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Wednesday, 12 September 2007

The Squire Law Library is pleased to announce that the 'Squire Archive' is now live on the University of Cambridge Janus repository. This project represents the Squire Library's first foray into the art of electronic archiving.

The Janus-based Squire Archive (Reference GBR/3207/SQL) provides a catalogue of the papers of the late Professor Kurt Lipstein (1909 - 2006). This has been prepared by Dr Richard Flower of Sidney Sussex College and has been made possible by generous funding from Clare College, where Professor Lipstein was a fellow for more than fifty years.

The database of c. 1800 items can be accessed and searched using the online Janus portal.  The physical collection, which is stored on the third floor of the Squire Library, contains several thousand individual documents.

Researchers wishing to examine these original materials should contact Lesley Dingle on Tel: 01223 330083, E-mail:
