- An Introduction to English Legal History
- 1st ed., xxi + 330 pp., Butterworths, 1971.
- Japanese translation of 1st ed. by Sadao Koyama, 558 pp., Tokyo 1975.
- 2nd ed., xxx + 477 pp., Butterworths, 1979.
- Chinese translation of ch. 2 by Zhu Yong, in Waiguo Faxue Yicong [Foreign Laws], no. 3 (1987), 6-12.
- 3rd ed., xlix + 673 pp., Butterworths, 1990; 2nd impr. 1993; 3rd impr. 1994
- 4th ed., l + 600 pp. crown octavo, Butterworths, 2002.
- Chinese translation in preparation.
- Japanese translation by Yuzo Fukao, vol. 1, 2014; vol. 2
- 5th ed., lxvi + 637 pp., OUP, 2019.
- English Legal Manuscripts, Vol. I (x + 106 pp., Inter Documentation Co., Zug, 1975); Vol. II (x + 239 pp., IDC, Zug, 1978)
- The Reports of Sir John Spelman, Vol. I (lii + 476 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 93, 1977)
; Vol. II (746 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 94, 1978) . [Total = 1272 pp.] - (ed.) Legal Records and the Historian (xiii + 233 pp., Royal Hist. Soc., 1978)
- Manual of Law French (208 pp. Avebury Publishing, 1979; 2nd ed., 219 pp., Scolar Press, 1990)
- The Order of Serjeants at Law (xxvi + 610 pp., Selden Soc. Suppl. Ser. 5, 1984) <ISBN 1363 4224 203 6>
- English Legal Manuscripts in the United States of America, Part I (xii + 88 pp., Selden Soc., 1985); Part II (x + 465 pp., Selden Soc., 1990, issued 1991) <ISBN 0 85423 1447, 1498>
- The Legal Profession and the Common Law: historical essays (xxvii + 495 pp., Hambledon Press, 1986)
- (with S.F.C. Milsom) Sources of English Legal History: private law to 1750 (xl + 698 pp., Butterworths, 1986) New impression (corrected) 1999. 2nd enlarged edn as Baker & Milsom Sources of English Legal History by Sir John Baker (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
- The Notebook of Sir John Port (lx + 382 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 102 for 1986, 1987) <ISBN 0 85423 148 X>
- (with D.E.C. Yale) Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society (xxiv + 242 pp., Selden Soc., 1987) <ISBN 0 85423 179 X>
- (ed.) Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law (354 pp., Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1989), Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History Band 5.
- (with S.E. Thorne) Readings and Moots at the Inns of Court in the Fifteenth Century, Part II: Moots (cxciv + 716 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 105 for 1989, 1990). [Wrote introduction and translation; prepared most of the texts, and responsible for whole volume.] <ISBN 0 85423 163 3>
- Reports from the lost Notebooks of Sir James Dyer, Vol. I (civ + 442 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 109 for 1993, 1994); Vol. II (lviii + 584 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 110, 1994). [Total = 1188 pp.] <ISBN 0 85423 183 8 and ISBN 0 85423 188 9>
- A Catalogue of English Legal Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library (xc + 828 pp., Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 1996). <ISBN 0 85115 376 3>
- John Spelman's Reading on Quo Warranto delivered in Gray's Inn (Lent 1519) (xxiv + 380 pp., Selden Soc. vol. 113, 1997). <ISBN 085423 219 2> [printed in 1997 but issued in 1998]
- Monuments of Endlesse Labours: English Canonists and their Work, 1300-1900 (xx + 188 pp., Hambledon Press with the Ecclesiastical Law Society, 1998). <ISBN 1 85285 167 8>
- Reports of Cases by John Caryll, Part I (1485-1499) (xxvi + 766 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 115 for 1998, 1999). <ISBN 085423 135 8> Part II (1501-22) (xxx + 770 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 116 for 1999, 2000). <ISBN 085423 140 4>
- The Common Law Tradition: Lawyers, Books and the Law (xxxiv + 404 pp., Hambledon Press, London and Rio Grande, 2000). <ISBN 1 85285 181 3>
- The Law's Two Bodies: Some Evidential Problems in English Legal History (Clarendon Lectures, OUP, 2001). (xvi + 198 pp.) <ISBN 0-19924 518-5>
- Readers and Readings in the Inns of Court and Chancery (Selden Soc. Supplem. Series 13, 2001). (lxviii + 651 pp.) <ISBN 0 85423 150 1>
- Year Books of Henry VIII: 12-14 Henry VIII (1520-1523) (Selden Soc. Vol. 119, 2002). (xxvi + 386 + xxxii pp.) <ISBN 085423 155 2>
- The Oxford History of the Laws of England, Volume VI: 1483-1558 (OUP, 2003). (cl + 964 pp.) <ISBN 0-19-825817-8>
- Reports in the Time of King Henry VIII, Vol. I (xliv + 492 pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 120, 2003); Vol. II (vi + 452 + lxxiv pp., Selden Soc. Vol. 121, 2004) <ISBN 085423 170 6 and ISBN 085423 175 7>
- An Inner Temple Miscellany (privately printed, Inner Temple, 2004) (xvi + 256 pp.) <no ISBN>
- (with A. Taussig) A Catalogue of the Legal Manuscripts of Anthony Taussig (Selden Soc. Supplem. Series 15, 2007), xii + 351 pp., 50 illus.
- The Reports of William Dalison 1552-1558 (Selden Soc. Vol. 124 for 2007, 2008). (xl + 296 + xxii pp.> <ISBN 085423 210 9>
- The English Legal Manuscripts of Sir Thomas Phillipps (Selden Soc. Suppl. Series vol. 16, dated 2008 but due for publication in February 2009). (xxviii + 388 pp.) <ISBN 978 085423 131 7>
- The Men of Court 1440-1550: A Prosopography of the Inns of Court and Chancery and the Courts of Law (Selden Soc. Suppl. Series vol. 18), two volumes. (xlviii + 1810 pp.) <ISBN 978 085423 137 9>
- Collected Papers on English Legal History (CUP, 2013), three volumes. (xxviii + x + x + 1648 pp.) <ISBN 978-1-107-02043-6>
- Selected Readings and Commentaries on Magna Carta 1400-1604 (Selden Soc. vol. 132, 2015). (xcvi + 804 + xxviii pp.) <ISBN 978 0 85423 222 2>
- The Reinvention of Magna Carta 1216-1616 (CUP, 2017). (l + 570 pp.) <ISBN 978-1-107-18705-4>
- The Inns of Chancery 1340-1640 (Selden Soc. Suppl. Series 19, 2017).
Part contributions to books
- 'The Dark Age of English Legal History' in D. Jenkins ed., Legal History Studies 1972 (155 pp., Univ. Wales Press, Cardiff, 1975), 1-27
- 'Notes on English Legal Abbreviations' in W.H. Bryson ed., Dictionary of Sigla and Abbreviations (179 pp., Virginia UP, Charlottesville, 1975), 22-24
- 'Criminal Courts and Procedure at Common Law 1550-1800' in J.S. Cockburn ed., Crime in England 1550-1800 (364 pp., Methuen, 1977), 15-48, (nn.) 299-309
- (with C. A. F. Meekings) 'Clerks of the King's Bench 1399-1547' in Legal Records and the Historian (1978), pp. 128-139.
- 'The English Legal Profession 1450-1550' in W. Prest ed., Lawyers in Early Modern Europe and America (216 pp., Croom Helm, 1981), 16-41
- 'Origins of the "Doctrine" of Consideration' in M.S. Arnold et al. ed., On the Laws and Customs of England: essays in honor of S.E. Thorne (426 pp., North Carolina UP, Chapel Hill, 1981), 336-358
- 'The Refinement of English Criminal Jurisprudence 1500-1848' in L. Knafla ed., Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada (339 pp., Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 1981), 17-42
- 'The Law of the Land' in J.J. Norwich ed., Britain's Heritage (1983), 94-99
- 51 contributions to A.W.B. Simpson ed., Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law (560 pp., Butterworths, 1984), the principal of which are: 'Henry de Bracton', 69-71; 'Sir Edward Coke', 117-121; 'Sir John Fyneux', 106-108; 'Sir William Holdsworth', 247-249; 'Sir Thomas Littleton', 315-317.
- 9 contributions to Guide to American Law: 'Sir Francis Bacon' in Vol. II (1983), 2-4; 'Sir Thomas Egerton' in Vol. IV (1984), 250-252; 'Sir John Fortescue' in Vol. V (1984), 282-284; 'Inns of Court and Chancery' in Vol. VI (1984), 182-184; 'Law French' in Vol. VII (1984), 80-81; 'Sir Thomas More' in Vol. VII (1984), 370-372; 'Star Chamber' in Vol. IX (1985), 361-363; 'Privy Council' in Vol. VIII (1984), 307-309; 'Serjeants at Law' in Vol. IX (1985), 207-209
- 'Case-law: reports and records' in H. Coing and K. W. Nörr ed., Englische und Kontinentale Rechtsgeschichte: ein Forschungsprojekt (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1985), Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History Band 1, 49-55
- 'Law and Legal Institutions' in J.F. Andrews ed., William Shakespeare (3 vols, Scribner & Sons, NY, 1985), Vol. I, 41-54
- 'The Inns of Court and Legal Doctrine' in T.M. Charles-Edwards et al ed., Lawyers and Laymen (395 pp., Univ Wales Press, Cardiff, 1986), 274-286
- 'King's Prime or Ancient Serjeant 1623-1866' in J. Sainty, List of English Law Officers etc. (330 pp., Selden Soc. Suppl. Ser. 7, 1987), 33-37. <ISBN 0 85423 213 3>
- 'The Hon. Mr Justice Tracy' in Lord Sudeley ed., The Sudeleys - Lords of Toddington (Manorial Soc, 1987), 190-199
- 'Records, Reports, and the Origins of Case-law in England', in J. H. Baker ed., Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1989), Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History Band 5, pp. 15-46.
- 'Directions of Research in English Legal History: uncovering the raw material' (lecture delivered in Moscow, April 1988, and published in Russian translation), in W. Butler ed., Istoria Prava: Anglia i Rossiya (Progress, Moscow, 1990), 41-63.
- 'The Education of Common Lawyers, 1250-1650', in H. Mohnhaupt and D. Simon ed., Vorträge zur Justizforschung: Geschichte und Theorie, I (Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1992), pp. 1-17.
- 'An Outline History of the Legal Robes now worn in England and Wales' in Court Dress: A Consultation Paper issued on behalf of the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice (1992), App. 1, pp. [19]-[30]
- 'Law Reports and English Legal History: the editorial problem' in L. Moccia ed., Studi in Memoria di Gino Gorla (Giuffré, 1994), vol. I, pp. 155-171
- 'Die obersten königlichen Gerichte in England 1450 bis 1800' in I. Scheurmann ed., Frieden durch Recht: das Reichskammergericht von 1495 bis 1806 (Mainz, 1994), pp. 347-364, 389-396
- 'The Use of Assumpsit for Restitutionary Money Claims 1600-1800' in E. J. H. Schrage ed., Unjust Enrichment (Berlin, 1995), pp. 31-57
- 'Some Early Newgate Reports (1315-28)' in C. Stebbings ed., Law Reporting in England (Hambledon Press, 1995), pp. 35-53
- 'Personal Liberty under the Common Law of England, 1200-1600' in R. W. Davis ed., The Origins of Modern Freedom in the West (Stanford, Ca., 1995), pp. 178-202, (notes) 343-354
- 'The Superior Courts in England 1450-1800' in B. Diestelkamp ed., Oberste Gerichtsbarkeit und zentrale Gewalt im Europa der frühen Neuzeit (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im alten Reich 29: Cologne, 1996), pp. 73-111
- 'The Common-Law Courts of Medieval England: Year Books and Plea Rolls' in A. Wijffels ed., Case Law in the Making, vol. 1 (CSC 17/1, Berlin, 1997), pp. 39-54; vol. 2 (CSC 17/2, Berlin 1997), pp. 9-25. <ISBN 3-428-90975-6 and 09076-4. ISSN 0935-1167>
- 'The History of Quasi-Contract in English Law' in W. R. Cornish et al. ed., Restitution Past, Present and Future (Oxford, 1998), pp. 37-56. <ISBN 1-901362-42-6>
- 'Year Books' in Medieval England: an encyclopaedia, ed. P. E. Szarmach et al. (Garland Publishing Inc., New York, 1998), pp. 825-826
- 'Custom and Usage' in Halsbury's Laws of England, ed. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, vol. 12(1) (4th edn, 1998), pp. 153-246. (Heavy revision of previous title.)
- 'Bishop Bateman and the European Legal Tradition' in Trinity Hall 2000: legal education and learning [1999], pp. 44-49.
- 'Oral Instruction in Land Law and Conveyancing, 1250-1500' in Learning the Law: Teaching and the Transmission of English Law, 1150-1900, ed. J. A. Bush and A. Wijffels (London and Rio Grande, 1999), pp. 157-73.
- 'The Law Merchant as a Source of English Law' in The Search for Principle: essays in honour of Lord Goff of Chieveley, ed. W. Swadling and G. Jones (Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 79-96.
- 'The Books of the Common Law' in The Book in Britain: Volume III, 1400-1557, ed. L. Hellinga and J. B. Trapp (CUP, 1999), pp. 411-432.
- 'Introduction' in Common Law, Common Values, Common Rights (American Bar Association, 2000), pp. 3-10.
- 'Due Process and Wager of Law: Judicial Conservatism in the Tudor Common Pleas' in Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson, ed. K. O'Donovan and G. R. Rubin (Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 271-284.
- '“United and Knit to the Imperial Crown”: an English View of the Anglo-Hibernian Constitution in 1670' in Mysteries and Solutions in Irish Legal History, ed. D. S. Greer and N. M. Dawson (Dublin, 2001), pp. 73-95.
- 'Trespass, Case and the Common Law of Negligence 1500-1700' in Negligence: The Comparative History of the Law of Torts, ed. E. J. H. Schrage (CSC 22, Berlin, 2001), pp. 47-71.
- 'English Law Books and Legal Publishing' in The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. IV (1557-1695), ed. J. Barnard and D. F. McKenzie (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 474-503.
- 'John Rastell and the Terms of the Law' in Language and the Law, ed. M. Robinson (Buffalo, NY, 2003), 15-30.
- 'Benefit of Clergy in England and its Secularization 1450-1550' in 'Ins Wasser ...': Festschrift für K. W. Nörr, ed. M. Ascheri (2003), 27-38. [**om. by error in Collected Papers bibliog.]
- 'William Searle Holdsworth' in Juristas Universales, ed. R. Domingo (Madrid, 2004), vol. III, 883-5.
- 'Bezoar-Stones, Gall-Stones, and Gem-Stones: A Chapter in the History of the Tort of Deceit' in Mapping the Law: Essays in Memory of Peter Birks, ed. A. Burrows and Lord Rodger (Oxford, 2006), 545-59.
- 'Common Lawyers and the Inns of Court' in Libraries in Britain and Ireland, vol. I (to 1640), ed. E. Leedham-Green and T. Webber (Cambridge, 2006), pp. 448-60.
- 'The Coming of the Lawyers' and 'Early Forms of Legal Education and Later Developments' in The Inner Temple: A Community of Communities, ed. C. Rider and V. Horsler (2007), pp. 16-19, 26-29.
- 'Privity of Contract in the Common Law before 1680' in Ius quaesitum tertio, ed. E. J. H. Schrage (CSC 26, Berlin, 2008), pp. 35-60.
- 'Inns of Court and Chancery' and 'Serjeants at Law' in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, ed. S. N. Katz (2009)
- 'Iconography' [of Blackstone] in Blackstone and his Commentaries, ed. W. R. Prest (2009), 229-42. [**omitted from Collected Papers bibiog.]
- 'Henricus de Bracton' in Handwörterburch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (2009), col. 948-9. [**omitted from Collected Papers bibiog.]
- 'The Third University 1450-1550: Law School or Finishing School?' in The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court, ed. J. A. Archer, E. Goldring and S. Knight (Manchester, 2011), pp. 8-41.
- 'The First Two Centuries' in History of the Middle Temple, ed. R. O. Havery (Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2011), 31-65.
- 'The Common Law in 1608' in Law & Society: Which is to be Master? ed. Sir Richard Aikens and others (2011), xix-xxvii. Part of the introduction to a collection of symposia from the Temple Festival (2008).
- 'Appointment or Election?' in The End of the Peer Show? Responses to the Draft Bill on Lords Reform, ed. A. Fitzpatrick (Centre Forum, 2011), 89-98.
- 'Reflections on “Doing” Legal History' in Making Legal History: Approaches and Methodologies, ed. A. Musson and C. Stebbings (Cambridge, 2012), 7-17.
- 'Deeds speak Louder than Words: Covenants and the Law of Proof 1290-1321' in Laws, Lawyers and Texts: Studies in Medieval Legal History in Honour of Paul Brand, ed. S. Jenks, J. Rose and C. Whittick (Leiden, 2012), 181-203. [Awarded the Sutherland Prize 2013.]
- 'Custom and Usage' in Halsbury's Laws of England, 5th edn, under the general editorship of Lord Mackay of Clashfern, vol. 29. (2013).
- ‘Legal Process as Reported in Correspondence’, in Law and Legal Process (proceedings of the twentieth British Legal History Conference), ed. M. Dyson and D. Ibbetson (Cambridge, 2013), 246-62.
- 'Dafydd Jenkins and the British Legal History Conferences' in Canmlwyddiant, Cyfraith a Chymreictod: a Celebration of the Life and Work of Dafydd Jenkins 1911-2012, ed. N. S. B. Cox and T. G. Watkin (11 Welsh Legal History Society, 2013 for 2011), 1-7.
- 'Tudor Pedigree Rolls and their Uses' in Heralds and Heraldry in Shakespeare's England, ed. N. Ramsay (Donington, Lincs, 2014), 125-165.
- 'The Legal Force and Effect of Magna Carta' in Magna Carta: Muse & Mentor, ed. R. J. Holland (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.: no place of publication, 2014), 65-84.
- 'Thomas Becket and Benefit of Clergy' in T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral, ed. S. Hockman (privately printed programme, 2015), 20-22.
- 'Magna Carta and Personal Liberty' in Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law, ed. R. Griffith-Jones and M. Hill (Cambridge, 2015), 81-108.
- 'Some Elizabethan Marriage Cases' in Studies in Canon Law and Common Law in Honor of R. H. Helmholz, ed. T. L. Harris (Berkeley, Ca., 2015), 181-211.
- 'The Origin and Early Character of Lincoln's Inn' in A Lincoln's Inn Commonplace Book, ed. G. S. Brown (2016), 36-49.
- 'Glossary of Inns of Court Terminology, especially as used in Lincoln's Inn', ibid. 308-15.
- 'Chapter 29 of Magna Carta in the Fourteenth Century' in Texts and Contexts in Legal History: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue, ed. J. Witte, S. McDougall and A. de Robilant (Berkeley, 2016), 223-44.
- ‘R. v. Saunders and Archer (1573)’ in Landmark Cases in Criminal Law, ed. P. Handler, H. Mares and I. Williams (Oxford, 2017), 29-57.
- ‘The Curious Case of Mr Trull’ in Studies in the History of Tax Law, ed. P. Harris and D. de Cogan (Oxford, 2017), 67-83.
- ‘Harness Pendants and the Rise of Armory’ in People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman World, ed. D. Bates, E. D’Angelo and E. van Houts (2018), 23-51.
- ‘A Comparison of Academical and Legal Costume on Memorial Brasses’ in Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge, ed. J. S. Lee and C. Steer (Woodbridge, 2018), 90-105.
- ‘Magna Carta: The Emergence of the Myth’ in Challenges to Authority and the Recognition of Rights, ed. C. MacMillan and C. Smith (Cambridge, 2018), 19-36.
- ‘Prescriptive Customs in English Law 1300-1800’ in Limitation and Prescription: A Comparative Legal History, ed. H. Dondorp, D. Ibbetson and E. J. H. Schrage (CSC 33, Berlin, 2019), 147-87
Articles and notes
- 'A Sixth Copy of Blackstone's Lectures' (1968) 84 LQR 465-467
- 'Judicial Attitudes and Sir Thomas Abney's Manuscripts' (1969) 1 Kingston Law Rev 175-182
- 'Counsellors and Barristers: an historical study' (1969) 27 CLJ 205-229
- 'The Common Lawyers and the Chancery: 1616' (1969) 4 Irish Jur 368-392
- 'The Status of Barristers' (1969) 85 LQR 334-338
- 'Non est Factum' (1970) 23 CLP 53-70
- 'Funeral Monuments and the Heir' (1970) 5 Irish Jur 391-405
- 'Suisse Atlantique Confounded' (1970) 33 MLR 441-446
- 'The Freedom to Contract without Liability' (1971) 24 CLP 53-81
- 'Unprinted Sources of English Legal History' (1971) 64 Law Lib Jnl 302-313
- 'New Light on Slade's Case' (1971) 29 CLJ 51-67, 213-236
- 'Origin of Jeofail' (1971) 87 LQR 166-168
- 'Coke's Notebooks and the Sources of his Reports' (1972) 30 CLJ 59-86
- 'Solicitors and the Law of Maintenance' (1973) 31 CLJ 56-80
- 'Criminal Justice at Newgate 1616-1627: some manuscript reports in the Harvard Law School' (1973) 8 Irish Jur 307-322
- 'Effigy of a Judge in Gresford Church' (1973) 22 Denbighs. Hist Soc 8-11
- 'The Newe Littleton' (1974) 33 CLJ 145-155
- 'The Old Songs of the Inns of Court' (1974) 90 LQR 189-190
- 'History of the Gowns worn at the English Bar' (1975) 9 Costume 15-21
- 'Brasenose and the Middle Temple' (1975) 16 The Brazen Nose 56-7
- 'The Inns of Court in 1388' (1976) 92 LQR 184-187
- 'The Use upon a Use in Equity 1558-1625' (1977) 93 LQR 33-38
- 'Male and Married Spinsters' (1977) 21 AJLH 255-259
- 'University College and Legal Education 1826-1976' (1977) 30 CLP 1-13
- 'History of English Judges' Robes' (1977) 12 Costume 27-39
- 'The Old Constitution of Gray's Inn' (1978) Graya no. 81, 15-19
- 'Sir Thomas Robinson (1618-83), Chief Prothonotary of the Common Pleas' (1978) 10 Bodl Lib Record 27-40
- 'Ascertainment of Foreign Law: certification to and by English courts prior to 1861' (1979) 28 ICLQ 141-151
- 'The Old Moot Book of Lincoln's Inn' (1979) 95 LQR 507-512
- 'The Law Merchant and the Common Law before 1700' (1979) 38 CLJ 295-322
- 'From Sanctity of Contract to Reasonable Expectation' (1979) 32 CLP 17-39
- 'Migrations of Manuscripts' (1980) 1 JLH 99-101, 305-306; [continued in (1981) 2 JLH 90-94, 195-196; (1982) 3 JLH 80-82; (1983) 4 JLH 72-74; (1984) 5 JLH 163-166; (1985) 6 JLH 236-237; (1986) 7 JLH 105-107; (1987) 8 JLH 92-96; (1988) 9 JLH 254-256; (1989) 10 JLH 256-258; (1990) 11 JLH 138-141; (1991) 12 JLH 140-147; (1992) 13 JLH 178-185; (1993) 14 JLH 145-150; (1994) 15 JLH 175-182; (1995) 16 JLH 199-203; (1996) 17 JLH 83-88; (1997) 18 JLH 100-104; (1998) 19 JLH 75-83; (1999) 20 JLH 69-72; (2000) 21 JLH 123-128; (2001) 22 JLH 85-100; (2002) 23 JLH 60-68; (2003) 24 JLH 97-106; (2004) 25 JLH 315-334; (2005) 26 JLH 203-212; Index 1992-2004 (2005) 26 JLH 325-363; (2006) 27 JLH 199-209; (2007) 28 JLH 125-143; (2008) 29 JLH 151-174; (2009) 30 JLH 85-106; (2010) 31 JLH 65-90; (2011) 32 JLH 93-116; (2012) 33 JLH 107-18; (2013) 34 JLH **; (2014) 35 JLH 71-87; (2015) 36 JLH 86-115; (2016) 37 JLH 75-102
- 'The Attorneys and Officers of the Common Law in 1480' (1980) 1 JLH 182-203
- 'Sources of English Legal History' (1980) 11 The Law Librarian 6-8
- 'The Abolition of Original Writs' (1980) 39 CLJ 284-286
- 'The Pecunes' (1982) 98 LQR 204-208
- 'English Law in the Renaissance Period' (1982) Graya no. 85, 23-28
- 'The Inns of Court and Chancery as Voluntary Associations' (1983) 11/12 Quaderni Fiorentini, pt I, 9-38
- 'Lawyers practising in Chancery 1474-1486' (1983) 4 JLH 54-76
- 'Lay Rectors and Chancel Repairs' (1984) 100 LQR 181-185
- 'The Legal Education of Richard Empson' (1984) 57 BIHR 98-99
- 'Le Brickbat que Narrowly Mist' (1984) 100 LQR 544-548
- 'The Dress of the Cambridge Proctors' (1984) 18 Costume 86-97
- 'English Law and the Renaissance' (1985) 44 CLJ 46-61
- 'The Bookplates of Serjeants at Law' (1985) 3 Bookplate Jnl 65-82
- 'Dr Thomas Fastolf and the History of Law Reporting' (1986) 45 CLJ 84-96
- 'Two Decades of English Legal History' (1986) 8 Zeitschrift für Neure Rechtsgeschichte 43-53
- 'The Arms of the Inner Temple' Inner Temple Yearbook 1986, 8-11
- 'Doctors wear Scarlet: the festal gowns of the University of Cambridge' (1986) 20 Costume 33-43.
- 'The Division of the Temple: Inner, Middle and Outer' Inner Temple Yearbook 1987, 17-23
- 'Early Tudor Reports and the Plea Rolls' (1987) 18 Cambrian LJ 25-33
- 'The Archives of the Inner Temple' Inner Temple Yearbook 1988, 29-35
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers I: William Bateman' (1988) 1 ELJ (no. 3) 3-7
- 'Brantingham's Secret Moot-Case' (1988) 91 Graya 20
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers II: William Poul (or Paull)' (1989) 1 ELJ (no. 4), 8-11
- 'John Bryt's Reports (1411-1412) and the Year Books of Henry IV' (1989) 48 CLJ 98-114
- 'Audience in the Courts: an historical note' Inner Temple Yearbook 1989, 26-39
- 'A French Vocabulary and Conversation-Guide in a 15th-century Legal Notebook' (1989) 58 Medium Aevum 80-102
- 'Alleged Theft of Brasses in 1319 from the Dominican Friary, near Ludgate' (1989) 52 Monum. Brass Soc. Bulletin 400 (note)
- 'The English Law of Sanctuary' (1990) 2 ELJ 8-13
- 'The Inner Temple and the Royal Family' Inner Temple Yearbook 1990, 26-34
- 'Fifty Years Ago: the Temple in Ruins' Inner Temple Yearbook 1990, 35-44
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers III: John Ayton (or Acton)' (1991) 2 ELJ 159-163
- 'Francis Taylor Building' Inner Temple Yearbook 1991, 60-64
- 'Master Jekyll and the Fogrums' Inner Temple Yearbook 1991, 80-88.
- 'The Original Inns of Court Law School' (1991) 94 Graya 13-15
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers IV: William Lyndwood' (1992) 2 ELJ 268-272
- 'Dissident Butlers in the Inner Temple, 1583' (1992) Inner Temple Year Book 1992/93, pp. 76-79
- 'Niblett Hall and the North-Eastern Corner of the Temple' (1992) Inner Temple Year Book 1992/93, pp. 80-94
- 'A Footnote on the Fifteenth-Century Readers' (1992) Inner Temple Year Book 1992/93, pp. 98-99
- 'The Society's Lord Chiefs' (1992) Inner Temple Year Book 1992/93, pp. 100-109
- 'Migrations of Manuscripts Index 1978-91' (1992) 13 JLH 296-310
- 'Judicial Review of the Judges as Visitors to the Inns of Court' [1992] Public Law 411-422
- 'Personal Actions in the High Court of Battle Abbey 1450-1602' (1992) 51 CLJ 508-529
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers V: Henry Swinburne' (1993) 3 ELJ 5-9
- 'Photographs of the Temple, 1860-1939' (1993) Inner Temple Year Book 1993/94, pp. 88-104
- 'The Wig Shops in the Temple (1993) Inner Temple Year Book 1993/94, pp. 120-127
- 'Statutory Interpretation and Parliamentary Intention' (1993) 52 CLJ 353-357 [case note on Pepper v. Hart]
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers VI: Francis Clarke and Thomas Oughton' (1994) 3 ELJ 136-140
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers VII: John Godolphin and Richard Burn' (1994) 3 ELJ 214-222
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers VIII: Edmund Gibson and David Wilkins' (1995) 3 ELJ 371-378
- 'Kiralfy's The Action on the Case' (1995) 16 JLH 231-233
- 'Sir John Melton's Case (1535): Cockermouth Castle and the three Silver Luces' (1996) 55 CLJ 249-264
- 'The Holte Brass at Aston, Warwickshire' (1996) 72 MBS Bulletin 242 (brief note)
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers IX: Stephen Lushington' (1996) 4 ELJ 556-565
- 'On Taking Silk: 1594 to 1996' (1996) Inner Temple Yearbook 1996-97, pp. 42-51 (8 illus.)
- 'Editing the Sources of English Legal History 1800-1996' (1996) 37 Bulletin de la Commission Royale pour la publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique 71-85.
- 'Famous English Canon Lawyers X: Sir Robert Phillimore' (1997) 4 ELJ 709-719.
- 'Edward Heath at the Inner Temple, 1629-31' (1997) Inner Temple Yearbook 1997/98, pp. 75-76.
- 'The Three Languages of the Common Law' (1998) 43 McGill LJ 5-24; slightly abridged Japanese translation by K. Asaji and S. Naoe in (1998) 65 Hosei Kenkyu (Kyushu University Journal of Law and Politics) 579-612
- 'The Remains of Clifford's Inn' (1998) Inner Temple Year Book 1998/99, p. 65.
- 'Why the History of English Law has not been Finished' (2000) 59 CLJ 62-84 (reprinted with slight emendations from the pamphlet).
- 'The Inns of Chancery' (2000) Inner Temple Year Book 2000/01, pp. 56-59 (which is full of misprints)
- 'Christmas in the Medieval Inns of Court and Chancery' (2001) Inner Temple Yearbook 2001/02, pp. 96-98
- 'The Ancient and Honourable Society of Gray's Inn' (Millennium Lecture) (2001) 113 Graya 39-62
- letter to the editor [on the use of oaths] (2002) 6 EccLJ 286-288
- ''Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street' (2002) Inner Temple Yearbook 2002/3, pp. **
- 'Roman Law at the Third University of England' (2002) 55 CLP 123-150.
- 'Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Renaissance England' (2004) Northwestern Univ. Jnl of International Human Rights 24-40.
- 'The Earliest Serjeants' Rings' (2004) Inner Temple Yearbook 2004/5, pp. **
- 'Migrations of Manuscripts Index 1992 - 2004' (2005) 26 JLH 325 - 363
- 'A Charter for Despots' [editor's title] (2006) 10 Parliamentary Brief, no. 5, pp. 7-9
- 'From Lovedays to ADR: Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in England 1066-1800' (2006) 3 Transnational Dispute Management 1-14
- 'Nomonumismatics' (2006) Inner Temple Year Book 2006/7, pp. 39-45
- 'The Inn of the Outer Temple' (2008) 124 LQR 384-387
- 'English Legal Philately' (2008) Inner Temple Year Book 2008/9, pp. 134-5
- 'Books of Entries' (2006) 41 Irish Jurist 1-19 (publ. Dec. 2008)
- 'Our Unwritten Constitution' [Maccabean Lecture on Jurisprudence] (2011) 167 PBA 91-117 (first posted on the British Academy's website in 2010, issued in print in 2012). Privately printed in 2010 as a separate pamphlet, with the same pagination.
- 'The Inner Temple and the Royal Family' in Inner Temple Yearbook 2011/12, pp. 98-100.
- 'Herbert Rowse Armstrong TD, MA (1869-1922)' (2014) St Catharine's Magazine 108-112.
- 'The Rule of Law in English Legal History' [translated into Chinese] (2015) 1 Economic and Social History Review 30-42.
- 'The Earliest Armorial Harness Pendants' (2015) 11 The Coat of Arms (3rd series), no. 29, pp. 1-24, and plates 1-2.
- ‘A Royal Visit to the Temple in 1578’ (2017) 133 LQR 535-7.
- ‘Law Reporting in England 1550-1650’ (2017) 45 International Jnl of Legal Information 209-18
- ‘Stroud Francis Charles Milsom 1923-2016’ (2017) 16 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy 333-60; reprinted for distribution to members of the Selden Society (2019).
- Milsom, Stroud Francis Charles (Toby) (1923-2016) ODNB - Published online: 09 January 2020.
Booklets and Pamphlets
- Catalogue of an Exhibition of Legal Costume at the Royal Courts of Justice (1974). [2nd edn, by Judge Cooke, 2004.]
- Cambridge Legal History Conference. Handlist of the Exhibition of English Legal Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library (1975)
- Sir Matthew Hale 1609-1676. Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Old Hall, Lincoln's Inn (1976)
- A History of English Judges' Robes (1978) reprinted from Costume
- Catalogue of an Exhibition in St Catharine's College on the Occasion of a Visit by H.M. The Queen (1981)
- Introduction to Doctor and Student (Gryphon Editions Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, 1988), reprinted in The Legal Classics Library. 26 pp.
- The Third University of England. The inns of court and the common-law tradition (1990, issued to members Jan. 1992), Selden Society lecture. 54 pp. <ISBN 0 85423 164 1>
- The Inner Temple: a brief historical description (1991). Inner Temple (privately printed), 32 pp.
- 750 Years of Law at Cambridge (1996). Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge. 24 pp.
- Why the History of English Law has not been Finished: an inaugural lecture delivered in the Law School on 14 October 1998 (C.U.P., 1999). 32 pp. [Reprinted in 59 CLJ 62-84] [Japanese translation published at pp. 107-133 of a Japanese journal, May 2000.]
- Legal Education in London 1250-1850 (2007, issued to members 2008), Selden Soc. lecture. 48 pp. <ISBN 085423 215 X>
Book Reviews
- Wiswall, Development of Admiralty Jurisdiction: 30 CLJ 181-183 (1972)
- Prest, Inns of Court 1590-1640: 30 CLJ 348-349 (1972)
- Treitel, Law of Contract (3rd ed): 11 JSPTL 110-112 (1972)
- Cheney, Notaries Public in England: 88 LQR 569-571 (1972)
- Davies, Catalogue of MSS in the Inner Temple: 89 LQR 424-429 (1973)
- Abbott, Law Reporting in England: 33 CLJ 156-159 (1974)
- Sutherland, Assize of Novel Disseisin: 33 CLJ 159-161 (1974)
- Langbein, Prosecuting Crime in the Renaissance: 91 EHR 192-193 (1976)
- Simpson, History of the Common Law of Contract, and Stoljar, History of Contract at Common Law: 21 AJLH 335-341 (1977)
- Langbein, Torture and the Law of Proof: 22 AJLH 337-340 (1978)
- Stone & Rothwell, Anglo-Norman Dictionary (1st fasc.): 38 CLJ 211-212
- Yale, Hale's Prerogatives of the King: 47 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 70-71
- Smith, Academic Dress and Insignia: 13 Costume 87-88
- Atiyah, Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract: 43 MLR 467-469 (1980)
- Bellamy, Tudor Law of Treason: 24 AJLH 275-276 (1980)
- Jenkins & Owen, Welsh Law of Women: 1 Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 99-100 (1981)
- Ives, The Common Lawyers in pre-Reformation England: 43 CLJ 180-182 (1984)
- Munsche, Gentlemen and Poachers: 50 Jo. Mod. Hist. 135-136 (1984)
- King's Inns Admission Papers: 7 Jo. Soc. Archiv. 542-543 (1985)
- Matthews, William Sheppard: 45 CLJ 321-322 (1986)
- Prest, Rise of the Barristers: 46 CLJ 160-161 (1987)
- Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England: 102 EHR 430-432 (1987)
- Cockburn, Calendar of Assize Records Introduction: 7 Crim. Just. Hist. 176-179 (1987)
- Helmholz, Canon Law and the Law of England: 47 CLJ 304-305 (1988)
- Curley ed., A Course of Lectures on the English Law by Sir Robert Chambers: 7 Law & Hist. Rev. 387-389 (1989)
- Herrup, The Common Peace: 34 AJLH 191-193 (1990)
- Cockburn & Green, Twelve Good Men and True: 106 EHR 998-999 (1991)
- Bell & Rosevear, Guide to the Legal Manuscripts in the New Brunswick Museum: 12 JLH 164 (1991)
- Hines, English Legal History. A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature: 12 JLH 164-165 (1991)
- Kenny, King's Inns and the Kingdom of Ireland: 110 EHR 741-742 (1995)
- Donahue, The Records of the Medieval Ecclesiastical Courts: 47 Jnl Eccles Hist 166 (1996)
- Horwitz, Chancery Equity Records and Proceedings 1600-1800: 18 Jnl Soc Archivists 117 (1997)
- Osborough ed., Explorations in Law and History: 113 EHR 172-173 (1998)
- Helmholz et al. ed., The Privilege against Self-Incrimination: 114 EHR 282-3 (1999).
Invited Lectures[1]
- 'The Dark Age of English Legal History', 1st British Legal History Conference, Aberystwyth, July 1972.
- 'Sir Edward Coke and the Four Ps', Univ. Sheffield, 21 March 1974.
- 'Readings in Gray's Inn', Gray's Inn hall, 20 Nov. 1979.
- 'Sir Edward Coke and the Four Ps', U.E.A., Norwich, 11 Dec. 1980.
- 'English Law and the Renaissance', University of Chicago Law School, 1983. Repeated at UCLA.
- 'The Changing Concept of a Court', Citadel Inn of Court, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, 21 March 1983.
- 'Sources of English Legal History', Huntington Library, San Marino, 8 July 1983.
- 'English Law and the Renaissance', Univ. Edinburgh, 1983 or 1984.
- 'English Law and the Renaissance', Ford Special Lecture, Oxford, 4 May 1984.
- 'Dr Thomas Fastolf and the History of Law Reporting', 7th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Cambridge, 23 July 1984.
- 'Early Tudor Law Reports and the Plea Rolls', Conference on British Legal MSS, Chicago, 5 April 1986
- 'Directions of Research in English Legal History: uncovering the raw material', Institute of State and Law, Moscow, April 1988.
- 'The Third University of England', Selden Society, Lincoln's Inn hall, 4 July 1990.
- 'Personal Liberty under the Common Law 1200-1600', Center for the History of Freedom, St Louis, Missouri, Sept. 1991.
- 'The Degree of Barrister', Gray's Inn hall, 21 Jan. 1992.
- Northampton Lectures, City University, 1992.
- 'Legal Education in the early Inns of Court', The Crotty Lecture, Huntington Library, San Marino, 14 April 1993.
- 'The Superior Courts in England 1450-1800', Gesellschaft für Reichskammergerichtsforschung, Wetzlar, 13 May 1993.
- 'Some Early Newgate Reports', 11th British Legal History Conference, Exeter, 9 July 1993.
- 'Law and Politics under Henry VIII: opportunism, heraldry and the contingent remainder', UEA School of History Research Seminar, Norwich, 28 Nov. 1995. Repeated at Lancaster University, 2 Feb. 1996.
- 'English Equity and the Constitution', Valparaiso University Law School, Cambridge Conference, 2 July 1996. [Attended by Justice Thomas, US Supreme Court.]
- Virginia State Bar Association, Cambridge Conference, 22-26 July 1996.
- Pennsylvania State Bar Association, Cambridge, 23 July 1996.
- 'The Three Languages of English Law', Faculty of Law of McGill University, Montreal, under the auspices of the Selden Society (Canada), 12 September 1996.
- Loyola University Law School, Los Angeles, 20 Sept. 1996.
- Department of History, University of Durham, 5 Dec. 1996.
- 'Westminster Hall', Palace of Westminster, 17 June 1997.
- British Legal History Conference, Cambridge, 2 July 1997.
- Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Cambridge, 21 July 1997.
- Pennsylvania State Bar Association, Cambridge, 25 July 1997.
- Georgetown University Law School, Washington DC, 26 Sept. 1997.
- Tokyo University, Japan, 8 April 1998.
- Doshisha University, Japan, 10 April 1998.
- Kansai University, Japan, 11 April 1998.
- Palaeography seminar, Kyushu University, Japan, 13 April 1998.
- Niigata University Law Faculty, Japan, 16 April 1998.
- Japan Legal History Assn Conference, Niigata, 18 April 1998.
- 'English Law and the Renaissance', English Law and Literature Conference, Wolfson College, Oxford, 1 July 1998.
- Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Cambridge, 21-22 July 1998.
- Pennsylvania State Bar Association, Cambridge, 24 July 1998.
- 'United and Knit to the Imperial Crown', Irish Legal History Society, Queen's University, Belfast, 23 Oct. 1998.
- 'Authentic Testimony? Fact and Law in Legal Records', British Records Association, London, 1 Dec. 1998.
- Manchester Metropolitan University, 24 March 1999.
- Pennsylvania State Bar Association, Cambridge, July 1999.
- University of Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1999.
- 'Written and Oral Learning in the Medieval and Renaissance Inns of Court', Glasgow University, 2 Dec. 1999.
- '750 Years of Law Teaching at Cambridge', ABA Section of International Law, Christ's College, Cambridge, 14 July 2000.
- Pennsylvania State Bar Association, Cambridge, 19 July 2000.
- 'Rights and the Rule of Law in Renaissance England', School of Advanced Study Univ. London/Northwestern Law School: conference on Human Rights Law, London, 24 July 2000.
- 'The Ancient and Honourable Society of Gray's Inn', Gray's Inn Millennium Lecture (the other two lecturers in the series being Lord Slynn of Hadley and Lord Bingham of Cornhill), 10 Oct. 2000.
- 'The Law's Two Bodies', Clarendon Lectures, University of Oxford, 31 Oct. and 1 Nov. 2000.
- 'The Proctors', Cambridge Society, 6 April 2001.
- 'The Early History of the Middle Temple', Middle Temple Historical Society, 8 May 2001.
- Wise-Cohen Lecture, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, 10 September 2001
- 'John Rastell and the Terms of the Law', University of Texas at Austin, 8 Dec. 2001.
- 'Roman Law at the The Third University of England', J. A. C. Thomas Lecture, UCL, 21 March 2002.
- 'The Law's Two Bodies', Arizona State University, 20 Sept. 2002.
- 'The Commemoration of Benefactors', University Sermon (as Lady Margaret's Preacher), 3 Nov. 2002.
- Virginia Trial Lawyers, Emmanuel College, 7-8 July 2003.
- 'Human Rights in English Legal History', inaugural lecture, Center for Law and History, Washington & Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia, 11 Sept. 2003. [On video.]
- 'Adventures in Legal History', Boston University, 26 Sept. 2003.
- 'Legal Education in the Medieval Inns of Court', Manchester Univ., March 2004.
- 'The Constitutional Revolution', St Catharine's College, April 2004. Repeated for 'Polynous', Cambridge, May or June 2004; and for the Monday Club, at the Palace of Westminster, Nov. 2004.
- 'The History of English Criminal Law', Virginia State Bar, Cambridge, 5 July 2004.
- 'Legal Education in the Medieval Inns of Court', Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York, 14 Sept. 2004.
- 'Legal Education in London 1250-1850', Selden Society Lecture, UCL, 4 July 2005.
- 'Origins of the Common Law and the Legal Profession', Virginia State Bar, Cambridge, 11 July 2005.
- 'Genealogy from Legal Records', CUHAGS, 2005/6
- 'Why Study Legal History?', NUI, Galway, 10 March 2006.
- 'Legal Education at the Inns of Court', Niigata/Kyushu Universities Meeting, Inner Temple, 13 March 2006.
- 'The Common Law', Niigata/Kyushu Universities Meeting, Cambridge, 7 August 2006.
- 'The Third University 1450-1550: Law School or Finishing School?' Courtauld Institute, London (conference on the inns of court: keynote address), 14 Sept. 2006.
- [arbitration 2006 – printed]
- 'Legal Costume on Monumental Brasses', Tower of London (Monumental Brass Society), 24 Feb. 2007.
- 'The Constitutional Revolution', Magdalen College Oxford, 23 Oct. 2008.
- 'Forty Years of Doing Legal History', 10th British Legal History Conference, Exeter, 9 July 2009 (keynote address).
- 'Our Unwritten Constitution', British Academy, Maccabean Lecture in Jurisprudence, 24 Nov. 2009. Audio recording on Academy website, March 2010.
- 'Delivering Enduring Change' (organisers' title for session), opening address, Constitution Society, at 1 Birdcage Walk, London, 2 Feb. 2010.
- 'The Drafting of Legislation', given to a conference held by the Better Government Initiative and the Constitution Society, 2 Carlton Gardens, London, 22 April 2010.
- 'The Legal History Nobody Knows', the Neill Lecture, All Souls College, Oxford, 24 Feb. 2012. Repeated, in amended versions, at Boston College, 1 Nov. 2012; Gray's Inn Historical Society (inaugural meeting), 2013; and as the opening lecture of the Cambridge Centre for English Legal History, Dec. 2013.
- 'The History and Influence of the English Inns of Court', American Temple Inn of Court, Philadelphia, 14 Nov. 2012.
- 'The Birth of the Common Law', City College, New York, 29 Nov. 2012.
- 'Academic and Legal Costume on Monumental Brasses', Monumental Brass Society, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 14 April 2013.
- 'Horse Harness Pendants and the Origins of Armory', Ariano Castle, Italy, Sept. 2013.
- 'Late Medieval and Early Modern Prosopography', London School of Economics, 18 Feb. 2014.
- 'Lawyers, Historians and Legal History', Trinity Hall, 18 March 2014.
- 'Herbert Rowse Armstrong', Freshfields (St Catharine's College Luncheon Club), 7 May 2014.
- 'Magna Carta and Personal Liberty', Inner Temple, 7 June 2014.
- 'Some Elizabethan Marriage Cases', Inner Temple, 9 July 2014.
- 'The Taussig Collection', Yale Law School, 3 Oct. 2014.
- 'Magna Carta: Statute or Myth?', St Catharine's College, Cambridge, 24 Nov. 2014. Repeated, Trinity Hall, 20 Jan. 2015.
- 'Magna Carta: the Emergence of the Myth', St Andrews University, 2 April 2015.
- 'Magna Carta: The Beginning of the Myth', British Legal History Conference, on the River Thames near Runnymead, 8 July 2015. Repeated, Sidney Sussex College, 17 Nov. 2015.
- 'Sir Edward Coke and Magna Carta', The Sir Edward Coke Memorial Lecure, Stoke Poges, 14 July 2015.
- 'The Reinvention of Magna Carta 1216-1616', American Inns of Court Foundation, Washington, D.C., 23 October 2015.
- 'Magna Carta and the Templars 1215-1628', Inner Temple, 23 November 2015.
- 'The Curious Case of Mr Trull', Chartered Institute of Taxation, Artillery Row, London, 9 February 2016.
- ‘1616: “A Year Consecrate to Justice”’, St Andrews University, 28 June 2016.
- ‘Law Reporting in England 1550-1650’, Keble College, Oxford (International Association of Law Librarians Conference), 1 Aug. 2016.
- ‘1616: The Dismissal of Sir Edward Coke’, Irish Legal History Society, Lord Chief Justice’s Court, Belfast, 20 Oct. 2016.
- ‘The Dismissal of Sir Edward Coke in November 1616’, Inner Temple, 22 Nov. 2016.
- ‘Criminal Law and the Church around 1517’, St Mary’s Church, Oxford, 25 Oct. 2017.
- ‘The Carta de Foresta 1217’, Temple Church, 30 Oct. 2017.
- ‘Magna Carta’, Supreme Court (conference of Dutch women lawyers), 19 Jan. 2018.
- ‘The Regulation of Advocacy in Medieval and Early Modern England’, University of Turku, Finland, 28 May 2018.
- ‘Collecting the Law’, The Bibliophiles, Peterhouse, 23 Jan. 2019.
- ‘Costs as a Topic of Legal History’, New College, Oxford, 12 Feb. 2019.
- ‘The Progress of Legal Education in England’, Department of Legal Science, University of Verona, 26 March 2019.
- ‘English Law under Elizabeth I’ (Hamlyn Lecture I), Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 19 Nov. 2019.
- ‘The Age of Common Law and the Age of Statute?’ (Hamlyn Lecture II), University of Reading, 21 Nov. 2019.
- ‘The Elizabethan Inheritance’ (Hamlyn Lecture III), Chancellor’s Hall, Senate House, University of London, 28 Nov. 2019.
- [1] Incomplete before 1996, when the full list was started.