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H.F. Jolowicz's Lectures on Jurisprudence, 1963;
Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort (various editions);
Clerk & Lindsell on Torts (part), various editions;
The Division and Classification of the Law, (1970) [papers for joint seminar of the SPTL and the law Commissions of England and Scotland]
Public Interest Parties and the Active Role of the Judge (with M. Cappelletti) 1975;
Le contrôle juridictionnel des lois, Economica, 1986. Joint editor with L. Favoreu and author of introductory material;
Droit Anglais, Dalloz, 1986. Managing Editor and joint author: (2nd ed., 1992);
Derecho Inglés, 1992 (Spanish translation of 1st edition of above)
International Enforcement of Human Rights, Springer-Verlag, 1987. Joint Editor with R. Bernhardt.
Recourse against Judgments in the European Union, Joint Editor with Remco van Rhee, Kluwer: 1999;
On Civil Procedure, Cambridge University Press: 2000.
Translation of the above into Chinese by Dr Zeyong Wu (2008)

Selected Articles

The Right to Indemnity between Master and Servant [1956] C.L.J
Liability for Independent Contractors, Stanford Law Review (1957)
Damages and Income Tax, [1959] C.L.J.;
Liability for Accidents, [1968] C.L.J.;
The changing Use of ‘Special Damage’ and its effect on the law [1960] C.L.J.
Vistazo al Common Law, 1967, Boletín del Instituto de Derecho Comparado de México
El hecho y el derecho en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo, Cuadernos de derecho anglo- Americano 1962;
Protection of the Consumer and Purchaser of Goods under English Law, (1969) 32 M.L.R.;
Chapter 13, Procedural Questions, in Vol. XI, International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law, 1969;
The Law of Tort and Non-Physical Loss, (1972), Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law;
Fundamental Guarantees in Civil Litigation: England, in Fundamental Guarantees of the Parties in Civil Litigation, 1973;
La responsabilité civile du fabricant dans le droit anglais, in La responsabilité du fabricant dans les Etats Membres du Marché commun, 1973;
The Documentary Proof of Fact in English Civil Procedure, in Libro-Homenaje a Luis Loreto, 1975;
Damages in Equity - a Study of Lord Cairns' Act, [1975] C.L.J.;
L'expert, le témoin et le juge dans le procés civil en droits français et anglais, 1977 Revue internationale de droit comparé;
The Case for Applied Comparative Law, in New Perspectives for a common law of Europe, 1978;
Appellate Proceedings, in Towards a Justice with a Human Face, 1978;
El procedimiento civil en el common law. Aspectos de su evolucion historica en Inglaterra y en los Estados Unidos durante el siglo XX, in III LXXV años de evolución jurídica en el mundo, 1978;
Some twentieth Century Developments in Anglo-American Civil Procedure, in Studi in Onore di Enrico Tullio Liebman, 1979 (English version of previous item.)
Les décisions de la Chambre des Lords, 1979 Revue internationale de droit comparé;
Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights in The Cambridge Tilburg Lectures Second Series 1979
The Pearson Report: a Personal Comment in The Cambridge Lectures 1979 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies);
Da mihi factum dabo tibi jus: a problem in demarcation in English and French law, in Mulltum non Multa; Festschrift für Kurt Lipstein, 1980;
The Parties and the Judge in Civil Litigation, in The Cambridge Lectures 1981 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies);
Reflexiones sobre el estudio comparado del derecho procesal, 1982 Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado;
General Ideas and the Reform of Civil Procedure, (1983) 3 Legal Studies;
The Dilemmas of Civil Litigation, (1983) 18 Israel Law Review;
Protection of Diffuse, Fragmented and Collective Interests in Civil Litigation, [1983] Cambridge Law Journal;
Adversarial and Inquisitorial Approaches to Civil Litigation in The Cambridge Lectures 1983 (Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies);
Impugnazione: Diritto Comparato e Straniero in Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani;
La jurisprudence en droit anglais in Archives de la philosophie du droit, Vol. 30, 1985;
Appeal and Review in Comparative Law: Similarities, Differences and Purposes, Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 15, 1986;
Grounds of Justification English Law, in In memoriam Jean Limpens, 1987;
Comparative Law and the Reform of Civil Procedure, 8 Legal Studies (1988);
The use by the judge of his own knowledge (of fact or law or both) in the formation of his decision in United Kingdom Law in the 1980s (1988);
Appeal, Cassation, Amparo and all that: What and Why in Estudios en homenaje al Dr. Hector Fix Zamudio, (1988);
Managing overload in Appellate Courts, in Justice and Efficiency, (1988);
The use by the judge of his own knowledge (of factor law or both) in the formation of his decision, in (Ed. Banakas) United Kingdom Law in the 1980s 1980.
La vérité et la justice, XXXVIII Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, (1989);
L'immunitá del giudice nel diritto inglese in Giurisdizione e reponsibilitá nel paesi della CEE e neglie Stati Uniti d'America (1989);
Abuse of the Process of the Court: Handle with care, 1990 Current Legal Problems;
Civil and Administrative Procedure in United Kingdom Law in the 1990s (1990);
On the Nature and Purposes of Procedural Law in International Perspectives of Civil Justice (1990);
Product Liability in the EEC in Comparative and Private International Law; (1990);
Indirect Loss (Loss by Ricochet) in Développements récents du droit de la responsabilité civile (1991);
Touchstones of Tort Liability Revisited, 6/7 Tulane Civil Law Forum (1991-1992);
Les appels civils en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, 1992 Revue internationale de droit comparé.
La réforme de la procédure civile anglaise: une dérogation au système adversatif, in Legrand, (ed.) Common Law, d'un siècle l'autre, 1993.
Factfinding: a comparative perspective, in Carey Miller and Beaumont (eds), The Option of Litigating in Europe, UKNCCL1993.)
Naturaleza y caracter del proceso civil; la experiencia inglesa, 1993, Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
The Parties, the Judge and the Facts of the case in II, Studi in Onore di Vittorio Denti, 1994.
Too Many Precedents? in I Scintillae Iuris, Studi in Memoria di Gino Gorla 1994.
L'Amministrazione della giustizia civile: Inghilterra e Galles in Fazzalari, ed.. La Giustizia Civile nei Paesi Comunitari 1994.
Judicial Review and the Internationalisation of National Law: The Experience of England and France in Problemas Actuales del Derecho Constitucional: Estudios en Homenaje a Jorge Carpizo 1994.
La production force des pieces: Droits français et anglais, in Thery; Nouveaux Juges, Nouveaux Pouvoirs?: Mélanges en l'honneur de Roger Perrot. 1996.
The Woolf Report and the Adversary System, (1996) 15 Civil Justice Quarterly 183.
The Role of the Supreme Court at the National and International Level, a General Report, in Yessiou-Faltsi (ed) The Role of the Supreme Courts at the National and International Level (1997).
Civil Justice in the Countries of the European Union: England and Wales, in Fazzalari and Fortin (eds) Civil Justice in the Countries of the European Union 1998
Lo Studio del Diritto Processuale civile in Inghilterra: Perche cosí scarno e cosí in ritardo? in Cinquanta Anni di Studi sul Processo Civile, Firenze, 27 Settembre 1997, Giuffré 1998
Practice Directions and the Civil Procedure Rules, in Cambridge Law Journal, 2000
From English to European Civil Procedure?, in Hondius, Jongbloed and Verschuur (eds.), Liber Amicorum Paul Meiknecht, 2000
The Exercise of Control by Civil Courts, in Andenas (ed.) Liber Amicorum for Gordon Slynn.
On the Comparison of Procedures, in Nafziger and Symeonides (eds) Law and Justice in a Multistate World, Essays in Honor of Arthur T. von Mehren, 2002
Adversarial and Inquisitorial Models of Civil Procedure (2003) 52 I.C.L.Q
Administrative Procedure in English Law in Alfredo Arismendi A. and Jesús Caballero Ortiz (coordinadores) El Derecho Público a Comienzos del Siglo XXI: Estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Allan Brewer Carías, Vol. II, pp. 2423-2437. Civitas Ediciones S.L., Madrid (2003).
“Civil Procedure in the Common and Civil Law” in Guenter Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds) Law, Legal Culture and Politics Twenty First Century (Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay) (2004, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-515-08317-0) 55-78. Same in Guenter Doeker-Mach and Klaus A. Ziegert (eds) Law and Legal Culture in Comparative Perspective (2004, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-515-08560-2 Publications
Judicial Reorganisation in England and Wales: Constitutional Change in Prospect: 8 Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitutucional (2004
Judicial Re-organisation in England and Wales (II): Constitutional Change Enacted 10 big (2006)
“Substantive and Procedural Justice in Civil Litigation: A Measure of the Role of Civil Litigation” in De toes Horizons; Mélanges Xavier Blanc-Jouvan, (2005, Société de Législation Comparée, Paris);
ADR and the Role of Civil Litigation in Mayer, Cadiet and Callé (eds) In Mélanges dédiés a la mémoire du Doyen Jacques Héron (2008)
Civil Litigation: What’s it for? [2008] C.L.J.
El Control judicial de las leyes en el Reino Unido in Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor et al (coordinadores) Estudios en homenaje a Héctor Fix-Zamudio en sus cincuenta años como investigador del derecho