Glanville Williams: Learning the Law (15th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2013) 287pp.
Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt: First Cumulative Supplement to the Fourth Edition (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2013) 180pp.
With Sir D Eady, Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt (4th ed, 2011) (London, Sweet & Maxwell) 1527pp.
With Sir D Eady, Contempt of Court (4th ed, 2011) 1383pp.
Glanville Williams: Learning the Law (14th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2010) 273pp.
With A P Simester eds, Harm and Culpability, 1996.
Property Offences, 1994.
The Offences Against Public Order, 1987.
Edited Journals
New Zealand Universities Law Review (2013) 25(4) (Thomson Reuters, Wellington) 251pp.
Chapter in Books
"Criminal Proceedings in the New Zealand Supreme Court" in eds A Stockley and M. Littlewood, The New Zealand Supreme Court: The First Ten Years (LexisNexis, 2015) 383-408.
"Professing Criminal Law" in Dennis J Baker and Jeremy Horder (eds) The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law: The Legacy of Glanville Williams (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013) pp 328-344.
(With Sir D Eady) "Contempt of Court: The Constitutional Dimensions", in Arlidge, Eady and Smith on Contempt (4th ed) (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2011), pp 69-147.
"Public law trends in New Zealand's Supreme Court", in Administrative Law - the public law scene in 2011, edited by New Zealand Law Society (Wellington, New Zealand Law Society, 2011), pp. 61-74.
(With Sir D Eady) 'Scotland', in Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt, edited by Sir David Eady and Professor A T H Smith (4th ed) (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2011), pp 1248-1383.
Articles and Notes
"Repositioning the Law of Contempt: The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015" [2015] Crim LR 845.
(with Margaret Wilson) "Fifty Years of Legal Education in New Zealand: 1962-2013 Where to from Here? (2013) 25(4) New Zealand Universities Law Review pp 801-819.
"Assessing the Public Interest in Cases Affecting the Media - The Prosecution Guidelines" (2013) Crim LR pp 449.
"Case Note: Attorney-General v Dallas " (2012) Crim LR pp 694-697.
"Case Note: HM Attorney-General v Fraill " (2012) Crim LR pp 286-291.
"Inching Towards an Australian Bill of Rights: Cousinly Comments on the Australian National Human Rights Consultation Report" (2010) 33(1) University of New South Wales Law Journal pp 171-192.
"Case Note: Can Proscribed Drugs be the Subject of Theft" [2011] 70(2) Cambridge Law Journal pp 289-291.
Conferences and Oral Presentations
"The Evolving Common Law of Contempt - an Institution to Import?" seminar at Law Faculty, University of Padua, 26 October 2015.
"In personam remedies" at 15th World Congress of the International Association of Procedural Law (Istanbul, May 2015).
"Professing Criminal Law" at The Legacy of Glanville Williams: The Sanctity of Life and the General Part of the Criminal Law Conference, King's College (London, December 2011).
"Governing without a Majority: The Constitutional Implications of Coalitions" at 2011 Constitutional Law Conference (UNSW, Sydney, February, 2011).
"Public Law Trends in New Zealand's Supreme Court"at NZ Law Society CLE Ltd Adminisrative Law Intensive (Wellington, February, 2011) also published as a chapter in Administrative Law - the Public Law Scene 2011 (ZLS CLE Ltd, Wellington, 2011) pp 49-62.
Reports for External Bodies
Reforming the New Zealand Law of Contempt of Court (Wellington, Crown Law, April, 2011), pp 126.