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Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Image of the Official Publications LibGuideCambridge University Libraries hold a vast amount of UK and international official publications across the libraries. Examples include government and parliamentary papers, diplomatic papers, manifestos, census data, statistics and reports produced by inter-governmental bodies.

We have created a LibGuide (an electronic library guide) to help students and researchers find useful resources. The LibGuide points to where various print resources are held, what is freely available on the internet and the extensive resources held within library subscription databases.

Official Publications are frequently required by law students and legal researchers so we hope this LibGuide will be particularly useful for Squire Law Library users.

The Official Publications LibGuide is one of 68 LibGuides produced by Cambridge librarians that are an invaluable starting point when accessing a new subject area (ranging from Architecture to Zoology) or seeking more information about tools (ranging from e-books to Zotero).
