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Lipstein, K. 1987. Foglia v. Novello – some unexplored aspects. In: Capotori, F., Ehlermann, C. D., Frowein, J., Jacobs, F.,Joliet, R., Koopmans, T. & Kovar, R. (eds),Du droit international au droit de l’integration. Festschrift Liber Amicorum Pierre Pescatore. Baden-Baden, 373-385.
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Lipstein, K. 1988. Common Law in the age of statute. In: La Sentenza in Europe. Metodo, Tecnica e Stile. Padova, 44; 42-61.
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Lipstein, K. 1988. International arbitration between individuals and governments. In: Cheng, B., Brown, E.D. (eds), Contemporary Problems of International Law: Essays in honour of Georg Schwartzenberger, Stevens and Son, London, 177-195.
Lipstein, K. 1988. Conflict of laws and public law. In: Banakas. (ed), United Kingdom law in the 1980s. UKNCCL, London, 38-58.
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Lipstein, K. 1990. The evidence (proceedings in other jurisdictions) Act 1975: an interpretation. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 39; 120-135.
Lipstein, K. 1990. Introduction: Some comparisons with English law. In: Serick S., Securities in Movables in German Law, Kluwer, Deventer, 1-14.
Lipstein, K. 1990. Chapter 14. Early treaties for the recognition and enforcement of foreign bankruptcies. In: Fletcher E. E. (ed) Cross Border Insolvency – Comparative Dimensions? Comparative Law 1990, Vol. 12; 223-236.
Lipstein, K. 1991. The history of the contribution to law by German-speaking Jewish refugees in the United Kingdom. In: Mosse W. E. et al. (ed), Second Chance. Two Centuries of German-speaking Jews in the United Kingdom. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 221-227.
Lipstein, K. 1992. European legal education in the future. In: de Witte, B. & Forder, C. (eds). The Common Law of Europe and the future of legal education. Kluwer, Deventer, 255-263.
Lipstein, K. 1993. One hundred years of Hague conferences on Private International Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 42; 553-653.
Lipstein, K. 1994. Chapter 23 – Trusts. In: Lipstein, K. (ed), International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Vol. III, Private International Law, Tübingen, 23-3 – 23-40.
Lipstein, K. 1994. Bankruptcy and the Hague Conventions. In: Aderhold, E; Schücking, C; Stürner, R; (ed), Festschrift für Hans Hanisch, 149-152.
Lipstein, K. 1998. Taking Foreign Private International Law to Account. Travaux Préparatoires. 4th Commision. Annuaire de l''Institute de Droit International. Session of Berlin) Vol 68 - II, 89 - 153.
Lipstein, K. 1999. Chapter 5 - Characterization. In: International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Vol. III, Private International Law (Edit. Lipstein, K.). Tübingen, 5-3 – 5-67.
Lipstein, K. 1999. The taking into consideration of foreign private international law. Annuaire de l''Institute de Droit International. (Session of Berlin), Vol 68 - 1, 13 - 56
Lipstein, K. 1999. Two basic problems of private international law revisited. King’s College Law Journal, 10 (2); 167-176.
Lipstein, K. 2000. Unusual bedfellows – renvoi and foreign characterization joined together. In: Basedoe, J., Meier, I., Schnyder, A. K., Einhorn, T. & Girsberger, D. (eds), Private Law in the International Arena. From National Conflict Rules towards Harmonization and Unification. The Hague, 405-412.
Lipstein, K. 2001. Conflict of laws before international tribunals sixty years later. In: Basedow, J., Drobnig, U., Ellger, R., Hopt, K. J., Kötz, H., Kulms, R. & Mestmäcker, E-J. (eds), Aufbruch nach Europa. 75 Jahre Max-Plank-Institut für Privatrecht. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 713-723.
Lipstein, K. 2002. Intellectual property: jurisdiction or choice of laws. Cambridge Law Journal, 61; 295-300.
Lipstein, K. 1998. A Modern Common Law Marriage - Armed Forces of Occupation- Public International Law ousts local Choice of Law Rules In: Basedow, J., Hopt, K. J. & Kötz, H. (eds), Festschrift für Ulrich Drobnig zum siebzigsten Geburtstag. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 381-387.
Lipstein, K. 2004. The law relating to the movement of companies in the European Community. In: Mansel, H. P., Pfeiffer, T., Kronke, H., Kohler, C & Hausmann, R. (eds), Europäisches internationales Erbrecht; Festschrift für Erik Jayme. Sellier. 527-531.
Lipstein, K. 2005. Intellectual property: parallel choice of law rules. Cambridge Law Journal, 64; 593-613.