Limits of Equality Laws' pp 3-13 in Equality in the Workplace: Reflections from South Africa and beyond, O Dupper and C. Garbers (eds) Juta & Co Ltd, Cape Town, 2009) ISBN 978-0 7021 8457 4.
  • 'Rethinking Laws Against Strikes' [The Countess Markiewicz Lecture, 2010] pp 137-149 in The Industrial Relations Act 1990: 20 years On, A.Kerr (ed.) (Round Hall and Thomson Reuters, Dublin, 2010). ISBN 978-1-85800-615-4.
  • 'Laws Against Strikes: Between Change and Tradition' pp 89 - 98, in Labour Law Between Change and tradition: Liber Amicorum Antoine Jacobs, R. Blanpain and F. Hendriks (eds) (Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011). ISBN 978-90-411 3424-0.
  • 'Comparative Institutional Advantages in the Context of Development' pp 19-27 in The Role of Labour Standards in Development: from theory to sustainable practice? T. Novitz and D. Mangan (eds) (British Academy and Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011) ISBN 978-0-19-726491-1.
  • 'Is South Africa’s Labour Law Fit for the Global Economy?', pp 1-20 in Reinventing Labour Law: reflections on the first 15 years of the Labour Relations Act and future challenges, Rochelle Le Roux and Alan Rycroft (eds) (Juta, Cape Town, 2013 ISBN-13; 078-0-7021-9864-9)
  • 'Can discrimination ever be fair?' pp.1-17 in Labour Law into the Future: Essays in honour of D’Arcy du Toit, Kitty Malherbe and Julia Sloth-Nielsen (eds) (Juta, Cape Town, 2012, ISBN 978 0 7021 9423 8.)
  • 'Agency Enforcement of Workplace Equality' pp 49-66 in Making Employment Rights Effective (Linda Dickens ed) (Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2012, ISBN 978 I 84946-3).

Journal Articles

  • "The British Race Relations Acts, 1965 and 1968" (1969) 19 University of Toronto Law Journal 248-257
  • "Labour Law" (with P O’Higgins) Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975
  • "Intention to Create Legal Relations" (1970) Cambridge Law Journal 122-137
  • "Ethnic Minorities at Work" (1968) Race 17-30 X, 1
  • "The Future protection of migrant workers" (1971) 1 New Community 47-51
  • "Aliens and Administrative Justice: The Dutschke Case" (1971) 33 Modern Law Review 501-519
  • "Union Responsibility for Shop Stewards" (1972) Industrial Law Journal 197-211
  • "Drafting employment terms" (with P O’Higgins) (1972) 36 Conveyancer 77
  • "The Effect of Community Law on Employment Rights" (1975) Poly Law Review 50-57
  • "Workers’ Rights in Mergers and Takeovers: the EEC proposals" (1976) 5 Industrial Law Journal 197-210
  • "Community Measures for the Protection of Workers against Dismissal" (1977) 14 Common Market Law Review 489-500.
  • "Temporary Workers and the Law" (with B W Napier) (1978) 7 Industrial Law Journal 84-99
  • "Lock-outs in Great Britain" (1980) (January / February) 33 Recht der Arbeit 25-32
  • "Job Security: Some Comparative Reflections" (1980) 11 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 231-249
  • "Job Security and Industrial Relations in the United Kingdom" (1980) 11 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 211-230
  • "Tasks for Labour Law Research" (with W A Brown) (1981) 1 Legal Studies 56-57. Polish translation in Poznanie Prawy Pracy (Wroclaw, 1981) pp. 45-58
  • "The British Employment Act 1980" (1981) (May / June) 34 Recht der Arbeit 164-169
  • "A Right to Work?" (1981) 10 Industrial Law Journal 65-83. Japanese translation published 1982; Italian translation published 1983.
  • "The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations" (1982) 11 Industrial Law Journal 29-40
  • "Judging Equal Rights" (1983) 36 Current Legal Problems 71-90.
  • "The Development of Legislation on Temporary Work since 1978: a comparative report" (1983) 22 Cahiers (International Institute for Temporary Work) 182-197.
  • "Equality and Prohibition of discrimination in Great Britain" (1985) 14 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 117-130
  • "Job Security - A Legal Myth?" (1985) 4 Journal of the Irish Society for Labour Law 1-20
  • "Do we Need the Contract of Employment?" (1986) 36 King’s Counsel 11-31
  • "Restructuring Employment Rights" (1986) 15 Industrial Law Journal 69-83
  • "Westland Affair: What about the Workers?" (1986) 39 Current Legal Problems 259-268
  • "The Crisis in EEC Labour Law" (1987) 16 Industrial Law Journal 77-87
  • "Aspects of Flexibility in Labour Law" I (1987) Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und internationales Arbeits - und Sozialrecht 280-286.
  • "The role of neutrals in the resolution of shop floor disputes: the United Kingdom", (1987) Comparative Labor Law Journal 198-211 (with Sir J Wood and T L Johnston).
  • "The Race Relations Acts and the process of change" (1986) XIV New Community 32-39
  • "Labour Courts: some comparative perspectives" (1988) 41 Current Legal Problems 169-196
  • "The Harmonisation of Labour Law in the EEC, a British perspective" (1989) (November / December) 42 Recht der Arbeit 348-352
  • "Flexibility and Wages" (1990) 19 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 189-206
  • "EEC Labour Law in the United Kingdom - a New Approach" (1990) 18 Industrial Law Journal 129-143 (with A Byre)
  • "Discrimination and Equality of Opportunity - Northern Irish Lessons" (1990) 10 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 408-421
  • "The Role of Trade Unions in a Democratic Society" (1990) 11 [South African] Industrial Law Journal 645-654
  • "Social Rights in the European Economic Community: a British Perspective" (1991) 11 Comparative Labor Law Journal 425-440
  • "Tort" (1992) 45(I) Current Legal Problems 151-171 (with R O’Dair)
  • "Tort" (1993) 46(I) Current Legal Problems 128-154 (with R O’Dair)
  • "The Regulation of Working Conditions in the United Kingdom" (1994) Supplement 5/93 Social Europe 221-234
  • "Strikes and Lock-outs in the United Kingdom" (1994) 29 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 181-198
  • "Social Values and European Law" (1995) 48(2) Current Legal Problems 39-61,
  • "The Future of Labour Law" (1995) 24 Industrial Law Journal 303-322
  • "The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree" (1996) 55 Cambridge Law Journal 470-487
  • "European Rules on Dismissal Law?" (1997) 18 Comparative Labor Law Journal 204-228
  • "New Approaches to International Labour Regulations" (1997) 26 Industrial Law Journal 353-366
  • "Glanville Williams: Civil Obligations" (1997) 56 Cambridge Law Journal 440-445
  • "Equality and Economic Efficiency" (1997) 18 [South African] Industrial Law Journal
  • "Human Rights and Employment Law" (1998) 8 Amicus Curiae 19-23
  • "Pension Rights in Business Transfers" (1998) 27 Industrial Law Journal 309-324 (co-author K Mumgaard)
  • "Can Collective Labour Law Transplants Work?" The South African example" (1999) 20 [South African] Industrial Law Journal 1-12
  • "Employee Loyalty in English Law" (1999) 20 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 205-224
  • "A Race to the Top? International Investment Guidelines and Corporate Codes of Conduct" (1999) 20 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 347-363
  • "Indirect discrimination: interpreting Seymour-Smith" (1999) 58 Cambridge Law Journal 399-412, (co-author C Barnard)
  • "Human Rights and the Contract of Employment", Employment Lawyers’ Association 2000 Annual Lecture ( Employment Lawyers’ Association,London, 2000) 20 pp.
  • "Substantive Equality" (2000) 59 Cambridge Law Journal 562-585 (co-author C Barnard)
  • "The Employment Act 2002 and the Crisis of Individual Employment Rights" (2002) 31 Industrial Law Journal 245-269 (co-author Gillian S.Morris).
  • 'Equality and Empowerment for Decent Work', pp. 5-18, International Labour Review, vol.140, 2001, ISSN 0378-5548 [ also in French and Spanish]
  • 'Race and Law in Fortress Europe', 32nd Chorley Lecture, pp.1-15, Modern Law Review, vol.67, 2004, ISSN xxx
  • 'The European Legacy of Brown v Board of Education', David C.Baum Memroial Lecture on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, pp.605-623, University of Illinois Law Review, vol. 2006 no.3, 2006, ISSN 0276 9948.
  • 'Forensic Databases: implications of the case of S v Marper' pp 77 - 86, vol 49, 2009, Medicine, Science and the Law ISSN xxx
  • 'Harmonization of Labour Law: Level Playing Field or Minimum?' pp 1-13, 2009, De Jure
  • 'Enforcing Equality Law: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Backwards for Reflexive Regulation' pp 315-335, vol 40, 2011, Industrial Law Journal ISSN  0305-9332
  • 'Negotiating Social Change in the Shadow of the Law' (2012) 129 South African Law Journal pp 248-273.
  • 'Back to the Future: Employment Law under the Coalition Government' (2013) 42 Industrial Law Journal 203-23.
  • 'Wedderburn's The Worker and the Law: an appreciation' (2013) 34 Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 215-27.

[Shorter articles, case notes, notes on legislation,working papers and conference papers are not included in this Bibliography.]


  • 1969-71 Editor, Bulletin of the Industrial Law Society
  • 1972-77 Founding Editor, Industrial Law Journal
  • 1972-89 Joint General Editor (with Paul O’Higgins), Encyclopedia of Labour Relations Law (from 1990 Consultant Editor and Contributor, from 1992 retitled Sweet & Maxwell’s Encyclopedia of Employment Law)
  • 1973-76 Note editor and editorial committee Cambridge Law Journal
  • 1975-92 Joint General Editor (with Paul O’Higgins), Studies in Labour and Social Law (series of books published by Mansell)
  • 1979- Chief Editor Vol XV (Labour Law) International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Max-Planck Institute, Hamburg)
  • 1989-92 Co-editor Current Legal Problems

Editorial Boards

Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal (University of Illinois, USA); International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Kluwer)(until 1999); Industrial Law Journal (OUP for Industrial Law Society); Equal Opportunities Review (IRS Publications); Current Legal Problems (OUP); Cambridge Law Journal (CUP); British Journal of Industrial Relations (Blackwell)(until 1999); International Journal of Discrimination and the Law (ABA); Industrial Relations Journal (Blackwell).

Other Work in the Public Domain

  • The Position of Coloured Workers in British Industry, Report commissioned by National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants (National Committee for Commoinwealth Immigrants, London, 1967) 50 pp.
  • Industrial Tribunals. A Report by JUSTICE (Chairman of Committee)( JUSTICE, London, 72 pp.
  • The Application of EEC Labour Law in the United Kingdom (with A Byre) Report commissioned by the Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs of the Commission of the EC (European Commission,Brussels,1988), 158 pp.
  • The Regulation of Working Conditions in the Member States of the European Communities: United Kingdom Report. Commissioned by the Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs of the Commission of the EC ( European Commission, Brussels, 1989), 231 pp.
  • Memorandum on the relevance of the Council of Europe Social Charter to the inquiry into Community accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, to Select Committee on the European Communities, House of Lords, Session 1992-3; Third Report, Human Rights Re-examined, HMSO, HL Paper 10, pp. 41-47
  • Memorandum and evidence on the revision of the Acquired Rights Directive 77/187/EC, to the Select Committee on the European Communities, House of Lords, Session 1995-96.
  • First Report on Legal Education and Training, for the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct, April 1996, 171 pp. (Principal draftsman).
  • The Legal Consequences of Cross-Border Transfers of Undertakings within the European Union, A Report for the European Commission DG-V (European Commission, Brussels,1998) 45 pp.
  • The Transfer of Rights in Supplementary Pension Schemes in the Event of Transfers of Undertakings, a Report for the European Commission, DG-V (European Commission.Brussels,1998) 75pp. (assisted by Karen Mumgaard).
  • Invited memorandum on the revision of the Acquired Rights Directive to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities, Session 1997-98, 22nd Report, HL Paper 98 (with Professor P L Davies).
  • Employment: UNCTAD series on issues in international investment agreements, (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, New York and Geneva 2000) 48 pp. (Principal draftsman.)
  • Invited evidence on EU Proposals to Combat discrimination to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Session 1999-2000, 9th Report, HL Paper 68, pp. 129-138.
  • Runnymede Trust Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain. Report The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain [the Parekh Report] (Principal draftsman of Chapter 19, "Legislation and Enforcement") (Profile Books,London2000)
  • Genetics and Human Behaviour: the ethical context, [Chair of the Working Group], 220 pp., Nuffield Council on Bioethics, October 2002, ISBN 1 904384 03 X
  • The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: ethical issues [Chair of the Working Group], xxx pp., Nuffield Council on Bioethics, September 2007, ISBN xxx