British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (CUP 2012) 7th edn, with Adam Tomkins.
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (CUP 2007) 6th ed with Adam Tomkins
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (CUP 2002) 5th ed
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (Butterworths CUP 1999) 4th ed
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (Butterworths CUP 1995) 3th ed
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1990) 2nd ed
Government procurement and contracts (Longman 1989) with Patricia Brown
British Government and the Constitution: Text and Materials (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1985)
Government Contracts (Penguin Books 1972)
Journal Articles
The executive in the constitution: structure, autonomy and international control (2000) 59 CLJ 396 – 398
Deportation: the Carltona principle (1990) 49 CLJ 380 – 383
Supply of good (implied terms) act (1973) 32 CLJ 203 – 209
Mistake of Identity (1972) CLJ 19 – 22
Duress and Murder (1972) CLJ 202 - 205
The Murdered Corpse – Thabo Meli Extended (1969) CLJ 27 20 - 22
Non est factum: Mistake of identiry and negligence (1968) CLJ 187 - 90
Reception of Roman Law (1968) 3 Irish Jurist 162 – 17
Aspects of Roman Law (1968) Didaskalos 127
Bon Est Factum: Mistake of Identity and Negligence (1968) CLJ 187
Government Contracts: a study of methods of contracting (1968) 31 MLR 241
Tied garages and the public interest (1967) CLJ 104
Roman-Dutch Law - Cupable Homicide (CLJ) 1966 9
Rhodesian Crisis – criminal liabilities (1966) CLR 5- with Hepple and O’Higgins
Roman-Dutch Law – Culpable Homicide- Constructive Liability Repudiated (1966) CLJ 9 - 11
Bona fidei iudicia (1965) CLJ 260
Roman-Dutch Law – Remoteness of Damage – Wagon Mound not followed (1965) CLJ 34 - 38
Manslaughter - Unlawful Act Causing Death (1965) CLJ 170
Roman-Dutch Law – Murder- Intent to Kill (1964) CLJ 12 - 14
Bigamy – first marriage potentially polygamous (1963) CLJ 18
Roman-Dutch Law – Liability for infliction of antenatal injury (1963) CLJ 196 - 198
Marriage – mistake as to resulting status – mistaken belief that marriage polygamous (1963) CLJ 48
Liability for Infliction of Antenatal Injury (1963) CLJ 196
The antecedents of Roman Dutch Law: An Historical Survey (1963) Acta Juridica 1
Mens rea in manslaughter (1962) CLJ 200
Official Secrets Act – Crown Prerogative – safety or interests of the state (1962) CLJ 133
Merger – statutory modification of the common law (1962) CLJ 8
Criminal law – conspiracy to corrupt public morals (1961) CLJ 144
Abandonment or novation? (1959) 76 SALJ 20
Characterisation and Policy in the Conflict of Laws (1959) Acta Juridica 222
Desertion and insanity (1958) 75 SALJ 438
Legal Education in South Africa (1958) Acta Juridica 153
Contractual tyranny (1958) 75 SALJ 102
Another glance at Grootenboer’s case (1958) SALJ 75 26
Freedom of choice in the acquisition of a domicile of choice (1957) 74 SALJ 201
Right of ejectment (1957) 74 145
Tradition and Modernism in South African Law (1957) 9 Theoria 64
Intended matrimonial home (1957) 74 SALJ 93
Privilege and Immunity of an Auditor in South African Law (1956) 3 The South African Accountant 2
Basis of doctrine of vicarious liability: two views (1956) 73 432- with R.G. McKerron
Contract illegal by foreign law (1956) 73 331
Contract and imposed terms (1956) 73 SALJ 144
Acceptance of offer: instantaneous communication (1956) 73 77
Void and voidable acts (1955) 72 SALJ 58 – 69
Annual Survey of South African Law
Chapter on General Principles of Contract
Annual Survey 1957 p 81
Annual Survey 1958 p 46
Annual Survey 1959 p 54
Book Reviews
The nature of the Crown: a legal and political analysis (2000) 59 CLJ 203 – 205
Defamation and other aspects of the Actio Injuriarum in Roman-Dutch Law 1971 CLJ 310
Praelectiones ad Jus Criminale (1971) JSPTL 178
The Criminal Liability of Corporations in English Law (1970) CLJ 329
Roman Law. Linguistics, social and philosophical Aspects (1970) CLJ 335
Mistake and Misrepresentation: A Study in Contractual Principles (1969) CLJ 124
The Law of Contracts (1969) LQR 124
The South African Legal System and its Background (1969) LQR 568
Aspects of the Actio Injuriarum in Roman Dutch Law (1968) CLJ 158
The Constitutional Hisotry and Law of Southern Rhodesia (1967) CLJ 126
An Introduction to Roman Legal and Constitutional History (1967) MLR 365
Roman Law and Common Law (1966) CLJ 24 292-293
The Penal Codes of Northern Nigeria and the Sudan (1965) CLJ 153
Contract of Mandate in Roman Law (1963) CLJ 155
Principles of Customary Law in Ghana (1963) CLJ 321
Marriage - Mistake as to Resulting Status (1963) CLJ 48
Bigamy - First Marriage Potentially Polygamous (1963) CLJ 8
Judicial and Legal Systems in Africa (1963) CLJ 323
Ghana and Sierra Leone: The Development of their Law and Constitutions (1963) 325
The Union of South Africa: The Development of its Laws and Constitution (1962) CLJ 270
South African and the Rule of Law (1961) CLJ 271