- 1977 Dictionary of Medical Ethics
- 1992 (1st Edit), 1997 (2nd Edit), Chapter 4, Illegality: the problem of jurisdiction, In: Judicial Review, Edit. Supperstone, M & Goudie, J. 4.1-4.43, Butterworths.
- 1998 Meiklejohn, the First Amendment, and Free Speech in English Law, In: Importing the First Amendment: Freedom of Expression in American, English and European Law. Edit Loveland, I. 123-137. Hart Publishing, 198pp.
- 1998 Wednesbury, In: The Golden Metwand and the Crooked Cord: Essays on Public Law in Honour of Sir William Wade QC, Edit Forsyth, C & Hare, I. 185-201. Clarendon Press, 355pp.
- 2004 Epilogue: Cicero and the Modern Advocate, In: Cicero the Advocate, Edit Powell, J &
- 2014 The Common Law Constitution: The Hamlyn lectures, CUP, 90pp.
Some contributions to Journals
- 1989 Judicial Review: the ghost in the machine; principle in public law P.L. Spr, 27-31
- 1990 Current problems in the law of contempt C.L.P. 43, 99-114
- 1993 Is the High Court the guardian of fundamental constitutional rights?
- 1994 Judicial remedies and the constitution M.L.R. 57(2) 213-227
- 1995 Law and democracy, Public Law Spr, 72-93
- 1996 The constitution: morals and rights, P.L. Win, 622-635
- 1997 Public law and employment law: abuse of power P.L. Aut, 455-466
- 1998 The limitations of human rights, P.L. Sum 245-265
- 1999 Law and fact, British Tax Review 3, 159-162.
- 2003 Beyond rights. O.J.L.S. 23(2), 265-280
- 2004 A judicial perspective on the sacred in society. Ecc Law Journal 7(34), 317-327.
- 2004 Human rights and citizenship. N.I.L.Q., 55(1), 1-7
- 2008 Constitutional Guarantees. Statute Law Review 29(1) 1-10
- 2007 The rule of law: form or substance. Justice Journal 4(1) 24-40 (with Carol Harlow)
- 2011 Religion and Law. South Carolina Law Review 62 (3) 471-484
- 2012 The good constitution, CLJ 71(3) 567-582
- 2014 Sydney sketches Sydney’s fingers-after dinner at the Inner Temple. Legal Ethics 17 (3), 427-429
Various reviews for Theology, Law & Justice.
Selected Cases
- JJ Gallagher Ltd v Cherwell DC [2016] EWCA Civ 1007
- Western Trading Ltd v Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) Plc [2016] EWCA Civ 1003
- R. (on the application of Campaign to Protect Rural England) v Dover DC [2016] EWCA Civ 936
- M (Children) (Jurisdicition: Wardship) [2016] EWCA Civ 937
- In the Matter of H (Children) [2016] EWCA Civ 1131
- Atlasnavios Navegacao Lda (formerly Bnavios Navegacao Lda) v Navigators Insurance Co Ltd [2016] EWCA Civ 808
- R. (on the application of Seiont, Gwyrfai and Llyfni Anglers' Society) v Natural Resources Wales [2016] EWCA Civ 797
- Thoburn v Sunderland City Council [2002] EWHC 195 (Admin)
- Regina v Lord Chancellor, Ex parte Witham [1998] Q.B. 575
- R v Somerset County Council, ex parte Fewings 1995 1 All.E.R. 513